MSTR (Michael Sailor der Bitcoin Hamster) down 10%.
Post by Mild ShockHi,
Oh, la la la, Bitcoin at 79'000.- USD
Nassim Nicholas Taleb has argued that a very
important part of empirical reality in finance
and investment is non-ergodic. An even statistical
distribution of probabilities, where the system
returns to every possible state an infinite
number of times, is simply not the case we
observe in situations where "absorbing states"
are reached, a state where ruin is seen.
The death of an individual, or total loss of
everything, or the devolution or dismemberment
of a nation state and the legal regime that
accompanied it, are all absorbing states. Thus,
in finance, path dependence matters. A path
where an individual, firm or country hits a
"stop"—an absorbing barrier, "anything that
prevents people with skin in the game from
emerging from it, and to which the system
will invariably tend.
Comments on the "Bitcoin Black Paper"
(Why Bitcoin is Worth Exactly 0)
Post by Mild ShockHi,
The Night of Long Knives, also known as the Röhm Putsch,
was the purge of the SA leadership and other political
opponents from 30 June 1934 to 2 July 1934. Carried out
primarily by the SS and the Gestapo, over 150 people were
murdered and hundreds more were arrested.
The days of weaponized government and political witch hunts
are numbered. From NYPD to Secret Service to Rush Limbaugh’s
heir, Bongino has spent his career fighting corruption and
now, he’s taking the fight inside the system. The old FBI
protected the swamp, this FBI is coming for it.
The USA is full of Nazi Shit right now...