Post by Maciej WozniakTAI, UTC, zone times - are they "times"
or not? Are they "what clocks indicate"?
Yes, that is what a time is. A coordinate;
your idiot idiot guru was correct about it.
A coordinate is a humen arbitrary system
of assigning numbers to "points". A
coordinate is not any fucken manifestation
of any fucken Great Mystical Essence.
On that, we agree.
Time is what watches tell.
Now, there is ANOTHER THING: the notion of internal chronotropy.
It is not what the watches indicate, it is the way in which the watches
behave reciprocally with each other, according to the only reciprocal
equation To=Tr/sqrt(1-Vo²/c²) which ONLY depends on the speed , and
which is also called the Lorentz factor.
This is what we should call the “reciprocal dilation of chronotropy”
and not the dilation of durations.
It is absolutely fundamental to understand that they are not the same
thing. Duration does not mean chronotropy, although duration depends on
chonotropy, but only in part.
Let's take the simple example of a man who asks his watchmaker to make him
a watch that beats twice as fast (this is chronotropy), and he times
himself over a hundred meters, this is the duration, This is what the
watch will indicate.
Duration: this depends on chronotropy, but also on the ROUTE.
The other part, in relativity, is the notion of first degree anisochrony,
and which is validated by the equation Tapp=To.(1+cosµ.Vo/c)
It is terrible to see that all of humanity seems to get confused in a
concept which should nevertheless be basic once stated.