Relativity and the nature of light. Waves or particles?
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2024-10-15 20:52:20 UTC
This is a comparison of einstenian and newtonian kinematics. In the
moving frame, the distance (0, x') is measured from an observer at the
origin of the frame at rest.

CASE: Light moving from 0 to x' in the moving frame.

Einstein SR. Light behave as wave, and c is the maximun speed.

c (t₁ - t₀) = c Δt₁₀ = v Δt₁₀ + x' ; PERCEIVED by observer at rest (no
speed addition).
(c - v) Δt₁₀ = x' ; Δt₁₀ = x'/(c - v) ; Mathematical time dilation
(by calculation).
c Δτ₁₀ = c (τ₁ - τ₀) = x' ; Δτ₁₀ = x'/c ; MEASURED by observer in the
moving frame

Δt₁₀ and Δτ₁₀ are different and depend on the observer location.


Newton. Light behave as corpuscles (photons?). It's allowed c + v

(c + v) Δt₁₀ = v Δt₁₀ + x' ; PERCEIVED by observer at rest (addition of
(c + v) Δt₁₀ - v Δt₁₀ = x' ; Δt₁₀ = x'/c ; No time dilation (by
c Δτ₁₀ = x' ; Δτ₁₀ = x'/c ; MEASURED by observer in the moving frame

Δt₁₀ and Δτ₁₀ are equal for observers at rest or moving at v speed.


In astronomy (Cassini, others), there are evidences that radar-ranging
experiments with Venus and Mars, the speed of light is added to the
speed v (between Earth and these planets). Known since 1965.

That c+v is possible destroys relativity and cosmology, as Hubble's
results have to be RE-INTERPRETED.

It's hard for relativists to accept this, as 110 years of lies with
einstenian physics COLLAPSE completely.
Richard Hachel
2024-10-15 23:03:42 UTC
Post by rhertz
It's hard for relativists to accept this, as 110 years of lies with
einstenian physics COLLAPSE completely.
It's not 110 years, but 120 years.

And I won't use the word lie.

Misinterpretation of the Poincaré-Lorentz transformations, which we might
not have found until decades later without Poincaré...

It's not that the theory of relativity is wrong, it's that it's so badly
taught that, on some points, it's downright horrible, and even completely

"A terrible thing has happened, and everything is nothing but
falsifications, but men like it that way".
Word of God to the prophet I don't know who...

2024-10-15 23:31:34 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by rhertz
It's hard for relativists to accept this, as 110 years of lies with
einstenian physics COLLAPSE completely.
It's not 110 years, but 120 years.
And I won't use the word lie.
Misinterpretation of the Poincaré-Lorentz transformations, which we might not
have found until decades later without Poincaré...
It's not that the theory of relativity is wrong, it's that it's so badly taught
that, on some points, it's downright horrible, and even completely wrong.
"A terrible thing has happened, and everything is nothing but falsifications,
but men like it that way".
Word of God to the prophet I don't know who...
On a French group you pretend not to care about convincing your
fellow cranks. Given that you've never convince even a SINGLE one .

Here you are desperately trying to do so. Repeatedly.

How come :-) ?
Richard Hachel
2024-10-16 12:38:57 UTC
Post by Python
On a French group you pretend not to care about convincing your
fellow cranks. Given that you've never convince even a SINGLE one .
Here you are desperately trying to do so. Repeatedly.
How come :-) ?
I don't know.

We have to ask them.

Why are you so crazy?

But if you ask a Pauline to explain grace to us by the substantiation of
Jesus Christ, he won't know; and he'll either act like a monkey and answer
that it's a mystery and that those who tickle mysteries go to hell.

If you ask a Muslim if he's sane to believe in a God of love and peace who
demands to disgorge Jews and Christians and to beat his wife, he'll take
out his knife.

If you ask a physicist, even a Nobel Prize winner, why his relativistic
system doesn't hold up, and enters into absurdity and contradiction if we
multiply a time by a speed and the result in distance is like 9*4=7.2;
he'll become mean, very mean, and will demand "eradication of the crank",
if not its physical or professional elimination.

If you ask many French people what they think or thought about Saddam
Hussein, Putin, they will tell you that "Saddam Hussein was a bad guy who
wanted to invade the world by throwing white powder on it to make it die
en masse", "that it was good to bomb Iraq en masse and kill 500,000
children because it was worth it", "That the Russians invaded the
Russian-speaking territories of Crimea and Donbas to eat babies cooked
alive in Vodka, and that Russia must be atomized because they are bad guys
who do not want to give their resources of the soil and the subsoil (the
largest in the world in all)".

No, I do not know.

Ask them.

2024-10-17 13:23:09 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Python
On a French group you pretend not to care about convincing your
fellow cranks. Given that you've never convince even a SINGLE one .
Here you are desperately trying to do so. Repeatedly.
How come :-) ?
I don't know.
We have to ask them.
Why are you so crazy?
But if you ask a Pauline to explain grace to us by the substantiation of Jesus
Christ, he won't know; and he'll either act like a monkey and answer that it's a
mystery and that those who tickle mysteries go to hell.
Post by Richard Hachel
If you ask a Muslim if he's sane to believe in a God of love and peace who
demands to disgorge Jews and Christians and to beat his wife, he'll take out his
Post by Richard Hachel
If you ask a physicist, even a Nobel Prize winner, why his relativistic system
doesn't hold up, and enters into absurdity and contradiction if we multiply a time
by a speed and the result in distance is like 9*4=7.2; he'll become mean, very
mean, and will demand "eradication of the crank", if not its physical or
professional elimination.
Completely false. The theory does not imply that 9*4 = 7.2. Moreover I
have shown why
proper_time * apparent_speed =/= distance. This is not calling for
"eradication of the
crank [you]". A sound answer is not a call to assassination. You have a
very thin skin.
Like your fellow crook Donald J. Trump by the way.
Post by Richard Hachel
If you ask many French people what they think or thought about Saddam Hussein,
Putin, they will tell you that "Saddam Hussein was a bad guy who wanted to invade
the world by throwing white powder on it to make it die en masse", "that it was
good to bomb Iraq en masse and kill 500,000 children because it was worth it",
"That the Russians invaded the Russian-speaking territories of Crimea and Donbas
to eat babies cooked alive in Vodka, and that Russia must be atomized because they
are bad guys who do not want to give their resources of the soil and the subsoil
(the largest in the world in all)".
Unrelated (and a bunch of lies, a huge majority of French people won't say
Post by Richard Hachel
No, I do not know.
I do. Most cranks are not cranky enough to not recognize your claims
as incoherent garbage.
Richard Hachel
2024-10-17 15:52:33 UTC
Post by Python
Completely false. The theory does not imply that 9*4 = 7.2
Bien sur que si.

Prenons juste le retour, mais on peut le faire avec l'aller si tu veux,
c'est pareil.

Quel est le temps propre de Stella?
Tout le monde affirme que tau=9 ans.

Tr=9ans, chez Hachel, c'est pareil.

A quelle vitesse voit-elle la terre revenir vers elle?
A la même vitesse apparente que la réciproque pour Terrence Vapp=4c.

Tu peux pousser de grands cris ça n'y changera rien.

On va dire, ça ne cadre plus, il y a un paradoxe, et pareil pour l'aller

Comment tu places D=Vapp.Tr ?

C'est absurde si tu poses x=7.2 et non 36 au retour, et 4 à l'aller.

Bref si tu te contente de l'équation fausse de la contraction absolue
des longueurs et des distances, et non de leur élasticité relative.

La véritable équation est inscrite dans le marbre et sur les fondements
de l'univers :
Et c'est pas l'=l.sqrt(1-v²/c²)

C'est juste pour un observateur neutre et transversal ça.

Ca n'a pas à intervenir (au risque de commettre une bourde énorme) dans
un Langevin où les deux protagoniste s'éloignent puis reviennent en
ligne droite.

Encore que tu puisses imaginer un gigantesque cercle, puis faire
l'intégration de tous les segments
selon l'angle µ variant à chaque instant.

Ca revient au même.

2024-10-17 15:56:41 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Python
Completely false. The theory does not imply that 9*4 = 7.2
Bien sur que si.
Prenons juste le retour, mais on peut le faire avec l'aller si tu veux, c'est
Quel est le temps propre de Stella?
Tout le monde affirme que tau=9 ans.
Tr=9ans, chez Hachel, c'est pareil.
A quelle vitesse voit-elle la terre revenir vers elle?
A la même vitesse apparente que la réciproque pour Terrence Vapp=4c.
Tu peux pousser de grands cris ça n'y changera rien.
On va dire, ça ne cadre plus, il y a un paradoxe, et pareil pour l'aller
Comment tu places D=Vapp.Tr ?
C'est absurde si tu poses x=7.2 et non 36 au retour, et 4 à l'aller.
Bref si tu te contente de l'équation fausse de la contraction absolue des
longueurs et des distances, et non de leur élasticité relative.
La véritable équation est inscrite dans le marbre et sur les fondements de
Et c'est pas l'=l.sqrt(1-v²/c²)
C'est juste pour un observateur neutre et transversal ça.
Ca n'a pas à intervenir (au risque de commettre une bourde énorme) dans un
Langevin où les deux protagoniste s'éloignent puis reviennent en ligne droite.
Encore que tu puisses imaginer un gigantesque cercle, puis faire l'intégration
de tous les segments
selon l'angle µ variant à chaque instant.
Ca revient au même.
I won't reply to a French message posted on a English speaking group
denotes a complete lack of respect of the audience).

Moreover I've already answered here and there.
Richard Hachel
2024-10-17 15:57:46 UTC
Post by Python
I do. Most cranks are not cranky enough to not recognize your claims
as incoherent garbage.
Il faut que j'attende l'avis des cranks pour publier ce que j'ai à dire?

Déjà que les grands pontes sont dépassés, alors les cranks...

Pas sur que ça me coûte beaucoup d'encre, sinon...

2024-10-17 16:05:44 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Python
I do. Most cranks are not cranky enough to not recognize your claims
as incoherent garbage.
Il faut que j'attende l'avis des cranks pour publier ce que j'ai à dire?
I didn't say that. This is not my point.

You've convinced nobody, not even cranks.
Richard Hachel
2024-10-17 16:15:22 UTC
Post by Python
I didn't say that. This is not my point.
You've convinced nobody, not even cranks.
Ne pas convaincre les cinglés n'est pas une preuve d'erreur scientifique.

Ne pas convaincre les grands pontes de la physique moderne non plus,

Les cinglés sont excusables, ils sont cinglés.

Les autres le sont moins, ils sont malhonnêtes.

Dans un monde normalement constitué, on devrait dire "Monsieur, ce que
vous dites est intéressant, et, en effet, beaucoup de choses paraissent
davantage logiques à la façon dont vous les traitez".

Or, les réponses sont plutôt du style, depuis quarante ans (et pas qu'en
science relativiste, d'ailleurs, mais aussi en criminologie, en
théologie, en politologie) : "Monsieur, vous nous empêchez de tourner en
rond, et cela est très déplaisant"

Ca se passe comme ça, chez Mac Donald's.

2024-10-17 20:44:39 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Python
I didn't say that. This is not my point.
You've convinced nobody, not even cranks.
Ne pas convaincre les cinglés n'est pas une preuve d'erreur scientifique.
Ne pas convaincre les grands pontes de la physique moderne non plus, d'ailleurs.
I didn't say that it is a proof, but a sing.
Post by Richard Hachel
Les cinglés sont excusables, ils sont cinglés.
So, according to you, Wozniak, Heger, etc. are mad?
Post by Richard Hachel
Les autres le sont moins, ils sont malhonnêtes.
No we are not. We spotted flaws in *your* claims. This is
the opposite of dishonesty.

You have shown, repeatedly, dishonest behavior. Including
faking quotes of living and deceased people.
Post by Richard Hachel
Dans un monde normalement constitué, on devrait dire "Monsieur, ce que vous
dites est intéressant, et, en effet, beaucoup de choses paraissent davantage
logiques à la façon dont vous les traitez".
Or, les réponses sont plutôt du style, depuis quarante ans (et pas qu'en
science relativiste, d'ailleurs, mais aussi en criminologie, en théologie, en
politologie) : "Monsieur, vous nous empêchez de tourner en rond, et cela est
très déplaisant"
Ca se passe comme ça, chez Mac Donald's.
Not at all. Your claims are contradictory, ill-founded, in contradiction
experiments. You may not like it, but people are allowed to point this to

You egomania is pathetically pathological. You are not a genius, Richard.

You are a crook with mental illness and delusions of grandeur, an
behavior and very low integrity. That you've been exercising medicine is
Richard Hachel
2024-10-17 21:18:52 UTC
Post by Python
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Python
I didn't say that. This is not my point.
You've convinced nobody, not even cranks.
Ne pas convaincre les cinglés n'est pas une preuve d'erreur scientifique.
Ne pas convaincre les grands pontes de la physique moderne non plus, d'ailleurs.
I didn't say that it is a proof, but a sing.
Post by Richard Hachel
Les cinglés sont excusables, ils sont cinglés.
So, according to you, Wozniak, Heger, etc. are mad?
Post by Richard Hachel
Les autres le sont moins, ils sont malhonnêtes.
No we are not. We spotted flaws in *your* claims. This is
the opposite of dishonesty.
You have shown, repeatedly, dishonest behavior. Including
faking quotes of living and deceased people.
Post by Richard Hachel
Dans un monde normalement constitué, on devrait dire "Monsieur, ce que vous
dites est intéressant, et, en effet, beaucoup de choses paraissent davantage
logiques à la façon dont vous les traitez".
Or, les réponses sont plutôt du style, depuis quarante ans (et pas qu'en
science relativiste, d'ailleurs, mais aussi en criminologie, en théologie, en
politologie) : "Monsieur, vous nous empêchez de tourner en rond, et cela est très
Ca se passe comme ça, chez Mac Donald's.
Not at all. Your claims are contradictory, ill-founded, in contradiction with
experiments. You may not like it, but people are allowed to point this to
You egomania is pathetically pathological. You are not a genius, Richard.
You are a crook with mental illness and delusions of grandeur, an infantile
behavior and very low integrity. That you've been exercising medicine is
I answered your question by placing electromagnetic beeps in blue sent by
Terrence to his sister Stella.
We see perfect logic there.
If you don't know how to do it for Stella (according to your request in
I'll do it for you.
But don't come and tell me that you understand the theory of relativity
and that I'm an idiot.

I'll put the correspondences in blue for Terrence and the drawing that
goes with it.

I'll put the drawing for Stella, it's up to you to place the
correspondences in green, and to show me that you are the second man in
the history of humanity to master the principle.


Richard Hachel
2024-10-17 21:19:42 UTC
Post by Python
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Python
I didn't say that. This is not my point.
You've convinced nobody, not even cranks.
Ne pas convaincre les cinglés n'est pas une preuve d'erreur scientifique.
Ne pas convaincre les grands pontes de la physique moderne non plus, d'ailleurs.
I didn't say that it is a proof, but a sing.
Post by Richard Hachel
Les cinglés sont excusables, ils sont cinglés.
So, according to you, Wozniak, Heger, etc. are mad?
Post by Richard Hachel
Les autres le sont moins, ils sont malhonnêtes.
No we are not. We spotted flaws in *your* claims. This is
the opposite of dishonesty.
You have shown, repeatedly, dishonest behavior. Including
faking quotes of living and deceased people.
Post by Richard Hachel
Dans un monde normalement constitué, on devrait dire "Monsieur, ce que vous
dites est intéressant, et, en effet, beaucoup de choses paraissent davantage
logiques à la façon dont vous les traitez".
Or, les réponses sont plutôt du style, depuis quarante ans (et pas qu'en
science relativiste, d'ailleurs, mais aussi en criminologie, en théologie, en
politologie) : "Monsieur, vous nous empêchez de tourner en rond, et cela est très
Ca se passe comme ça, chez Mac Donald's.
Not at all. Your claims are contradictory, ill-founded, in contradiction with
experiments. You may not like it, but people are allowed to point this to
You egomania is pathetically pathological. You are not a genius, Richard.
You are a crook with mental illness and delusions of grandeur, an infantile
behavior and very low integrity. That you've been exercising medicine is
I answered your question by placing electromagnetic beeps in blue sent by
Terrence to his sister Stella.
We see perfect logic there.
If you don't know how to do it for Stella (according to your request in
I'll do it for you.
But don't come and tell me that you understand the theory of relativity
and that I'm an idiot.

I'll put the correspondences in blue for Terrence and the drawing that
goes with it.

I'll put the drawing for Stella, it's up to you to place the
correspondences in green, and to show me that you are the second man in
the history of humanity to master the principle.


2024-10-17 22:36:46 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Python
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Python
I didn't say that. This is not my point.
You've convinced nobody, not even cranks.
Ne pas convaincre les cinglés n'est pas une preuve d'erreur scientifique.
Ne pas convaincre les grands pontes de la physique moderne non plus, d'ailleurs.
I didn't say that it is a proof, but a sing.
Post by Richard Hachel
Les cinglés sont excusables, ils sont cinglés.
So, according to you, Wozniak, Heger, etc. are mad?
Post by Richard Hachel
Les autres le sont moins, ils sont malhonnêtes.
No we are not. We spotted flaws in *your* claims. This is
the opposite of dishonesty.
You have shown, repeatedly, dishonest behavior. Including
faking quotes of living and deceased people.
Post by Richard Hachel
Dans un monde normalement constitué, on devrait dire "Monsieur, ce que vous
dites est intéressant, et, en effet, beaucoup de choses paraissent davantage
logiques à la façon dont vous les traitez".
Or, les réponses sont plutôt du style, depuis quarante ans (et pas qu'en
science relativiste, d'ailleurs, mais aussi en criminologie, en théologie, en
politologie) : "Monsieur, vous nous empêchez de tourner en rond, et cela est très
Ca se passe comme ça, chez Mac Donald's.
Not at all. Your claims are contradictory, ill-founded, in contradiction with
experiments. You may not like it, but people are allowed to point this to
You egomania is pathetically pathological. You are not a genius, Richard.
You are a crook with mental illness and delusions of grandeur, an infantile
behavior and very low integrity. That you've been exercising medicine is
I answered your question by placing electromagnetic beeps in blue sent by
Terrence to his sister Stella.
We see perfect logic there.
If you don't know how to do it for Stella (according to your request in green)
I'll do it for you.
But don't come and tell me that you understand the theory of relativity and that
I'm an idiot.
I'll put the correspondences in blue for Terrence and the drawing that goes with
I'll put the drawing for Stella, it's up to you to place the correspondences in
green, and to show me that you are the second man in the history of humanity to
master the principle.
At a certain point, Stella sends a light signal to Terrence. Could you
circle in green on your drawing the event of the signal's emission and the
event of its reception, on the diagram where the x-axis = 0 represents
Terrence's position?

At a certain point, Terrence sends a light signal to Stella, who receives
it. Could you circle in blue on your drawing the event of the signal's
emission and the event of its reception, on the diagram where the x-axis =
0 represents Stella's position?

Athel Cornish-Bowden
2024-10-17 16:11:34 UTC
Post by Python
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Python
On a French group you pretend not to care about convincing your
fellow cranks. Given that you've never convince even a SINGLE one .
Here you are desperately trying to do so. Repeatedly.
How come :-) ?
I don't know.
We have to ask them.
Why are you so crazy?
But if you ask a Pauline to explain grace to us by the substantiation
of Jesus Christ, he won't know; and he'll either act like a monkey and
answer that it's a mystery and that those who tickle mysteries go to
Post by Richard Hachel
If you ask a Muslim if he's sane to believe in a God of love and peace
who demands to disgorge Jews and Christians and to beat his wife, he'll
take out his knife.
Post by Richard Hachel
If you ask a physicist, even a Nobel Prize winner, why his relativistic
system doesn't hold up, and enters into absurdity and contradiction if
we multiply a time by a speed and the result in distance is like
9*4=7.2; he'll become mean, very mean, and will demand "eradication of
the crank", if not its physical or professional elimination.
Completely false. The theory does not imply that 9*4 = 7.2. Moreover I
have shown why proper_time * apparent_speed =/= distance. This is not
calling for "eradication of the
crank [you]". A sound answer is not a call to assassination. You have a
very thin skin.
Like your fellow crook Donald J. Trump by the way.
Post by Richard Hachel
If you ask many French people what they think or thought about Saddam
Hussein, Putin, they will tell you that "Saddam Hussein was a bad guy
who wanted to invade the world by throwing white powder on it to make
it die en masse", "that it was good to bomb Iraq en masse and kill
500,000 children because it was worth it", "That the Russians invaded
the Russian-speaking territories of Crimea and Donbas to eat babies
cooked alive in Vodka, and that Russia must be atomized because they
are bad guys who do not want to give their resources of the soil and
the subsoil (the largest in the world in all)".
Unrelated (and a bunch of lies, a huge majority of French people won't
say that).
I guess you and I know know different samples of French people from
those that "Dr" Hachel knows. I have _never_ heard a French person
saying anything like that.
Post by Python
Post by Richard Hachel
No, I do not know.
I do. Most cranks are not cranky enough to not recognize your claims
as incoherent garbage.
athel -- biochemist, not a physicist, but detector of crackpots
2024-10-16 00:07:00 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by rhertz
It's hard for relativists to accept this, as 110 years of lies with
einstenian physics COLLAPSE completely.
It's not 110 years, but 120 years.
And I won't use the word lie.
Misinterpretation of the Poincaré-Lorentz transformations, which we might
not have found until decades later without Poincaré...
It's not that the theory of relativity is wrong, it's that it's so badly
taught that, on some points, it's downright horrible, and even
"A terrible thing has happened, and everything is nothing but
falsifications, but men like it that way".
Word of God to the prophet I don't know who...
You must have noticed that the OP is based on the Point 2 of the 1905
Einstein's paper. I didn't even go with Point 3, where Lorentz
transforms are wrongfully developed.

So, the question in the OP is pointing exactly at the CORE of SR. If at
such early part of the paper, the hypothesis of the 2nd. Postulate IS
WRONG, then the entire relativity collapses. Goodbye time dilation,
length contraction, relativistic mass of electrons, E=mc2, spacetime and
the entire body of GEOMETRY posing as physics, which is general

Just proving that the 2nd. Postulate IS FALSE, and that the speed of
light depends on the speed of the emitter IS ENOUGH.

Don't make things more complex than what they really are. Just ONE
initial hypothesis (2nd. Postulate) is all what's needed to make the
entire body of relativity A PILE OF CRAP (which is already, due to
highly dubious and CONTESTED experiments in the last 75 years).
Richard Hachel
2024-10-16 12:57:37 UTC
Post by rhertz
You must have noticed that the OP is based on the Point 2 of the 1905
Einstein's paper. I didn't even go with Point 3, where Lorentz
transforms are wrongfully developed.
So, the question in the OP is pointing exactly at the CORE of SR. If at
such early part of the paper, the hypothesis of the 2nd. Postulate IS
WRONG, then the entire relativity collapses. Goodbye time dilation,
length contraction, relativistic mass of electrons, E=mc2, spacetime and
the entire body of GEOMETRY posing as physics, which is general
Just proving that the 2nd. Postulate IS FALSE, and that the speed of
light depends on the speed of the emitter IS ENOUGH.
Don't make things more complex than what they really are. Just ONE
initial hypothesis (2nd. Postulate) is all what's needed to make the
entire body of relativity A PILE OF CRAP (which is already, due to
highly dubious and CONTESTED experiments in the last 75 years).
No, the second postulate is not false.

It is not, moreover, a postulate in the proper sense.

The postulate is anisochrony (I am currently writing a short article
which, if it is successful, which I doubt due to the construction and
blindness of my contemporaries), could be completed by other short
chapters to give a coherent whole on relativistic kinematics.

Anisochrony (relativity of simultaneity and impossibility of covering a
simple reference point with clocks synchronized WITH EACH OTHER) will then
lead by perfect deduction to the invariance of the TRANSVERSE speed of

It is therefore not a postulate but the consequence of another postulate
based on the experience of a physical impossibility of exceeding c, and
which has extended to all particles and laws of physics.

As for the speed of the source, it increases the energy perceived by the
receiver, like the speed of a petanque ball on a bell will increase the
power of the sound, without the speed of the sound wave increasing.

I gave the six corresponding equations recently on this forum,
showing the relativity of the electromagnetic wavelength and frequency as
a function of α, α',and µ.

2024-10-16 09:01:08 UTC
Post by rhertz
This is a comparison of einstenian and newtonian kinematics. In the
moving frame, the distance (0, x') is measured from an observer at the
origin of the frame at rest.
CASE: Light moving from 0 to x' in the moving frame.
Einstein SR. Light behave as wave, and c is the maximun speed.
Special Relativity means the theory presented in the first part of
Einstein's "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". That theory
says nothing about the nature of light. The only property of light
is its speed.

The second part of the article shows that the theory presented in the
first part is compatible with Maxwell's equations so that the two
theories can be used together, which is demomstrated by solving some
problems that way.
2024-10-17 01:29:26 UTC
On Wed, 16 Oct 2024 9:01:08 +0000, Mikko wrote:

Post by Mikko
Special Relativity means the theory presented in the first part of
Einstein's "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". That theory
says nothing about the nature of light. The only property of light
is its speed.

Read this part of "§ 2. On the Relativity of Lengths and Times":

"Let a ray of light depart from A at the time4 tA, let it be reflected
at B at the time tB, and reach A again at the time t'A. Taking into
consideration the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light we
find that ...."

Definition of RAY OF LIGHT (used for 300 years):
The light traveling in any one direction in a straight line is called a
ray of light. A group of light rays given out from a source is called a
beam of light.
In 1817, English physicist Thomas Young (1773 to 1829) calculated
light's wavelength from an interference pattern, thereby not only
figuring out that the wavelength is 1 μm or less, but also having a
handle on the truth that light is a transverse wave.
Post by Mikko
The second part of the article shows that the theory presented in the
first part is compatible with Maxwell's equations so that the two
theories can be used together, which is demomstrated by solving some
problems that way.
The second part is A BLATANT PLAGIARISM OF 1904 LORENTZ PAPER!. Even the
addition of velocities was plagiarized from Poincaré (1905).
2024-10-16 12:38:15 UTC
Post by rhertz
This is a comparison of einstenian and newtonian kinematics. In the
moving frame, the distance (0, x') is measured from an observer at the
origin of the frame at rest.
CASE: Light moving from 0 to x' in the moving frame.
Einstein SR. Light behave as wave, and c is the maximun speed.
SR doesn't depend on light being a wave.
The speed of light is invariant whether you model it as
a wave or a particle.
QED, which is an extremely well confirmed theory,
is based on SR, but light is a particle.
Post by rhertz
Newton. Light behave as corpuscles (photons?). It's allowed c + v
The emission theory is thoroughly falsified by several experiments.
Post by rhertz
In astronomy (Cassini, others), there are evidences that radar-ranging
experiments with Venus and Mars, the speed of light is added to the
speed v (between Earth and these planets). Known since 1965.
Post by rhertz
That c+v is possible destroys relativity and cosmology, as Hubble's
results have to be RE-INTERPRETED.
Post by rhertz
It's hard for relativists to accept this, as 110 years of lies with
einstenian physics COLLAPSE completely.
Since all physicists born after 1900 know that the emission theory
is falsified, you have to yet again to make a fool of yourself
by claiming that all physicists are members of a MAFFIA, and profit
from it, and their experimental results are COOKED with the help
of statistical manipulations, fraud, cooking and peer complicity.

