Post by LaurenceClarkCrossenRoss: Well, thanks, but then Einstein is spouting gibberish because you
must be taken to be saying Einstein claimed time dilation is caused by
"spatial." In any case, all of it is stupid and ignorant pseudoscience
that you retail in your gibberish or Einstein's gibberish. Ross, come
out of it!!! Come to your senses.
It's appreciated to be sensible, yet it's length-contraction &
time-dilation only together what make space-contraction, and
clocks only slow or meet, that FitzGerald is to whom is
accredited space-contraction, who also has a lot going on
with the relation to the electromagnetic developments of
Faraday, Heaviside, Larmor, and Maxwell, then as with regards
to SR-ians and GR-ians that Einstein resulted a GR-ian like
other sensible people.
See, this still can make for a theory where the linear is
yet Galilean as its own Lorentzian with "frame-dragging"
being real enough the space-frames and frame-spaces,
and the "turning worlds" those where all things orbit
each other as much as track the geodesy - which of course
is undefined its curvature per Space-Time at all and
"is what it is", in GR - that massy bodies are mostly space -
then while also the rotational is the more usually Lorentzian,
and its SR-ian magnetic moments are as so associated with
it that way, the space-contraction is in it, as with regards
to notions of DesCartes and Kelvin the vorticial, the,
"un-linear", with regards to the linear.
Which is always nominally non-zero, ....
So, this speaks to some of what you note as perceived deficiencies
in the theory, while making a better one - of course the mathematics
has its own work to do to get improved when 0 m/s = infinity s/m.