How To Rig an Election, Again
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The Starmaker
2024-01-09 08:38:08 UTC
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?

I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?

I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.

I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?

Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?

Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.

How To Rig an Election, Again!

Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.

Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.

Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.

Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.

Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.

Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.

Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.

Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.

Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or

Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.

Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the

Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.

Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.

Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.

Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.

Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.

Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.

Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.

Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.

Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.

Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.

Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.

Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.

Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.

Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.

Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.

Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing

Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.

Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.

Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.

Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.

Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.

Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker

Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.

Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.

Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting

Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.

Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific

Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.

Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.

Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.

Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.

Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.

Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.

Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.

Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their

Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.

Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.

Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.

Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.

i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-01-09 15:18:49 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
Republicans are really stupid because Dems keep stealing their hard won
elections and they just can't do anything about it. It all started with
that loser rapist Trump and got worse from there. Imagine, all those
ballots that had Biden voted for but Republicans for other positions will be
tossed out because the republican votes were just as fake.
Most people say that Trump should chew on the business end of a shotgun and
hire someone to pull the trigger.
2024-01-09 20:18:28 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
In USA you can have your men stand by the booths to club people who
don't vote for your preferred candidate. You should know that! Al Capone
did it all the time. Other mob bosses did that too. It was one of the
ways they collected "revenue" from the "billionaires" of their times.
2024-01-09 20:26:25 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
In USA you can have your men stand by the booths to club people who
don't vote for your preferred candidate. You should know that! Al Capone
did it all the time. Other mob bosses did that too. It was one of the
ways they collected "revenue" from the "billionaires" of their times.
That's all been updated since the days of Big Al. Now, a Demorat campaign worker shows up at your door ( both in states that do and do not allow ballot harvesting ) and demands your signed campaign ballot. They look it over before they take it. If the boxes are blank or filled out correctly, you are okay. If not, they give you another ballot to sign...
The Starmaker
2024-01-09 21:38:26 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
In USA you can have your men stand by the booths to club people who
don't vote for your preferred candidate. You should know that! Al Capone
did it all the time. Other mob bosses did that too. It was one of the
ways they collected "revenue" from the "billionaires" of their times.
i already listed that one...fourth from top: Intimidation and Violence:
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-01-09 21:52:28 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
In USA you can have your men stand by the booths to club people who
don't vote for your preferred candidate. You should know that! Al Capone
did it all the time. Other mob bosses did that too. It was one of the
ways they collected "revenue" from the "billionaires" of their times.
but that is what is called 'forced elections', Now it's called 'fraud

Fruad is stronger than Force.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-01-10 03:41:47 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
In USA you can have your men stand by the booths to club people who
don't vote for your preferred candidate. You should know that! Al Capone
did it all the time. Other mob bosses did that too. It was one of the
ways they collected "revenue" from the "billionaires" of their times.
In any case, all those mentioned above are obsolete and immaterial
today. In these days and times rigging the results is extremely easy,
because its goal is only to fool people there's an election going on,
while by the time of the elections, the next president is already chosen
by billionaires' agreement (after their initial push and pull).

Go to vote to get some fresh air. That's the only thing you'll be doing.
2024-01-10 06:41:36 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Physfitfreak
In USA you can have your men stand by the booths to club people who
don't vote for your preferred candidate. You should know that! Al Capone
did it all the time. Other mob bosses did that too. It was one of the
ways they collected "revenue" from the "billionaires" of their times.
i already listed that one...fourth from top: Intimidation and Violence
My bad..
Mike Colangelo
2024-01-10 16:33:48 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
No dead people voted.

The election of 2020 was not rigged, although Trump attempted to rig it.
The Starmaker
2024-01-09 21:50:14 UTC
They used to tell the stupid people 'there is no Mafia'. Now they tell
the stupid people...
'there is no rigged elections'.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-01-10 06:52:09 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
They used to tell the stupid people 'there is no Mafia'. Now they tell
the stupid people...
'there is no rigged elections'.
It's a matter of priority. There's always some degree of "Mafia"
anywhere around the world. But in the USA, its existence is miniscule
compared to the lawlessness of the billionaires who push every way of
life in this country and its future along the ways they want.

So even mentioning the "Mafia" in the USA is a waste of time. We don't
mention the nuisance of house flies when our Dollars in banks have half
the buying power of last year. They stole half of your entire money!
Which "Mafia" ever did that to people?
The Starmaker
2024-01-10 01:09:06 UTC
The TRICK to rigging an election with a USB stick
is to win by a nose, not a mile.

That means you have to stick the USB stick into the voting machine during the
voting process to monitor how many votes have been collected so far, and then
you can ADD the amount of votes needed to win.

Automatically add votes to stay ahead by the nose.

Just program it +1.

Then ERASE the USB stick after the election so there is No Trace of the rigging!

(as you can see at the end of this video)


Putin Loves Dominion Voting Machines!

May the best rigger win.

Trump sez, "Can I see that USB stick after the election?"

Dominion: "SURE!"


Dominion: "SURE! We always wipe it clean after the election!! Didn't anybody tell you this?"


Go ask them!

Dead Men Tell No Tales.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-01-10 03:32:19 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
The TRICK to rigging an election with a USB stick
is to win by a nose, not a mile.
That means you have to stick the USB stick into the voting machine during the
voting process to monitor how many votes have been collected so far, and then
you can ADD the amount of votes needed to win.
Automatically add votes to stay ahead by the nose.
Just program it +1.
Then ERASE the USB stick after the election so there is No Trace of the rigging!
(as you can see at the end of this video)
Putin Loves Dominion Voting Machines!
May the best rigger win.
Trump sez, "Can I see that USB stick after the election?"
Dominion: "SURE!"
Dominion: "SURE! We always wipe it clean after the election!! Didn't anybody tell you this?"
Go ask them!
Dead Men Tell No Tales.
In USA election results, regardless of outcome, have nothing to do with
voters anyway. It has always been a push and pull between billionaires,
not people. One candidate is these billionaires' man, the other is those
billionaires' man. Same shit as far as voters are concerned.

People here go to vote to stay away from their jobs for a few hours,
perhaps even a day, with excuse.
Trenton Shigemitsu Sarumara
2024-01-10 13:30:21 UTC
Hillary is an election denier... still.... she will never stop.
The poles were rigged for her instead and she lost...
Mitchell Raemsch
sure, ugly like shit too. Without the two atomic bombs, released over
japan, the amrica today would be japan. Japan is a big country.


why, because the gov they are supposed to protect, just wanted killed them
with toxic "vaccines". Good enough reason. To stay home. How stupid can
you be, in amrica.

Membership in the group will "help reduce the Western dominance
generally," Muda Yusuf told RT

Break away from the dollar is a new blessing.

BRICS should have serious discussions on how to circumvent such entities
as EuroClear. The west simply cannot be trusted when it comes to central
securities financing.
The Starmaker
2024-01-11 18:25:29 UTC
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024

Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.



Paul Kagame is the MAN!

(read about his opponents)

How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!



He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!

one million of them in 90 days!

dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.

he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-01-11 18:37:34 UTC
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024

Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..

delay the election day for "technical reasons"..

election delayed is election denied.


Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"

Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-01-11 18:49:52 UTC
It is very 'clear'
How To Rig an Election in 2024

just pretend
the voters
have a choice...
and make sure
the opposition
cannot win.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-05-22 16:47:43 UTC
The plan so far is...

Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims ‘The Biden DOJ and FBI Were Planning to
Assassinate’ Trump
May 21st, 2024, 7:48 pm


i thought they were planning to cancel the election in
November.....they are planning to cancel Trump, period.

Trump should stay away from helicopters...no telling what climate
change can do to a helicopter.

I can smellllllll election interference.

or How To Rig an Election in 2024? DOJ and FBI Were Planning to

In other words, a bullet is a decisive vote.

A bullet has the power of deciding who doesn't run for President.

On Thu, 11 Jan 2024 10:49:52 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
It is very 'clear'
How To Rig an Election in 2024
just pretend
the voters
have a choice...
and make sure
the opposition
cannot win.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
Derick Bakharev Miao
2024-05-22 19:56:21 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims ‘The Biden DOJ and FBI Were Planning to
Assassinate’ Trump May 21st, 2024, 7:48 pm

you read that crap?? That site is entirely jews and gypsies.
The Starmaker
2024-05-23 03:14:00 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims ‘The Biden DOJ and FBI Were Planning to
Assassinate’ Trump May 21st, 2024, 7:48 pm
you read that crap?? That site is entirely jews and gypsies.
You can always pick your favorite newspaper:

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says FBI Planned To 'Assassinate' Donald ...
www.newsweek.com › marjorie-taylor-greene-fbi-planned-assassinate-dona

Trump Claims Standard FBI Warrant Shows Biden Wanted Him Dead
www.barrons.com › news › trump-claims-standard-fbi-warrant-shows-bide...

MTG claims FBI and DOJ were going to assassinate Trump | News
gazette.com › news › wex › mtg-claims-fbi-and-doj-were-going-to-assassin...

FBI responds to Trump claim about Mar-a-Lago search - Axios
www.axios.com › Politics & Policy

Marjorie Taylor Greene claims Biden 'planning to assassinate Trump'
www.msn.com › en-ie › news › world › marjorie-taylor-greene-claims-bid...

Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Biden Gave 'Green Light' To Kill Trump
okmagazine.com › marjorie-taylor-greene-joe-biden-fbi-green-light-assassi...

MTG claims FBI and DOJ were going to assassinate Trump - YouTube
www.youtube.com › watch

Marjorie Taylor Greene claims Joe Biden 'planned to assassinate ...
www.irishstar.com › News › US News › Donald Trump

GOP lawmakers conflate FBI policy with a Trump assassination ...
www.nbcnews.com › politics › donald-trump › gop-lawmakers-conflate-fb...

Marjorie Taylor Greene makes shocking claims, says Biden and FBI ...
www.hindustantimes.com › World news › us news

GOP lawmakers conflate standard FBI policies with an assassination ...
www.yahoo.com › news › gop-lawmakers-conflate-standard-fbi-043320592


also from the Drudgereport:

21,095,313 PAST 24 HOURS
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
Namun Paraskevopoulos
2024-05-23 20:29:26 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
you read that crap?? That site is entirely jews and gypsies.

Bradley Kaszás
2024-05-23 20:58:07 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
you read that crap?? That site is entirely jews and gypsies.

finally people are putting that stinking polakker of Palestine, said
netaniaho, into his place. The polakker forgot who he is!!


once again, the 𝙠𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙖𝙧_𝙜𝙤𝙮𝙨 from polakkia, destroying communism, are now
about to steal another country, Palestine, based on stories in The Bible
they don't even believe.


The Starmaker
2024-05-24 05:59:40 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
are now
about to steal another country,
You don't seem to understand the Real world...

if I want
I can steal
any country
I want.

You pick
any country and
I can steal it, it
belongs to me...
there are no rules
there are no laws.

I take it
It's mine
it belongs to me.

They were created
in my image.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-05-24 17:33:08 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
are now
about to steal another country,
You don't seem to understand the Real world...
if I want
I can steal
any country
I want.
You pick
any country and
I can steal it, it
belongs to me...
there are no rules
there are no laws.
I take it
It's mine
it belongs to me.
They were created
in my image.
Of course there are a few countries I
wouldn't bother to take over..

I would have to exterminate them all.
I simply could not have that.


I would have to exterminate them all.

One commie is one to many.

I need to steal a country that doesn't
have too many...pest. You know, unwanted people.
People who are a problem.

I just put them in a train and
gas them all.

And I'll make a law..
The right of prima nocta.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-05-29 05:05:22 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
The plan so far is...
Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims ‘The Biden DOJ and FBI Were Planning to
Assassinate’ Trump
May 21st, 2024, 7:48 pm
i thought they were planning to cancel the election in
November.....they are planning to cancel Trump, period.
Trump should stay away from helicopters...no telling what climate
change can do to a helicopter.
I can smellllllll election interference.
Everyone else smells more trumptard bullshit.


"On the day of the raid, Trump was not on
Florida but at his Bedminster golf club in
New Jersey."

Post by The Starmaker
or How To Rig an Election in 2024? DOJ and FBI Were Planning to
In other words, a bullet is a decisive vote.
Gosh, #DirtyDon sez presidents have immunity - that
means he could have ANYBODY whacked...
2024-05-29 11:27:17 UTC
Post by Gronk
Post by The Starmaker
The plan so far is...
Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims ‘The Biden DOJ and FBI Were Planning to
Assassinate’ Trump
May 21st, 2024, 7:48 pm
i thought they were planning to cancel the election in
November.....they are planning to cancel Trump, period.
Trump should stay away from helicopters...no telling what climate
change can do to a helicopter.
I can smellllllll election interference.
Everyone else smells more trumptard bullshit.
I figured you'd support insurrection.
2024-05-29 14:51:10 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Gronk
Post by The Starmaker
The plan so far is...
Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims ‘The Biden DOJ and FBI Were Planning to
Assassinate’ Trump
May 21st, 2024, 7:48 pm
i thought they were planning to cancel the election in
November.....they are planning to cancel Trump, period.
Trump should stay away from helicopters...no telling what climate
change can do to a helicopter.
I can smellllllll election interference.
Everyone else smells more trumptard bullshit.
I figured you'd support insurrection.
Nothing about the stolen documents case is "insurrection."
Hicham Takács
2024-05-29 16:34:21 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by NoBody
I figured you'd support insurrection.
Nothing about the stolen documents case is "insurrection."
you, inbreed frogs from frankerich are stupid indolent khazar goym wankers
on the face of the planet earth, knowing nothing physics and about

𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗵_𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁_𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗱_𝗮𝘀_𝗠𝗣_𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀_𝗣𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗮𝗻_𝗳𝗹𝗮𝗴 (VIDEO)
The lawmaker was suspended for 15 days and had his salary docked for two
months https://r%74.com/news/598396-french-parliament-mp-palestinian-flag/

Well, we now know there's at least one French Parliamentarian who's not a
Jew owned puppet.

Well said. "Israel" is a project of Euro-American settler colonialism,
achieved through terrorism, genocide and apartheid. Apartheid Israel
represents the final vestiges of 19th century European colonialism.

Suspended for raising Palestinian flag! If it was Israel or Ukraine flag,
he would have been applauded.

The "Karen " speaker was having a fit. I thought she would have passed out
with her rage....lol

One cannot raise a Palestinian flag.. democracy..no not in France! France
was very eager to give war criminal NUTanyahoo the thumbs up, but their
notion of "self-defense" only seem to apply to the Nazi occupiers the same
once that occupy the French institutions
2024-06-03 05:15:13 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Gronk
Post by The Starmaker
The plan so far is...
Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims ‘The Biden DOJ and FBI Were Planning to
Assassinate’ Trump
May 21st, 2024, 7:48 pm
i thought they were planning to cancel the election in
November.....they are planning to cancel Trump, period.
Trump should stay away from helicopters...no telling what climate
change can do to a helicopter.
I can smellllllll election interference.
Everyone else smells more trumptard bullshit.
I figured you'd support insurrection.
That's what trumptards would do.
The Starmaker
2024-07-13 20:06:27 UTC
if they don't want Him to run for President...

if they don't want Hims to run for President...

if they don't want Trump to run for President

if they don't want Biden to run for President

why not just...cancel the election????

change the election date to...next year.

isn't dat the plan anyway?

I mean, you cannot assassinate both of them at the same time??,,,dat
would look to suspicious.

it would look like...election interference.

it would look...Rigged.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-18 18:17:18 UTC
Let me explain the guy on the roof deal...

The Cops, the FBI, The CIA all knew there was a guy on the roof...

but, but..

to take the guy out
you need permission first.

FBI:"Hey CIA, is dat one of your guys?"
CIA:"Hey, FBI, is dat one of your guys?"
FBI:"Let me call Biden and see if is one of his guys."
CIA:"Let me call Nancy Pelosi to see if that's her on the roof!"
FBI:"I'll get back to you, let me check the insurance policies guys."
CIA:"Let me check with the CIA within the CIA to see if is one of their

Oh, ok...it's just a nobody.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-20 14:55:55 UTC
i guess 'the political community' realized that
the civil war would not be against
people against people..but

20 year olds at war with...'the political community'.

So, 'the political community' are trying to quite down
anyone trying to...hit on them.

'the political community' try to put a target on
people against people...but
it's their own back they put a target on.

'the political community' would claim
it's the white people who are the enemy
or, black people. or the slanted eye people, or the jewish people..
but the 20 year old see
'the political community' as the enemy of the people.

It's time for 'the political community' to hide.

Go on vacation or something...
Post by The Starmaker
Let me explain the guy on the roof deal...
The Cops, the FBI, The CIA all knew there was a guy on the roof...
but, but..
to take the guy out
you need permission first.
FBI:"Hey CIA, is dat one of your guys?"
CIA:"Hey, FBI, is dat one of your guys?"
FBI:"Let me call Biden and see if is one of his guys."
CIA:"Let me call Nancy Pelosi to see if that's her on the roof!"
FBI:"I'll get back to you, let me check the insurance policies guys."
CIA:"Let me check with the CIA within the CIA to see if is one of their
Oh, ok...it's just a nobody.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-21 23:10:27 UTC
So, I was wondering..

since it is Obama
running who goes out
who goes in...

Who does Obama
going to
make who
goes in place?

i mean, he calls the shots, right?

(the White half of him, not the nigger side of him.)
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-07-21 23:43:49 UTC
White half of him, not the White half of him.)

So, I was wondering..

since it is Obama
goes out
who does in...

Who goes Obama
goes out
who goes Obama

Who does in place?

(the side of him.)

So, I was wondering..

since it is Obama
running to
make who
going who goes Obama
going who goes in place?

(the shots, right?

i mean, he calls the side of him, not the side of him.)

So, I was wondering who goes in...

since it is Obama
going to
make who does Obama
going who
going who
goes Ob
2024-07-22 00:03:06 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
So, I was wondering..
since it is Obama
running who goes out
who goes in...
Who does Obama
going to
make who
goes in place?
i mean, he calls the shots, right?
(the White half of him, not the nigger side of him.)
Obama's political career has been mostly walk a middle line, don't make partisan decisions and just
kind of be there.
It's the same with the Biden saga.
He has never actually come out in public suggesting Joe Biden should drop out.
Neither have the Clintons.

That says it all.

The Clintons taught Obama well.
Don't make waves.
Joe Biden is the absolute WORST President Of the U.S. ever.
Nobody else is even close. Including Jimmy Carter.
Vote for ANYBODY but Joe Biden in 2024.
The Starmaker
2024-07-22 04:30:09 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by The Starmaker
So, I was wondering..
since it is Obama
running who goes out
who goes in...
Who does Obama
going to
make who
goes in place?
i mean, he calls the shots, right?
(the White half of him, not the nigger side of him.)
Obama's political career has been mostly walk a middle line, don't make partisan decisions and just
kind of be there.
It's the same with the Biden saga.
He has never actually come out in public suggesting Joe Biden should drop out.
Neither have the Clintons.
That says it all.
The Clintons taught Obama well.
Don't make waves.
The Clintons talk with a southern accent...meaning they see Obama as a
Black slave.

When Obama goes to the White House, he talks White..

when he goes home to the Black House..he talks niggar talk.

Obama's political career has been mostly walk a middle line...between
the whities and blackies.

Is he White or Black?
Post by pothead
Joe Biden is the absolute WORST President Of the U.S. ever.
Nobody else is even close. Including Jimmy Carter.
Vote for ANYBODY but Joe Biden in 2024.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
Governor Swill
2024-07-27 20:21:44 UTC
Post by pothead
Obama's political career has been mostly walk a middle line, don't make partisan decisions and just
kind of be there.
Which is perfect! But that wasn't enough for you and now you're going to have to learn an


The Starmaker
2024-07-22 19:27:38 UTC
So, Biden tells everyone..







this goes on between them for years...
Post by The Starmaker
So, I was wondering..
since it is Obama
running who goes out
who goes in...
Who does Obama
going to
make who
goes in place?
i mean, he calls the shots, right?
(the White half of him, not the nigger side of him.)
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-23 00:11:55 UTC
Now, everybody wants
Kamla Harris to be
President NOW so
that everyone can
see beforehand how
terrible she is...and
nobody will vote for her...

not even her Jewish husband.

(and he doesn't want to make babies with her because she's 'too dark'.)

he just wants a black slave in bed.

(wat white guy doesn't)

yes, Master. or is it Masser?

Her First Lady.
Post by The Starmaker
So, Biden tells everyone..
this goes on between them for years...
Post by The Starmaker
So, I was wondering..
since it is Obama
running who goes out
who goes in...
Who does Obama
going to
make who
goes in place?
i mean, he calls the shots, right?
(the White half of him, not the nigger side of him.)
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-23 00:36:58 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Now, everybody wants
Kamla Harris to be
President NOW so
that everyone can
see beforehand how
terrible she is...and
nobody will vote for her...
not even her Jewish husband.
(and he doesn't want to make babies with her because she's 'too dark'.)
he just wants a black slave in bed.
(wat white guy doesn't)
yes, Master. or is it Masser?
Her First Lady.
yous certaintly don't want a First Jewish in the Whitehose..

he'll sell your ass to Israel!

(all the money to Kamala campaign is from...Israel!)

you wanna list?

The List????

(give me a minute, i need to look for it)
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-23 07:22:43 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Now, everybody wants
Kamla Harris to be
President NOW so
that everyone can
see beforehand how
terrible she is...and
nobody will vote for her...
not even her Jewish husband.
(and he doesn't want to make babies with her because she's 'too dark'.)
he just wants a black slave in bed.
(wat white guy doesn't)
yes, Master. or is it Masser?
Her First Lady.
yous certaintly don't want a First Jewish in the Whitehose..
he'll sell your ass to Israel!
(all the money to Kamala campaign is from...Israel!)
you wanna list?
The List????
(give me a minute, i need to look for it)
The List:

The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-23 15:40:29 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Now, everybody wants
Kamla Harris to be
President NOW so
that everyone can
see beforehand how
terrible she is...and
nobody will vote for her...
not even her Jewish husband.
(and he doesn't want to make babies with her because she's 'too dark'.)
he just wants a black slave in bed.
(wat white guy doesn't)
yes, Master. or is it Masser?
Her First Lady.
yous certaintly don't want a First Jewish in the Whitehose..
he'll sell your ass to Israel!
(all the money to Kamala campaign is from...Israel!)
you wanna list?
The List????
(give me a minute, i need to look for it)
In other words, according to The List..

if Kakamala is elected President of the United States...it would be

Kakamala's husband that would dictate U.S. Foreign Policy.

but some of yous cannot see that far ahead.

but they are probably having a party now in Israel.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is exclaiming..


a spy in the whitehouse
dats no gentlemen.
a lady without a pussy.

the first lady without a pussy

get out the t-shirts!
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-25 19:25:29 UTC
EVERYBODY KNOWS Kamala's husband justs wants a slave in the house to
take care of his children.


bring me some money...bitch!
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Now, everybody wants
Kamla Harris to be
President NOW so
that everyone can
see beforehand how
terrible she is...and
nobody will vote for her...
not even her Jewish husband.
(and he doesn't want to make babies with her because she's 'too dark'.)
he just wants a black slave in bed.
(wat white guy doesn't)
yes, Master. or is it Masser?
Her First Lady.
yous certaintly don't want a First Jewish in the Whitehose..
he'll sell your ass to Israel!
(all the money to Kamala campaign is from...Israel!)
you wanna list?
The List????
(give me a minute, i need to look for it)
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-25 15:45:11 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
So, Biden tells everyone..
this goes on between them for years...
Post by The Starmaker
So, I was wondering..
since it is Obama
running who goes out
who goes in...
Who does Obama
going to
make who
goes in place?
i mean, he calls the shots, right?
So, has Obama 'endorsed' Kamala Harris...yet?

I wanna knows who's running.

Who the coup'deta is picking...
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-27 03:21:41 UTC
I don't know what to make of this...

Biden camp suggests president quickly endorsed Kamala Harris to defy Barack Obama

Published July 26, 2024, 5:39 p.m. ET

“It was Joe’s big f–k you,” the source said. “Joe said, ‘If I’m out, then I am endorsing her.'”


So, who is running the ...show?
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
So, Biden tells everyone..
this goes on between them for years...
Post by The Starmaker
So, I was wondering..
since it is Obama
running who goes out
who goes in...
Who does Obama
going to
make who
goes in place?
i mean, he calls the shots, right?
So, has Obama 'endorsed' Kamala Harris...yet?
I wanna knows who's running.
Who the coup'deta is picking...
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
Gunner Asch
2024-07-27 04:05:43 UTC
Trump rigged the 2016 election and now he's going to end his pathetic
cheating life as a prisoner incarcerated in a Federal Pen.
The Starmaker
2024-07-27 16:36:11 UTC
I'm sure all the Democrats will be watching Sunday's election in Venezuela...

that's how they will learn...

How To Rig an Election in 2024

(all you need is one USB stick)



I mean, come on...dis is kids stuff!

with a usb stick
you can make a
fake screen.

and it will
match the print out...

but the vote was flipped.

The print out equals the count on the machine.

but the vote was flipped.

A fake screen!


I mean, come on...dis is kids stuff!

Watch Venesula
and see
what happens.

How To Rig an Election in 2024

(the whole democrats are watching)

Learn grasshopper, learn.

How To Rig an Election in 2024

Like Bill Gates once said: "Where there is a lock, there is a key."

and the key chain contains a USB stick.

So, when you vote, and you look at the screen...is it real?

(make sure your receipt matches your screen)

How To Rig an Election in 2024

Watch Venesula
and see
what happens.

(the whole democrats world are watching)

will there be a recount?
cancel the election?

who knows?

Watch Venesula
and see
what happens.

It's a playbook.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-24 04:44:32 UTC
So, I have To question the unquestionable, and ask the unaskable, ...

did that guy who took a shot at Trump on the roof a member of the CIA????

Because if he was a member of the CIA, then that would explain why

he had...clearance. He was for a lack of a better word...undeterred.

You know...everybody looking the other way...

Where the hell was Paulie, why
wasn't he with the Don?

She resign from the CIA because...she knows toooo much.
Post by The Starmaker
Let me explain the guy on the roof deal...
The Cops, the FBI, The CIA all knew there was a guy on the roof...
but, but..
to take the guy out
you need permission first.
FBI:"Hey CIA, is dat one of your guys?"
CIA:"Hey, FBI, is dat one of your guys?"
FBI:"Let me call Biden and see if is one of his guys."
CIA:"Let me call Nancy Pelosi to see if that's her on the roof!"
FBI:"I'll get back to you, let me check the insurance policies guys."
CIA:"Let me check with the CIA within the CIA to see if is one of their
Oh, ok...it's just a nobody.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-24 04:37:42 UTC
So, I have To question the unquestionable, and ask the unaskable, ...

did that guy who took a shot at Trump on the roof a member of the CIA????

Because if he was a member of the CIA, then that would explain why

he had...clearance. He was for a lack of a better word...undeterred.

You know...everybody looking the other way...

Where the hell was Paulie, why
wasn't he with the Don?
Post by The Starmaker
Let me explain the guy on the roof deal...
The Cops, the FBI, The CIA all knew there was a guy on the roof...
but, but..
to take the guy out
you need permission first.
FBI:"Hey CIA, is dat one of your guys?"
CIA:"Hey, FBI, is dat one of your guys?"
FBI:"Let me call Biden and see if is one of his guys."
CIA:"Let me call Nancy Pelosi to see if that's her on the roof!"
FBI:"I'll get back to you, let me check the insurance policies guys."
CIA:"Let me check with the CIA within the CIA to see if is one of their
Oh, ok...it's just a nobody.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-26 06:29:40 UTC
I don't understand what is all dis talk about 'the shooter's motive'?

Are these people stupid or something???? The motive is...'election

everybodys doing it! all the democrats have the same motive...'election

a bullet is an effective vote.

successful in producing a desired or intended result.

The motive is...'election interference...democracy at work.

All these people going after Trump all have the same motive.

'election interference'.

November will be the biggest 'election interference' in history!

Stay tune to this thread on "How To Rig an Election in 2024".

(dis thread will last to November 2024)

dats only a few 30 days from now...
Post by The Starmaker
So, I have To question the unquestionable, and ask the unaskable, ...
did that guy who took a shot at Trump on the roof a member of the CIA????
Because if he was a member of the CIA, then that would explain why
he had...clearance. He was for a lack of a better word...undeterred.
You know...everybody looking the other way...
Where the hell was Paulie, why
wasn't he with the Don?
Post by The Starmaker
Let me explain the guy on the roof deal...
The Cops, the FBI, The CIA all knew there was a guy on the roof...
but, but..
to take the guy out
you need permission first.
FBI:"Hey CIA, is dat one of your guys?"
CIA:"Hey, FBI, is dat one of your guys?"
FBI:"Let me call Biden and see if is one of his guys."
CIA:"Let me call Nancy Pelosi to see if that's her on the roof!"
FBI:"I'll get back to you, let me check the insurance policies guys."
CIA:"Let me check with the CIA within the CIA to see if is one of their
Oh, ok...it's just a nobody.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-27 03:28:23 UTC
btw, the shooter was a scientist studying at a community college...

Is it ever remotely possible to study science at a ...community
college?? who teaches there...drug addicts?

btw, Lee Harvey Oswald was involved with the CIA Before he killed

was this Trump shooter involved with the CIA months before the

i want the names of all the people who shoots with the shooter...just
the CIA guys. (not all the other shooters he shot with at that shooting
Post by The Starmaker
I don't understand what is all dis talk about 'the shooter's motive'?
Are these people stupid or something???? The motive is...'election
everybodys doing it! all the democrats have the same motive...'election
a bullet is an effective vote.
successful in producing a desired or intended result.
The motive is...'election interference...democracy at work.
All these people going after Trump all have the same motive.
'election interference'.
November will be the biggest 'election interference' in history!
Stay tune to this thread on "How To Rig an Election in 2024".
(dis thread will last to November 2024)
dats only a few 30 days from now...
Post by The Starmaker
So, I have To question the unquestionable, and ask the unaskable, ...
did that guy who took a shot at Trump on the roof a member of the CIA????
Because if he was a member of the CIA, then that would explain why
he had...clearance. He was for a lack of a better word...undeterred.
You know...everybody looking the other way...
Where the hell was Paulie, why
wasn't he with the Don?
Post by The Starmaker
Let me explain the guy on the roof deal...
The Cops, the FBI, The CIA all knew there was a guy on the roof...
but, but..
to take the guy out
you need permission first.
FBI:"Hey CIA, is dat one of your guys?"
CIA:"Hey, FBI, is dat one of your guys?"
FBI:"Let me call Biden and see if is one of his guys."
CIA:"Let me call Nancy Pelosi to see if that's her on the roof!"
FBI:"I'll get back to you, let me check the insurance policies guys."
CIA:"Let me check with the CIA within the CIA to see if is one of their
Oh, ok...it's just a nobody.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
Brandy Markó
2024-07-27 12:21:17 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
I don't understand what is all dis talk about 'the shooter's motive'?
Are these people stupid or something???? The motive is...'election
kiss me aaaass, the boy was so stupid not knowing he was dealing with his
life, not knowing the motherfuckers the SS are. He was thinking it was a
game. An 20 yo imbecile, not deserving death for that. 100% innocent. You
capitalist cacamerica are a disgrace on the of the earth. When you pray to
God you actually pray to satan. You fucking liars, money changers!!

cacamerica was thinking printing fake money they will subjugate the world,

The three suspects were also plotting to assault police officers in the
city of Kaspiysk, the agency has said

Zios and their murderous semite cousins again. Can we create a Black Sea
sanctuary city that EXLCLUDES them? Or expel them to somewhere far away
from greater humanity?

We all know jhoo's doing this.

ISIS is yet to break a window in zionist occupied territory

Plots to attack mosques in Christian regions, and plots to attack churches
in Muslim regions. I wonder WHO stands behind this...
The Starmaker
2024-01-11 21:29:28 UTC
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????

Are you people not prepared for this??

That's the plan.

The plan is to *cancel* the election.

In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.

for "technical reasons"...

one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.

election delayed is election denied.

BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!

It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.


"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker

throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.

It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-01-12 06:12:36 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Even my dick is too good to go vote. It's got better things to do!
The Starmaker
2024-01-17 18:20:17 UTC
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????

Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...

i think he is having fun.

What kind of Americans are you?

Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.

and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"

Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?


(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)


election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-01-17 20:06:38 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
What kind of Americans are you?
Only my dick is American. That kind of American!

Right now you're reading my dick, in my dick's language.

But it's not Nazi. That's the only difference it has with the Ameicans.
The Starmaker
2024-01-18 18:44:01 UTC
What you are witnessing with
Donald Trump being dragged
tied to the pickup truck
of the legal system...
is Election Rigging 2024

or, more precisely...

Pre-Election Rigging.

(rig the election before the election)

It looks like the Democrats already
tried to throw him out the window judging
by the cuts on donald trumps hands...

If, if..they assassinate Donald Trump
before the election...that's called,

Pre-Election Rigging.

Biden can win the election
even if he is dead with a simple
USB stick.

You stick a USB stick in a
Dominion Voting Machine and
you can add 50 million votes.

In Russia,
Pre-Election Rigging 2024 is
also being done by planting
Fake Opponents.

But I like Putin's idea
of simply killing them!

It ...efficient.

It makes Nancy Pelosi mouth watery...

I don't understand..
Why doesn't Nancy Pelosi simly take a
knife and stab him to death while he's on

She's above the law.

Nobody is going to arrest her.

She can claim insanity...

like that First U.S. politian congreessman ever to
commit murder and got away with it.

Nancy Pelosi looks at
Donald Trumps hands and all
she sees is...Blood.

It makes Nancy Pelosi mouth watery...

yum, yum, yummmmmmmmmmmm!
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-01-18 19:35:18 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
What you are witnessing with
Donald Trump being dragged
tied to the pickup truck
of the legal system...
is Election Rigging 2024
Inmate Trump is going to be bent over and assfucked in his prison shower.

That's how to do elections.
2024-01-19 05:34:27 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
What you are witnessing with
Donald Trump being dragged
tied to the pickup truck
of the legal system...
is Election Rigging 2024
or, more precisely...
Pre-Election Rigging.
Bamboo ballots! Magic thermostats! Ballots from NoKo
coming in to a port in Maine! HUGO CHAVEZ!
The Starmaker
2024-01-19 17:40:31 UTC
I just noticed today that
the Democracts have
already begun implementing
Pre-Election Rigging 2024,
by claiming "aging ballot scanners".


The plan is to cancel the 2024 election.


Potential problems with New Hampshire’s aging ballot scanners

One potential glitch: If it’s snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner.

“If it’s a sunny, beautiful day, we’re in great shape,” Zink said.

Guilford said. It has happened before, when hand sanitizer gummed up a machine in 2020 during the pandemic.

“I don’t foresee any issues,” she said.

BE PREPARED! If Trump gets thru, the election will be canceled!

It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.


"How To Rig an Election in 2024"
Subtitled: Pre-Election Rigging 2024
author -The Starmaker

One potential glitch: If it’s snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner.

hand sanitizer gummed up a machine in 2020 during the pandemic.

if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.

for "technical reasons"...

one can come up with
thousands of "technical reasons"..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.

List all Your "technical reasons":

hand sanitizer gummed up a machine?
snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner?

(Democracts are Now sitting around a table with
all the "technical reasons" they can come up with)

(Maybe ChatGPT can come up with some!!!!")
AI interfering with the election process.

election delayed is election denied.

(Nancy Pelosi is not moving from the 6th floor!)

Nancy Pelosi knows a bullet is an effective vote.


successful in producing a desired or intended result.
Post by The Starmaker
What you are witnessing with
Donald Trump being dragged
tied to the pickup truck
of the legal system...
is Election Rigging 2024
or, more precisely...
Pre-Election Rigging.
(rig the election before the election)
It looks like the Democrats already
tried to throw him out the window judging
by the cuts on donald trumps hands...
If, if..they assassinate Donald Trump
before the election...that's called,
Pre-Election Rigging.
Biden can win the election
even if he is dead with a simple
USB stick.
You stick a USB stick in a
Dominion Voting Machine and
you can add 50 million votes.
In Russia,
Pre-Election Rigging 2024 is
also being done by planting
Fake Opponents.
But I like Putin's idea
of simply killing them!
It ...efficient.
It makes Nancy Pelosi mouth watery...
I don't understand..
Why doesn't Nancy Pelosi simly take a
knife and stab him to death while he's on
She's above the law.
Nobody is going to arrest her.
She can claim insanity...
like that First U.S. politian congreessman ever to
commit murder and got away with it.
Nancy Pelosi looks at
Donald Trumps hands and all
she sees is...Blood.
It makes Nancy Pelosi mouth watery...
yum, yum, yummmmmmmmmmmm!
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-01-19 19:52:55 UTC
How To 'Gum Up' the Election 2024

use hand sanitizers


(for bulk orders contact us for availability!)

"Hey! I just got an order for 50,000 gallons hand sanitizers??? wats up????"

"Must be an election coming up..."

Gum It Up!
Gum It Up!
Gum It Up!

Powerful forces seek to gum up the machinery... —Kyle Smith, National Review, 3 Mar. 2022


"Are you the night janitor here?"

"Yes Sur, Boss!"

"I need you to make sure these ballot machines are kept clean...use these hand sanitizers only"

"Yes Sur, Boss! Must be an election coming up..."

ummm huh
yo yo wats up?

"I gotta clean these fuckin Whitey machines...there's an election coming up!"
Post by The Starmaker
I just noticed today that
the Democracts have
already begun implementing
Pre-Election Rigging 2024,
by claiming "aging ballot scanners".
The plan is to cancel the 2024 election.
Potential problems with New Hampshire’s aging ballot scanners
One potential glitch: If it’s snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner.
“If it’s a sunny, beautiful day, we’re in great shape,” Zink said.
Guilford said. It has happened before, when hand sanitizer gummed up a machine in 2020 during the pandemic.
“I don’t foresee any issues,” she said.
BE PREPARED! If Trump gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024"
Subtitled: Pre-Election Rigging 2024
author -The Starmaker
One potential glitch: If it’s snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner.
hand sanitizer gummed up a machine in 2020 during the pandemic.
if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of "technical reasons"..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
hand sanitizer gummed up a machine?
snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner?
(Democracts are Now sitting around a table with
all the "technical reasons" they can come up with)
(Maybe ChatGPT can come up with some!!!!")
AI interfering with the election process.
election delayed is election denied.
(Nancy Pelosi is not moving from the 6th floor!)
Nancy Pelosi knows a bullet is an effective vote.
successful in producing a desired or intended result.
Post by The Starmaker
What you are witnessing with
Donald Trump being dragged
tied to the pickup truck
of the legal system...
is Election Rigging 2024
or, more precisely...
Pre-Election Rigging.
(rig the election before the election)
It looks like the Democrats already
tried to throw him out the window judging
by the cuts on donald trumps hands...
If, if..they assassinate Donald Trump
before the election...that's called,
Pre-Election Rigging.
Biden can win the election
even if he is dead with a simple
USB stick.
You stick a USB stick in a
Dominion Voting Machine and
you can add 50 million votes.
In Russia,
Pre-Election Rigging 2024 is
also being done by planting
Fake Opponents.
But I like Putin's idea
of simply killing them!
It ...efficient.
It makes Nancy Pelosi mouth watery...
I don't understand..
Why doesn't Nancy Pelosi simly take a
knife and stab him to death while he's on
She's above the law.
Nobody is going to arrest her.
She can claim insanity...
like that First U.S. politian congreessman ever to
commit murder and got away with it.
Nancy Pelosi looks at
Donald Trumps hands and all
she sees is...Blood.
It makes Nancy Pelosi mouth watery...
yum, yum, yummmmmmmmmmmm!
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-01-24 20:31:01 UTC
BE PREPARED! If Trump gets thru, the election will be canceled!

By now the democrats see Trump is winning everywhere!

I'm sure they are working on Plan B thru Plan Z on getting rid of

Either they are going to throw him out the window, or

simply near the 2024 election simply...

Cancel the election! (for technical reasons)

Maybe the year after that, or maybe the year after that, or
maybe the year after dat they'll run it again.

Yous are not going to do anything about it, right?

protest for the next 4 years?

On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:40:31 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
I just noticed today that
the Democracts have
already begun implementing
Pre-Election Rigging 2024,
by claiming "aging ballot scanners".
The plan is to cancel the 2024 election.
Potential problems with New Hampshire’s aging ballot scanners
One potential glitch: If it’s snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner.
“If it’s a sunny, beautiful day, we’re in great shape,” Zink said.
Guilford said. It has happened before, when hand sanitizer gummed up a machine in 2020 during the pandemic.
“I don’t foresee any issues,” she said.
BE PREPARED! If Trump gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024"
Subtitled: Pre-Election Rigging 2024
author -The Starmaker
One potential glitch: If it’s snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner.
hand sanitizer gummed up a machine in 2020 during the pandemic.
if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of "technical reasons"..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
hand sanitizer gummed up a machine?
snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner?
(Democracts are Now sitting around a table with
all the "technical reasons" they can come up with)
(Maybe ChatGPT can come up with some!!!!")
AI interfering with the election process.
election delayed is election denied.
(Nancy Pelosi is not moving from the 6th floor!)
Nancy Pelosi knows a bullet is an effective vote.
successful in producing a desired or intended result.
Post by The Starmaker
What you are witnessing with
Donald Trump being dragged
tied to the pickup truck
of the legal system...
is Election Rigging 2024
or, more precisely...
Pre-Election Rigging.
(rig the election before the election)
It looks like the Democrats already
tried to throw him out the window judging
by the cuts on donald trumps hands...
If, if..they assassinate Donald Trump
before the election...that's called,
Pre-Election Rigging.
Biden can win the election
even if he is dead with a simple
USB stick.
You stick a USB stick in a
Dominion Voting Machine and
you can add 50 million votes.
In Russia,
Pre-Election Rigging 2024 is
also being done by planting
Fake Opponents.
But I like Putin's idea
of simply killing them!
It ...efficient.
It makes Nancy Pelosi mouth watery...
I don't understand..
Why doesn't Nancy Pelosi simly take a
knife and stab him to death while he's on
She's above the law.
Nobody is going to arrest her.
She can claim insanity...
like that First U.S. politian congreessman ever to
commit murder and got away with it.
Nancy Pelosi looks at
Donald Trumps hands and all
she sees is...Blood.
It makes Nancy Pelosi mouth watery...
yum, yum, yummmmmmmmmmmm!
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
2024-01-25 00:50:51 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Either they are going to throw him out the window, or
I think you should concentrate on his vice president choice, cause more
likely Trump will be thrown out the window _after_ the election is over.
The Starmaker
2024-01-30 00:54:58 UTC
Do you smell that????

It smells like...The plan is to cancel the 2024 election.


spreadsheets with passwords????

The plan is to cancel the 2024 election.

Cancel the election! (for technical reasons)...whatever they feel
like coming up with...

On Wed, 24 Jan 2024 12:31:01 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
BE PREPARED! If Trump gets thru, the election will be canceled!
By now the democrats see Trump is winning everywhere!
I'm sure they are working on Plan B thru Plan Z on getting rid of
Either they are going to throw him out the window, or
simply near the 2024 election simply...
Cancel the election! (for technical reasons)
Maybe the year after that, or maybe the year after that, or
maybe the year after dat they'll run it again.
Yous are not going to do anything about it, right?
protest for the next 4 years?
On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:40:31 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
I just noticed today that
the Democracts have
already begun implementing
Pre-Election Rigging 2024,
by claiming "aging ballot scanners".
The plan is to cancel the 2024 election.
Potential problems with New Hampshire’s aging ballot scanners
One potential glitch: If it’s snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner.
“If it’s a sunny, beautiful day, we’re in great shape,” Zink said.
Guilford said. It has happened before, when hand sanitizer gummed up a machine in 2020 during the pandemic.
“I don’t foresee any issues,” she said.
BE PREPARED! If Trump gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024"
Subtitled: Pre-Election Rigging 2024
author -The Starmaker
One potential glitch: If it’s snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner.
hand sanitizer gummed up a machine in 2020 during the pandemic.
if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of "technical reasons"..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
hand sanitizer gummed up a machine?
snowy or rainy, damp ballots can mess up a ballot scanner?
(Democracts are Now sitting around a table with
all the "technical reasons" they can come up with)
(Maybe ChatGPT can come up with some!!!!")
AI interfering with the election process.
election delayed is election denied.
(Nancy Pelosi is not moving from the 6th floor!)
Nancy Pelosi knows a bullet is an effective vote.
successful in producing a desired or intended result.
Post by The Starmaker
What you are witnessing with
Donald Trump being dragged
tied to the pickup truck
of the legal system...
is Election Rigging 2024
or, more precisely...
Pre-Election Rigging.
(rig the election before the election)
It looks like the Democrats already
tried to throw him out the window judging
by the cuts on donald trumps hands...
If, if..they assassinate Donald Trump
before the election...that's called,
Pre-Election Rigging.
Biden can win the election
even if he is dead with a simple
USB stick.
You stick a USB stick in a
Dominion Voting Machine and
you can add 50 million votes.
In Russia,
Pre-Election Rigging 2024 is
also being done by planting
Fake Opponents.
But I like Putin's idea
of simply killing them!
It ...efficient.
It makes Nancy Pelosi mouth watery...
I don't understand..
Why doesn't Nancy Pelosi simly take a
knife and stab him to death while he's on
She's above the law.
Nobody is going to arrest her.
She can claim insanity...
like that First U.S. politian congreessman ever to
commit murder and got away with it.
Nancy Pelosi looks at
Donald Trumps hands and all
she sees is...Blood.
It makes Nancy Pelosi mouth watery...
yum, yum, yummmmmmmmmmmm!
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-01-31 05:46:24 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Do you smell that????
It smells like...
1. bamboo ballots

2. magic thermostats

3. ballots from NoKo coming into a port in Maine


5. satellites controlled from Italy switch votes
The Starmaker
2024-06-14 04:20:02 UTC
So, wats the status of the Democrats Plan? Are they going to
assassinate Trump or simply Cancel the Election on November????

I don't see any other 'option' that they have.

I don't see any at all.

do you?

On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:20:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
2024-06-14 04:46:44 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
So, wats the status of the Democrats Plan? Are they going to
assassinate Trump or simply Cancel the Election on November????
I don't see any other 'option' that they have.
I don't see any at all.
do you?
1. bamboo ballots

2. magic thermostats

3. ballots from NoKo coming into a port in Maine


5. satellites controlled from Italy switch votes
Burlie Koulaxizis Yee
2024-06-15 10:24:53 UTC
So, wats the status of the Democrats Plan? Are they going to assassinate
Trump or simply Cancel the Election on November???? I don't see any other
'option' that they hav. I don't see any at all. do you?
excellent point, my friend. The fools in capitalist america are thinking
they have democracy, "their democracy", when clearly they have a SINGLE
dictator party. Which is not even a party, but a gang dual citizenship
𝙠𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙖𝙧_𝙜𝙤𝙮𝙨 from polakia, treason already, miscalling themself "jews" lol.
Unwashed stinking 𝙠𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙖𝙧_𝙜𝙤𝙮𝙨 from polakia playing "money changers", which is
printing money without work. Exactly written in The Bible, something they
don't like. When they steal countries, they misuse The Bible, otherwise


The British foreign minister has global sanctions ambitions

A war criminal sanctioning a war he and his sort created.

just thinking he/they and entire fucking terroris nato will conquer The
Great Russia, makes him a liar and fucking insane. He thinks talking to the

reasonably grounds for a charge of conspiracy to treason against the people
and mass murder of civilians in Gaza

In three weeks this idiot and all the other Tory idiots will bite the dust.
Then will come the Labour idiots.

Fighting talk from Cameron ,who is guilty of High treason against the
British people for Brexit Betrayal .last thing he did as PM was the Brexit
scam .

English fucking pigs empire reduced to this .. how embarrassing

Britain is sinking faster than anyone else - keep going. These idiots are
doing a sterling job of sinking the UK deep into a non-return mud pool.

Cameron a good Zionist polaker khazar goy, regurgitating Zionist rhetoric
and the banking fraternities continual aspiration to have the fake dollar
weaponised with their total control!
The Starmaker
2024-06-15 20:39:47 UTC
Oh, I thought of one more option the Democrats have that will work...

all they have to do is..

Do a major, do a MAJOR


Bring out th Gig Guns!

Major stuffing ballots fraud
Major rigging of all voting machines
Major hire only people with dyslexia to do the hand counting
(and i put ballot boxes in neighborhoods that are darker than blue) dats
a new one i just made up!
any whities dat want to use the drop box gotta go the dark side of
(slap me on the nigger side!)
Major Stealing votes
Start your own Messenger Ballot Stuffer Classes!
Craig-Callaway will pay you $30.00 messenger ballot, but, but, you
gotta make three trips to get the $30.00
Major Major
Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the
actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and
filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or
telling the voter who to vote for.
Ineligible Voting

Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S.
citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to
Impersonation Fraud At The Polls

Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who
have died,
moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons,
remain registered.
Buying Votes

Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for
particular candidate.
Ballot Petition Fraud

Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot
petitions that
must be filed with election officials in some states for a
candidate or
issue to be listed on the official ballot
Duplicate Voting

Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same
election in
more than one jurisdiction or state.
False Registrations

Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a
phony name
and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular
jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live
and is
not entitled to vote.
Altering The Vote Count

Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the
location where votes are counted.
Illegal "Assistance" At The Polls

Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly,
illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to
vote for
particular candidates while supposedly providing them with

Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are... 1.8 million voters!!!

Now, Donald Trump will be 'monitoring' the election stations...

if he complains of just 'one' vote rigging fraud...CANCEL THE ELECTION!

It will take ten years to do a recount.

Either way they got him.

Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democrats will cancel the
election? or cancel him??

Civil War?

no matter what it's going to be fun, won't it?
Post by The Starmaker
So, wats the status of the Democrats Plan? Are they going to
assassinate Trump or simply Cancel the Election on November????
I don't see any other 'option' that they have.
I don't see any at all.
do you?
On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:20:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-06-16 22:03:17 UTC
One method that Donald Trump is using to get ahead of Democracts

is to...

Trump campaign launches effort to promote early voting

Donald Trump Is Now an Early Voting and Vote-By-Mail Evangelist

Trump pushes early and mail-in voting initiative ahead of November ...


Dominion voting machines owners will exclaim ..."HEY, I HAVEN'T RIGGED

Early Voting can bypass the rigging process..

most of the early votes will be in by a bigger percentage than by voting
on election day.
Post by The Starmaker
Oh, I thought of one more option the Democrats have that will work...
all they have to do is..
Do a major, do a MAJOR
Bring out th Gig Guns!
Major stuffing ballots fraud
Major rigging of all voting machines
Major hire only people with dyslexia to do the hand counting
(and i put ballot boxes in neighborhoods that are darker than blue) dats
a new one i just made up!
any whities dat want to use the drop box gotta go the dark side of
(slap me on the nigger side!)
Major Stealing votes
Start your own Messenger Ballot Stuffer Classes!
Craig-Callaway will pay you $30.00 messenger ballot, but, but, you
gotta make three trips to get the $30.00
Major Major
Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the
actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and
filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or
telling the voter who to vote for.
Ineligible Voting
Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S.
citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to
Impersonation Fraud At The Polls
Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who
have died,
moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons,
remain registered.
Buying Votes
Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for
particular candidate.
Ballot Petition Fraud
Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot
petitions that
must be filed with election officials in some states for a
candidate or
issue to be listed on the official ballot
Duplicate Voting
Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same
election in
more than one jurisdiction or state.
False Registrations
Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a
phony name
and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular
jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live
and is
not entitled to vote.
Altering The Vote Count
Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the
location where votes are counted.
Illegal "Assistance" At The Polls
Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly,
illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to
vote for
particular candidates while supposedly providing them with
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are... 1.8 million voters!!!
Now, Donald Trump will be 'monitoring' the election stations...
if he complains of just 'one' vote rigging fraud...CANCEL THE ELECTION!
It will take ten years to do a recount.
Either way they got him.
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democrats will cancel the
election? or cancel him??
Civil War?
no matter what it's going to be fun, won't it?
Post by The Starmaker
So, wats the status of the Democrats Plan? Are they going to
assassinate Trump or simply Cancel the Election on November????
I don't see any other 'option' that they have.
I don't see any at all.
do you?
On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:20:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-06-17 04:07:15 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
One method that Donald Trump is using to get ahead of Democracts
is to...
Trump campaign launches effort to promote early voting
Donald Trump Is Now an Early Voting and Vote-By-Mail Evangelist
Trump pushes early and mail-in voting initiative ahead of November ...
Dominion voting machines owners will exclaim ..."HEY, I HAVEN'T RIGGED
Early Voting can bypass the rigging process..
most of the early votes will be in by a bigger percentage than by voting
on election day.
1. bamboo ballots

2. magic thermostats

3. ballots from NoKo coming into a port in Maine


5. satellites controlled from Italy switch votes
The Starmaker
2024-06-16 23:07:21 UTC
Of course, the Democrats are following the 'playbook'

written by Maduro of Venezuela...

anybody gots a copy of the 'playbook'????

It's all there. Everything Maduro of Venezuela playbook on

"How To Rig an Election in 2024" are the exact steps

the Democrats are taking now to date.

But, but, where can I get a copy of it????

ChatGPT and all his cousins 'don't even want to talk about it'.

I can get bits and pieces here and there...but I need the whole 'playbook' intact that the Democrats got from Maduro of Venezuela.

"How To Rig a AMERICA Election in 2024" (south America, central America, latin America,
north America, united states of America, Ameri-kay, etc,)

Maduro of Venezuela playbook --




(i'll fill in later)
Post by The Starmaker
Oh, I thought of one more option the Democrats have that will work...
all they have to do is..
Do a major, do a MAJOR
Bring out th Gig Guns!
Major stuffing ballots fraud
Major rigging of all voting machines
Major hire only people with dyslexia to do the hand counting
(and i put ballot boxes in neighborhoods that are darker than blue) dats
a new one i just made up!
any whities dat want to use the drop box gotta go the dark side of
(slap me on the nigger side!)
Major Stealing votes
Start your own Messenger Ballot Stuffer Classes!
Craig-Callaway will pay you $30.00 messenger ballot, but, but, you
gotta make three trips to get the $30.00
Major Major
Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the
actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and
filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or
telling the voter who to vote for.
Ineligible Voting
Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S.
citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to
Impersonation Fraud At The Polls
Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who
have died,
moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons,
remain registered.
Buying Votes
Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for
particular candidate.
Ballot Petition Fraud
Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot
petitions that
must be filed with election officials in some states for a
candidate or
issue to be listed on the official ballot
Duplicate Voting
Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same
election in
more than one jurisdiction or state.
False Registrations
Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a
phony name
and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular
jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live
and is
not entitled to vote.
Altering The Vote Count
Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the
location where votes are counted.
Illegal "Assistance" At The Polls
Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly,
illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to
vote for
particular candidates while supposedly providing them with
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are... 1.8 million voters!!!
Now, Donald Trump will be 'monitoring' the election stations...
if he complains of just 'one' vote rigging fraud...CANCEL THE ELECTION!
It will take ten years to do a recount.
Either way they got him.
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democrats will cancel the
election? or cancel him??
Civil War?
no matter what it's going to be fun, won't it?
Post by The Starmaker
So, wats the status of the Democrats Plan? Are they going to
assassinate Trump or simply Cancel the Election on November????
I don't see any other 'option' that they have.
I don't see any at all.
do you?
On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:20:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-06-17 04:12:10 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Of course, the Democrats are following the 'playbook'
written by Maduro of Venezuela...
anybody gots a copy of the 'playbook'????
It's all there. Everything Maduro of Venezuela playbook on
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" are the exact steps
the Democrats are taking now to date.
But, but, where can I get a copy of it????
ChatGPT and all his cousins 'don't even want to talk about it'.
I can get bits and pieces here and there...but I need the whole 'playbook' intact that the Democrats got from Maduro of Venezuela.
"How To Rig a AMERICA Election in 2024" (south America, central America, latin America,
north America, united states of America, Ameri-kay, etc,)
Maduro of Venezuela playbook --
(i'll fill in later)
1. bamboo ballots

2. magic thermostats

3. ballots from NoKo coming into a port in Maine


5. satellites controlled from Italy switch votes

Voter data expert hired by Trump campaign says 2020 election was not


Ken Block, whom the Trump campaign hired
in 2020 to find voter fraud in the
election, penned an op-ed Tuesday stating
unequivocally that the 2020 presidential
election was not stolen and that there
was no evidence of voter fraud sufficient
to change the outcome of the election.

“Can a steady diet of lies and innuendo
overcome the truth?” the USA Today op-ed
began. “In November 2020, former President
Donald Trump asserted that voter fraud had
altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential
election. The day after the election, his
campaign hired an expert in voter data to
attempt to prove Trump’s allegations and put
him back in the White House.”

“I am the expert who was hired by the Trump
campaign,” Block wrote.

Block, who owns Simpatico Software Systems,
said his company’s findings were communicated
directly to then-White House chief of staff
Mark Meadows, and transcripts of depositions
taken by the Jan. 6 select committee
investigating the attack on the Capitol “show
that the campaign found no evidence of voter
fraud sufficient to change the outcome of any

“If voter fraud had impacted the 2020 election,
it would already have been proven. Maintaining
the lies undermines faith in the foundation of
our democracy,” Block wrote.
The Starmaker
2024-06-17 05:37:37 UTC
Democracts Playbook: Strategies and Scenarios for Democrats Political

Objective: Outline the strategies employed by President Nicolás Maduro
to maintain political power in Venezuela, and anticipate potential
scenarios and responses.

1. Election Postponement


Objective: Undermine opposition and gain time to mitigate negative
public opinion.
Execution: Postpone elections as necessary.
Rationale: Creates a buffer period to weaken opposition parties and
prevent immediate electoral challenges.

Implementation Steps:

Identify and leverage legal or procedural grounds to justify
Control media narrative to justify postponements as necessary for
national stability.
Utilize state resources to maintain public support during the delay.

2. Election Manipulation


Objective: Secure electoral victory by undermining opposition
Execution: Manipulate results, especially in isolated locations
lacking opposition poll watchers.
Rationale: Reduces the likelihood of organized opposition, ensuring
favorable outcomes.

Implementation Steps:

Deploy loyal officials to manage polling sites in remote areas.
Restrict opposition access to poll monitoring.
Utilize state media to announce favorable results promptly.

3. Emulating the Nicaraguan Model


Objective: Eliminate credible opposition through legal and
extralegal means.
Execution: Ban and jail opposition candidates, akin to President
Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo's tactics in Nicaragua.
Rationale: Removes potential threats and consolidates power.

Implementation Steps:

Introduce and enforce laws that disqualify opposition candidates on
technical grounds.
Use security forces to arrest and detain opposition leaders under
pretexts of national security.
Control judiciary to support these actions.

4. Invalidating Elections


Objective: Secure victory by discrediting or annulling unfavorable
election results.
Execution: Steal or invalidate the election.
Rationale: Prevents opposition from gaining power, albeit with high
personal risk.

Implementation Steps:

Prepare legal challenges to election results in advance.
Mobilize loyalists to create and spread allegations of fraud against
Deploy security forces to suppress protests and dissent.

5. Managing Defeat


Event: Opposition wins decisively despite manipulative tactics.
Challenge: Disregarding the election outcome without losing control.

Response Steps:

Use legal mechanisms ("lawfare") to disqualify the victorious
Deploy security forces to manage and disperse protests.
Control media narrative to delegitimize opposition victory.
Seek international allies to support the regime's stance and prevent
external intervention.

Risk Mitigation:

Monitoring and Surveillance: Maintain constant surveillance on
opposition activities.
Intelligence Operations: Gather and act on intelligence to pre-empt
opposition moves.
International Relations: Secure support from international allies to
bolster legitimacy and counteract foreign pressures.

Conclusion: By understanding and implementing these strategies, the
regime can maintain a firm grip on power despite internal and external
challenges. Each strategy must be tailored to the evolving political
landscape and opposition tactics, ensuring a flexible yet resolute
approach to political survival.
Post by The Starmaker
Of course, the Democrats are following the 'playbook'
written by Maduro of Venezuela...
anybody gots a copy of the 'playbook'????
It's all there. Everything Maduro of Venezuela playbook on
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" are the exact steps
the Democrats are taking now to date.
But, but, where can I get a copy of it????
ChatGPT and all his cousins 'don't even want to talk about it'.
I can get bits and pieces here and there...but I need the whole 'playbook' intact that the Democrats got from Maduro of Venezuela.
"How To Rig a AMERICA Election in 2024" (south America, central America, latin America,
north America, united states of America, Ameri-kay, etc,)
Maduro of Venezuela playbook --
(i'll fill in later)
Post by The Starmaker
Oh, I thought of one more option the Democrats have that will work...
all they have to do is..
Do a major, do a MAJOR
Bring out th Gig Guns!
Major stuffing ballots fraud
Major rigging of all voting machines
Major hire only people with dyslexia to do the hand counting
(and i put ballot boxes in neighborhoods that are darker than blue) dats
a new one i just made up!
any whities dat want to use the drop box gotta go the dark side of
(slap me on the nigger side!)
Major Stealing votes
Start your own Messenger Ballot Stuffer Classes!
Craig-Callaway will pay you $30.00 messenger ballot, but, but, you
gotta make three trips to get the $30.00
Major Major
Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the
actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and
filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or
telling the voter who to vote for.
Ineligible Voting
Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S.
citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to
Impersonation Fraud At The Polls
Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who
have died,
moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons,
remain registered.
Buying Votes
Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for
particular candidate.
Ballot Petition Fraud
Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot
petitions that
must be filed with election officials in some states for a
candidate or
issue to be listed on the official ballot
Duplicate Voting
Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same
election in
more than one jurisdiction or state.
False Registrations
Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a
phony name
and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular
jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live
and is
not entitled to vote.
Altering The Vote Count
Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the
location where votes are counted.
Illegal "Assistance" At The Polls
Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly,
illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to
vote for
particular candidates while supposedly providing them with
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are... 1.8 million voters!!!
Now, Donald Trump will be 'monitoring' the election stations...
if he complains of just 'one' vote rigging fraud...CANCEL THE ELECTION!
It will take ten years to do a recount.
Either way they got him.
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democrats will cancel the
election? or cancel him??
Civil War?
no matter what it's going to be fun, won't it?
Post by The Starmaker
So, wats the status of the Democrats Plan? Are they going to
assassinate Trump or simply Cancel the Election on November????
I don't see any other 'option' that they have.
I don't see any at all.
do you?
On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:20:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-06-17 20:17:34 UTC
Of course, I prefer Putin's Playbook...he's gots no political
opponents...THEY ARE ALL FUCKIN DEAD!!!!
Post by The Starmaker
Democracts Playbook: Strategies and Scenarios for Democrats Political
Objective: Outline the strategies employed by President Nicolás Maduro
to maintain political power in Venezuela, and anticipate potential
scenarios and responses.
1. Election Postponement
Objective: Undermine opposition and gain time to mitigate negative
public opinion.
Execution: Postpone elections as necessary.
Rationale: Creates a buffer period to weaken opposition parties and
prevent immediate electoral challenges.
Identify and leverage legal or procedural grounds to justify
Control media narrative to justify postponements as necessary for
national stability.
Utilize state resources to maintain public support during the delay.
2. Election Manipulation
Objective: Secure electoral victory by undermining opposition
Execution: Manipulate results, especially in isolated locations
lacking opposition poll watchers.
Rationale: Reduces the likelihood of organized opposition, ensuring
favorable outcomes.
Deploy loyal officials to manage polling sites in remote areas.
Restrict opposition access to poll monitoring.
Utilize state media to announce favorable results promptly.
3. Emulating the Nicaraguan Model
Objective: Eliminate credible opposition through legal and
extralegal means.
Execution: Ban and jail opposition candidates, akin to President
Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo's tactics in Nicaragua.
Rationale: Removes potential threats and consolidates power.
Introduce and enforce laws that disqualify opposition candidates on
technical grounds.
Use security forces to arrest and detain opposition leaders under
pretexts of national security.
Control judiciary to support these actions.
4. Invalidating Elections
Objective: Secure victory by discrediting or annulling unfavorable
election results.
Execution: Steal or invalidate the election.
Rationale: Prevents opposition from gaining power, albeit with high
personal risk.
Prepare legal challenges to election results in advance.
Mobilize loyalists to create and spread allegations of fraud against
Deploy security forces to suppress protests and dissent.
5. Managing Defeat
Event: Opposition wins decisively despite manipulative tactics.
Challenge: Disregarding the election outcome without losing control.
Use legal mechanisms ("lawfare") to disqualify the victorious
Deploy security forces to manage and disperse protests.
Control media narrative to delegitimize opposition victory.
Seek international allies to support the regime's stance and prevent
external intervention.
Monitoring and Surveillance: Maintain constant surveillance on
opposition activities.
Intelligence Operations: Gather and act on intelligence to pre-empt
opposition moves.
International Relations: Secure support from international allies to
bolster legitimacy and counteract foreign pressures.
Conclusion: By understanding and implementing these strategies, the
regime can maintain a firm grip on power despite internal and external
challenges. Each strategy must be tailored to the evolving political
landscape and opposition tactics, ensuring a flexible yet resolute
approach to political survival.
Post by The Starmaker
Of course, the Democrats are following the 'playbook'
written by Maduro of Venezuela...
anybody gots a copy of the 'playbook'????
It's all there. Everything Maduro of Venezuela playbook on
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" are the exact steps
the Democrats are taking now to date.
But, but, where can I get a copy of it????
ChatGPT and all his cousins 'don't even want to talk about it'.
I can get bits and pieces here and there...but I need the whole 'playbook' intact that the Democrats got from Maduro of Venezuela.
"How To Rig a AMERICA Election in 2024" (south America, central America, latin America,
north America, united states of America, Ameri-kay, etc,)
Maduro of Venezuela playbook --
(i'll fill in later)
Post by The Starmaker
Oh, I thought of one more option the Democrats have that will work...
all they have to do is..
Do a major, do a MAJOR
Bring out th Gig Guns!
Major stuffing ballots fraud
Major rigging of all voting machines
Major hire only people with dyslexia to do the hand counting
(and i put ballot boxes in neighborhoods that are darker than blue) dats
a new one i just made up!
any whities dat want to use the drop box gotta go the dark side of
(slap me on the nigger side!)
Major Stealing votes
Start your own Messenger Ballot Stuffer Classes!
Craig-Callaway will pay you $30.00 messenger ballot, but, but, you
gotta make three trips to get the $30.00
Major Major
Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the
actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and
filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or
telling the voter who to vote for.
Ineligible Voting
Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S.
citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to
Impersonation Fraud At The Polls
Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who
have died,
moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons,
remain registered.
Buying Votes
Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for
particular candidate.
Ballot Petition Fraud
Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot
petitions that
must be filed with election officials in some states for a
candidate or
issue to be listed on the official ballot
Duplicate Voting
Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same
election in
more than one jurisdiction or state.
False Registrations
Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a
phony name
and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular
jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live
and is
not entitled to vote.
Altering The Vote Count
Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the
location where votes are counted.
Illegal "Assistance" At The Polls
Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly,
illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to
vote for
particular candidates while supposedly providing them with
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are... 1.8 million voters!!!
Now, Donald Trump will be 'monitoring' the election stations...
if he complains of just 'one' vote rigging fraud...CANCEL THE ELECTION!
It will take ten years to do a recount.
Either way they got him.
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democrats will cancel the
election? or cancel him??
Civil War?
no matter what it's going to be fun, won't it?
Post by The Starmaker
So, wats the status of the Democrats Plan? Are they going to
assassinate Trump or simply Cancel the Election on November????
I don't see any other 'option' that they have.
I don't see any at all.
do you?
On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:20:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-06-25 17:08:40 UTC
Here is a Question...

What if the Democrats and a voting machine manufacturer colluded to
manipulate election results by
rigging the machines near the end of election day using a USB stick to
add 2 million fraudulent votes, not for Biden,
but for Trump? When an audit is conducted, it would show that the 2
million votes were all for Trump.
The Democrats and the voting machine manufacturer could then claim that
someone tampered with the voting machines, citing the
inability to match the additional 2 million votes as proof, and use this
as a basis to postpone or cancel the election.
Post by The Starmaker
Oh, I thought of one more option the Democrats have that will work...
all they have to do is..
Do a major, do a MAJOR
Bring out th Gig Guns!
Major stuffing ballots fraud
Major rigging of all voting machines
Major hire only people with dyslexia to do the hand counting
(and i put ballot boxes in neighborhoods that are darker than blue) dats
a new one i just made up!
any whities dat want to use the drop box gotta go the dark side of
(slap me on the nigger side!)
Major Stealing votes
Start your own Messenger Ballot Stuffer Classes!
Craig-Callaway will pay you $30.00 messenger ballot, but, but, you
gotta make three trips to get the $30.00
Major Major
Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the
actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and
filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or
telling the voter who to vote for.
Ineligible Voting
Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S.
citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to
Impersonation Fraud At The Polls
Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who
have died,
moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons,
remain registered.
Buying Votes
Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for
particular candidate.
Ballot Petition Fraud
Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot
petitions that
must be filed with election officials in some states for a
candidate or
issue to be listed on the official ballot
Duplicate Voting
Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same
election in
more than one jurisdiction or state.
False Registrations
Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a
phony name
and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular
jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live
and is
not entitled to vote.
Altering The Vote Count
Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the
location where votes are counted.
Illegal "Assistance" At The Polls
Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly,
illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to
vote for
particular candidates while supposedly providing them with
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are... 1.8 million voters!!!
Now, Donald Trump will be 'monitoring' the election stations...
if he complains of just 'one' vote rigging fraud...CANCEL THE ELECTION!
It will take ten years to do a recount.
Either way they got him.
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democrats will cancel the
election? or cancel him??
Civil War?
no matter what it's going to be fun, won't it?
Post by The Starmaker
So, wats the status of the Democrats Plan? Are they going to
assassinate Trump or simply Cancel the Election on November????
I don't see any other 'option' that they have.
I don't see any at all.
do you?
On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:20:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
By now you people should be able to SMELL
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Donald Trump KNOWS the democracts
are now planning to cancel the upcoming
2024 election...
i think he is having fun.
What kind of Americans are you?
Nancy Pelosi has her own plans...
she's on the sixth floor
Texas Library.
and her daughter is on the phone...
"I'll tell you when to shoot, mom!"
Anybody wanna bet a million dollars the democracts will cancel the election?
(i don't think nancy can shoot straight)
election-rigging at it's best!
Post by The Starmaker
I mean, don't you people think that if
Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up
that the next plan from the democracts is to...
*cancel* the election"????
Are you people not prepared for this??
That's the plan.
The plan is to *cancel* the election.
In other words, if Trump gets through all the brick walls, there won't be an election.
for "technical reasons"...
one can come up with
thousands of reasons..
like fabricate that all the
voting machines have been tampered with, etc.
election delayed is election denied.
BE PREPARED! If he gets thru, the election will be canceled!
It's called...'election manipulation'....
interfering with the election process.
"How To Rig an Election in 2024" author -The Starmaker
throwing your
out the window is
'election manipulation'.
It is a..coup d'etat.
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Now, if Donald Trump 'manages' to get pass all the brick walls they put up, and
any other hurdles...'they' can always..
delay the election day for "technical reasons"..
election delayed is election denied.
Trump: "You cannot call off the election!"
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-06-25 17:24:31 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Here is a Question...
What if the Democrats and a voting machine manufacturer colluded to
manipulate election results by
rigging the machines near the end of election day using a USB stick to
add 2 million fraudulent votes, not for Biden,
but for Trump? When an audit is conducted, it would show that the 2
million votes were all for Trump.
The Democrats and the voting machine manufacturer could then claim that
someone tampered with the voting machines, citing the
inability to match the additional 2 million votes as proof, and use this
as a basis to postpone or cancel the election.
Here is what the Democrats Playbook would look like:

Democrats Election Manipulation Playbook


To manipulate election results by adding fraudulent votes to a specific
candidate and subsequently claim tampering to disrupt the election


Political Party (Democrats)
Voting Machine Manufacturer

Timeline & Actions:

Preparation Phase
Identify Target Machines: Select specific voting machines to be
Develop Manipulation Software: Create software to add fraudulent
votes using a USB stick.
Train Operatives: Ensure trusted operatives are trained on how
to use the USB sticks and manipulate the voting machines.

Election Day
Monitor Voter Turnout: Keep track of voter turnout and real-time
vote counts.
Deploy Operatives: Position operatives at polling locations with
the targeted voting machines.

Execution Phase
Timing: Wait until near the end of the election day when polling
locations are less crowded and Trump looks like a clear winner.
Rig the Machines: Insert the USB sticks into the targeted voting
machines and add 2 million fraudulent votes for Trump.
Ensure Plausible Deniability: Operatives must be discreet and
leave no trace of tampering by erasing the USB stick after the election.

Post-Election Audit
Demand an Audit: Call for an immediate audit of the election
Highlight Discrepancies: Focus on the 2 million additional votes
for Trump.
Claim Tampering: Publicly claim that someone tampered with the
voting machines.
Provide "Proof": Use the audit results showing the inability to
match the additional 2 million votes as evidence of tampering.

Disruption Phase
Create Public Outcry: Mobilize media and social media to amplify
claims of tampering.
Push for Postponement: Use the alleged tampering and public
outcry to call for postponing or canceling the election.
Legal Maneuvers: Initiate legal proceedings to challenge the
election results based on the fraudulent votes and tampering claims.

Investigate Allegations: Advocate for an independent
investigation into the tampering claims.
Control the Narrative: Maintain control of the narrative to
ensure public perception favors the postponement or cancellation.
Prepare for Contingencies: Be ready for potential legal and
political fallout.

Contingency Plans:

Exposure Risk: Have a contingency plan to discredit any
whistleblowers or evidence that might expose the collusion.
Public Backlash: Be prepared with a robust PR strategy to manage any
public backlash and maintain credibility.
Legal Challenges: Ensure a team of legal experts is ready to handle
any legal challenges that arise from the manipulation and subsequent


By meticulously executing this playbook, the aim is to manipulate the
election results in a way that adds fraudulent votes to Trump, and then
leverage the resulting discrepancies to claim tampering, ultimately
disrupting the election process and forcing a postponement or
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-06-25 17:40:28 UTC
Of course, I think it's more fun for the Democrats at the last minute to
change the polling location in Red states to locations only
in Black neighborhoods.

Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Here is a Question...
What if the Democrats and a voting machine manufacturer colluded to
manipulate election results by
rigging the machines near the end of election day using a USB stick to
add 2 million fraudulent votes, not for Biden,
but for Trump? When an audit is conducted, it would show that the 2
million votes were all for Trump.
The Democrats and the voting machine manufacturer could then claim that
someone tampered with the voting machines, citing the
inability to match the additional 2 million votes as proof, and use this
as a basis to postpone or cancel the election.
Democrats Election Manipulation Playbook
To manipulate election results by adding fraudulent votes to a specific
candidate and subsequently claim tampering to disrupt the election
Political Party (Democrats)
Voting Machine Manufacturer
Preparation Phase
Identify Target Machines: Select specific voting machines to be
Develop Manipulation Software: Create software to add fraudulent
votes using a USB stick.
Train Operatives: Ensure trusted operatives are trained on how
to use the USB sticks and manipulate the voting machines.
Election Day
Monitor Voter Turnout: Keep track of voter turnout and real-time
vote counts.
Deploy Operatives: Position operatives at polling locations with
the targeted voting machines.
Execution Phase
Timing: Wait until near the end of the election day when polling
locations are less crowded and Trump looks like a clear winner.
Rig the Machines: Insert the USB sticks into the targeted voting
machines and add 2 million fraudulent votes for Trump.
Ensure Plausible Deniability: Operatives must be discreet and
leave no trace of tampering by erasing the USB stick after the election.
Post-Election Audit
Demand an Audit: Call for an immediate audit of the election
Highlight Discrepancies: Focus on the 2 million additional votes
for Trump.
Claim Tampering: Publicly claim that someone tampered with the
voting machines.
Provide "Proof": Use the audit results showing the inability to
match the additional 2 million votes as evidence of tampering.
Disruption Phase
Create Public Outcry: Mobilize media and social media to amplify
claims of tampering.
Push for Postponement: Use the alleged tampering and public
outcry to call for postponing or canceling the election.
Legal Maneuvers: Initiate legal proceedings to challenge the
election results based on the fraudulent votes and tampering claims.
Investigate Allegations: Advocate for an independent
investigation into the tampering claims.
Control the Narrative: Maintain control of the narrative to
ensure public perception favors the postponement or cancellation.
Prepare for Contingencies: Be ready for potential legal and
political fallout.
Exposure Risk: Have a contingency plan to discredit any
whistleblowers or evidence that might expose the collusion.
Public Backlash: Be prepared with a robust PR strategy to manage any
public backlash and maintain credibility.
Legal Challenges: Ensure a team of legal experts is ready to handle
any legal challenges that arise from the manipulation and subsequent
By meticulously executing this playbook, the aim is to manipulate the
election results in a way that adds fraudulent votes to Trump, and then
leverage the resulting discrepancies to claim tampering, ultimately
disrupting the election process and forcing a postponement or
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-06-26 17:31:52 UTC
It's very simple
to count
how many people
use a polling station
and how many votes
there are...
the numbers should match.

If they don't match...
and you got a count
of an extra 2 million...

the voting machine it rigged!


Who is going to monitor polling locations in Black neighborHoods???


Instructions: You see a White guy, STEAL THEIR CAR! (while they are
still in it.)
Post by The Starmaker
Of course, I think it's more fun for the Democrats at the last minute to
change the polling location in Red states to locations only
in Black neighborhoods.
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Here is a Question...
What if the Democrats and a voting machine manufacturer colluded to
manipulate election results by
rigging the machines near the end of election day using a USB stick to
add 2 million fraudulent votes, not for Biden,
but for Trump? When an audit is conducted, it would show that the 2
million votes were all for Trump.
The Democrats and the voting machine manufacturer could then claim that
someone tampered with the voting machines, citing the
inability to match the additional 2 million votes as proof, and use this
as a basis to postpone or cancel the election.
Democrats Election Manipulation Playbook
To manipulate election results by adding fraudulent votes to a specific
candidate and subsequently claim tampering to disrupt the election
Political Party (Democrats)
Voting Machine Manufacturer
Preparation Phase
Identify Target Machines: Select specific voting machines to be
Develop Manipulation Software: Create software to add fraudulent
votes using a USB stick.
Train Operatives: Ensure trusted operatives are trained on how
to use the USB sticks and manipulate the voting machines.
Election Day
Monitor Voter Turnout: Keep track of voter turnout and real-time
vote counts.
Deploy Operatives: Position operatives at polling locations with
the targeted voting machines.
Execution Phase
Timing: Wait until near the end of the election day when polling
locations are less crowded and Trump looks like a clear winner.
Rig the Machines: Insert the USB sticks into the targeted voting
machines and add 2 million fraudulent votes for Trump.
Ensure Plausible Deniability: Operatives must be discreet and
leave no trace of tampering by erasing the USB stick after the election.
Post-Election Audit
Demand an Audit: Call for an immediate audit of the election
Highlight Discrepancies: Focus on the 2 million additional votes
for Trump.
Claim Tampering: Publicly claim that someone tampered with the
voting machines.
Provide "Proof": Use the audit results showing the inability to
match the additional 2 million votes as evidence of tampering.
Disruption Phase
Create Public Outcry: Mobilize media and social media to amplify
claims of tampering.
Push for Postponement: Use the alleged tampering and public
outcry to call for postponing or canceling the election.
Legal Maneuvers: Initiate legal proceedings to challenge the
election results based on the fraudulent votes and tampering claims.
Investigate Allegations: Advocate for an independent
investigation into the tampering claims.
Control the Narrative: Maintain control of the narrative to
ensure public perception favors the postponement or cancellation.
Prepare for Contingencies: Be ready for potential legal and
political fallout.
Exposure Risk: Have a contingency plan to discredit any
whistleblowers or evidence that might expose the collusion.
Public Backlash: Be prepared with a robust PR strategy to manage any
public backlash and maintain credibility.
Legal Challenges: Ensure a team of legal experts is ready to handle
any legal challenges that arise from the manipulation and subsequent
By meticulously executing this playbook, the aim is to manipulate the
election results in a way that adds fraudulent votes to Trump, and then
leverage the resulting discrepancies to claim tampering, ultimately
disrupting the election process and forcing a postponement or
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-06-26 18:00:25 UTC

Whitey: "I'm a poll watcher!"



another Whitey: "I'm a pole worker!"


Post by The Starmaker
It's very simple
to count
how many people
use a polling station
and how many votes
there are...
the numbers should match.
If they don't match...
and you got a count
of an extra 2 million...
the voting machine it rigged!
Who is going to monitor polling locations in Black neighborHoods???
Instructions: You see a White guy, STEAL THEIR CAR! (while they are
still in it.)
Post by The Starmaker
Of course, I think it's more fun for the Democrats at the last minute to
change the polling location in Red states to locations only
in Black neighborhoods.
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Here is a Question...
What if the Democrats and a voting machine manufacturer colluded to
manipulate election results by
rigging the machines near the end of election day using a USB stick to
add 2 million fraudulent votes, not for Biden,
but for Trump? When an audit is conducted, it would show that the 2
million votes were all for Trump.
The Democrats and the voting machine manufacturer could then claim that
someone tampered with the voting machines, citing the
inability to match the additional 2 million votes as proof, and use this
as a basis to postpone or cancel the election.
Democrats Election Manipulation Playbook
To manipulate election results by adding fraudulent votes to a specific
candidate and subsequently claim tampering to disrupt the election
Political Party (Democrats)
Voting Machine Manufacturer
Preparation Phase
Identify Target Machines: Select specific voting machines to be
Develop Manipulation Software: Create software to add fraudulent
votes using a USB stick.
Train Operatives: Ensure trusted operatives are trained on how
to use the USB sticks and manipulate the voting machines.
Election Day
Monitor Voter Turnout: Keep track of voter turnout and real-time
vote counts.
Deploy Operatives: Position operatives at polling locations with
the targeted voting machines.
Execution Phase
Timing: Wait until near the end of the election day when polling
locations are less crowded and Trump looks like a clear winner.
Rig the Machines: Insert the USB sticks into the targeted voting
machines and add 2 million fraudulent votes for Trump.
Ensure Plausible Deniability: Operatives must be discreet and
leave no trace of tampering by erasing the USB stick after the election.
Post-Election Audit
Demand an Audit: Call for an immediate audit of the election
Highlight Discrepancies: Focus on the 2 million additional votes
for Trump.
Claim Tampering: Publicly claim that someone tampered with the
voting machines.
Provide "Proof": Use the audit results showing the inability to
match the additional 2 million votes as evidence of tampering.
Disruption Phase
Create Public Outcry: Mobilize media and social media to amplify
claims of tampering.
Push for Postponement: Use the alleged tampering and public
outcry to call for postponing or canceling the election.
Legal Maneuvers: Initiate legal proceedings to challenge the
election results based on the fraudulent votes and tampering claims.
Investigate Allegations: Advocate for an independent
investigation into the tampering claims.
Control the Narrative: Maintain control of the narrative to
ensure public perception favors the postponement or cancellation.
Prepare for Contingencies: Be ready for potential legal and
political fallout.
Exposure Risk: Have a contingency plan to discredit any
whistleblowers or evidence that might expose the collusion.
Public Backlash: Be prepared with a robust PR strategy to manage any
public backlash and maintain credibility.
Legal Challenges: Ensure a team of legal experts is ready to handle
any legal challenges that arise from the manipulation and subsequent
By meticulously executing this playbook, the aim is to manipulate the
election results in a way that adds fraudulent votes to Trump, and then
leverage the resulting discrepancies to claim tampering, ultimately
disrupting the election process and forcing a postponement or
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-02 15:43:14 UTC
Now that the Democrats are ...drowning,

it's time for Donald Trump to

stick a waterhose down their mouths.
The Starmaker
2024-06-25 18:34:35 UTC
Of course, on election day

the voting machine manufacture

will announce to the American people..

' We had provided voting services for the American people since 1776.

'Even in moments of deep political conflict and division we have been
satisfied that the voting process and the count has been completely
accurate in the past.'

'It is, therefore, with the deepest regret that we have to report that
the figures on Tuesday, 05 November, for the American people of the
United States were tampered with.'
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Here is a Question...
What if the Democrats and a voting machine manufacturer colluded to
manipulate election results by
rigging the machines near the end of election day using a USB stick to
add 2 million fraudulent votes, not for Biden,
but for Trump? When an audit is conducted, it would show that the 2
million votes were all for Trump.
The Democrats and the voting machine manufacturer could then claim that
someone tampered with the voting machines, citing the
inability to match the additional 2 million votes as proof, and use this
as a basis to postpone or cancel the election.
Democrats Election Manipulation Playbook
To manipulate election results by adding fraudulent votes to a specific
candidate and subsequently claim tampering to disrupt the election
Political Party (Democrats)
Voting Machine Manufacturer
Preparation Phase
Identify Target Machines: Select specific voting machines to be
Develop Manipulation Software: Create software to add fraudulent
votes using a USB stick.
Train Operatives: Ensure trusted operatives are trained on how
to use the USB sticks and manipulate the voting machines.
Election Day
Monitor Voter Turnout: Keep track of voter turnout and real-time
vote counts.
Deploy Operatives: Position operatives at polling locations with
the targeted voting machines.
Execution Phase
Timing: Wait until near the end of the election day when polling
locations are less crowded and Trump looks like a clear winner.
Rig the Machines: Insert the USB sticks into the targeted voting
machines and add 2 million fraudulent votes for Trump.
Ensure Plausible Deniability: Operatives must be discreet and
leave no trace of tampering by erasing the USB stick after the election.
Post-Election Audit
Demand an Audit: Call for an immediate audit of the election
Highlight Discrepancies: Focus on the 2 million additional votes
for Trump.
Claim Tampering: Publicly claim that someone tampered with the
voting machines.
Provide "Proof": Use the audit results showing the inability to
match the additional 2 million votes as evidence of tampering.
Disruption Phase
Create Public Outcry: Mobilize media and social media to amplify
claims of tampering.
Push for Postponement: Use the alleged tampering and public
outcry to call for postponing or canceling the election.
Legal Maneuvers: Initiate legal proceedings to challenge the
election results based on the fraudulent votes and tampering claims.
Investigate Allegations: Advocate for an independent
investigation into the tampering claims.
Control the Narrative: Maintain control of the narrative to
ensure public perception favors the postponement or cancellation.
Prepare for Contingencies: Be ready for potential legal and
political fallout.
Exposure Risk: Have a contingency plan to discredit any
whistleblowers or evidence that might expose the collusion.
Public Backlash: Be prepared with a robust PR strategy to manage any
public backlash and maintain credibility.
Legal Challenges: Ensure a team of legal experts is ready to handle
any legal challenges that arise from the manipulation and subsequent
By meticulously executing this playbook, the aim is to manipulate the
election results in a way that adds fraudulent votes to Trump, and then
leverage the resulting discrepancies to claim tampering, ultimately
disrupting the election process and forcing a postponement or
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
Chip Roy
2024-06-25 17:36:43 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Here is a Question...
What if the Democrats and a voting machine manufacturer colluded to
manipulate election results by
rigging the machines near the end of election day using a USB stick to
add 2 million fraudulent votes, not for Biden,
but for Trump? When an audit is conducted, it would show that the 2
million votes were all for Trump.
The Democrats and the voting machine manufacturer could then claim that
someone tampered with the voting machines, citing the
inability to match the additional 2 million votes as proof, and use this
as a basis to postpone or cancel the election.
I watch OAN all day and this is how it's going to go down:

Biden's an evil genius who is probably using black magic to win the election
because he alone controls all voting machines from his lair located in the
old bowling alley in the White House basement. Meanwhile Trump, “a very
stable genius,” has proactively called the election a fraud even before the
first vote is cast and is urging his followers to repeat Jan 6 and descend on
the Capitol Building and demand Trump's immediate installation as POTUS for
life, but it must not be done during Mon, Jul 15, 2024 – Thu, Jul 18, 2024
because that's when everybody's getting drunk and settling down with male
prostitutes at the big Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. A place
he calls a 'Horrible city', probably because he's used all the male hookers
there and there are none to be had who don't already know that he's going to
screw them for their fee when they fuck him in the ass.
2024-01-12 06:22:58 UTC
The Starmaker wrote:
Bamboo ballots! Magic thermostats! Ballots from NoKo
coming in to a port in Maine! HUGO CHAVEZ!
The Starmaker
2024-01-11 19:32:09 UTC
Instead of Paul Kagame stuffing ballot boxes, he stuffs voters into the
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-01-12 06:27:27 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Instead of Paul Kagame stuffing ballot boxes, he stuffs voters into the
It's called logic. "You want elections too? Here, elect THIS. Kaboom!"

Honest guys are better than sleazy American billionaires.
2024-01-12 06:07:51 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig an Election, Again... in 2024
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, won 99% of the vote last time, so it
is safe to say he will be re-elected in August.
Paul Kagame is the MAN!
(read about his opponents)
How To Get 99% Of The Vote!!!!
He's got a great way to rig an election! Instead of just getting rid of
his opponents...he gets rid of the voters too!
one million of them in 90 days!
dats how you get 99% Of The Vote.
he no need no stinky usb stick.
At least the dude is honest. "You want elections? Here, I give you your

Billionaires in USA aren't honest.
2024-01-12 06:24:00 UTC
The Starmaker wrote:
Bamboo ballots! Magic thermostats! Ballots from NoKo
coming in to a port in Maine! HUGO CHAVEZ!
Dwaine Narato Shibaguchi
2024-01-12 12:33:50 UTC
Bamboo ballots! Magic thermostats! Ballots from NoKo coming in to a port
in Maine! HUGO CHAVEZ!
so true indeed. The US looking desperatly for a war that they might win.
This time against the poorest nation in the region. Yemen.

fuck you, amrica. You are the dirt at the bottom of the hole.

There is no justification for the US-led military action under
international law, Russia has stated

a shithole on the face of the earth. Amrica wanted kill own soldiers with
2024-01-12 15:03:04 UTC
Post by Dwaine Narato Shibaguchi
There is no justification for the US-led military action under
international law, Russia has stated
Hahahahah!!!! 卐ru⚡︎⚡︎ia卐 complaining about military action being illegal
under international law! Nymshifter, you are a laugh!!
The Starmaker
2024-01-31 06:36:17 UTC
I notice that I haven't heard *anywhere* that the Democrats are
planning to cancel the November election, why is that?

Am I delusional?
Am I imagining things?

Maybe the Media are afraid to mention anything that has to do with
election rigging unless somebody else in the media publishes it first.

They are too busy with ...today's news.

I'm a futurists.

So, sticking with today...
what new brick walls
are the Democrats
throwing up in
front of Donald Trump?

I should ask Nancy Pelosi because
she is orchestrating everything, right?

She's on the phone everyday calling the CIA..."CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING

On Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:38:08 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker
2024-01-31 19:45:46 UTC
Now, in today's DrudgeReport

you see a picture of dat judge...


is that judge what you call a ..."co-opting judge"????

I'm not sure exactly the meaning of a "co-opting judge"...

to me it means


that kind you buy..
the democrats owns his ass.

I'm still not sure what "co-opting judge" means..


it sounds to me like a judge you buy but
you have to buy other judges first to get
your ."co-opting judge" bought lock, stock and barrel.

Who can trust a judge who doesn't take money?

On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 22:36:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
I notice that I haven't heard *anywhere* that the Democrats are
planning to cancel the November election, why is that?
Am I delusional?
Am I imagining things?
Maybe the Media are afraid to mention anything that has to do with
election rigging unless somebody else in the media publishes it first.
They are too busy with ...today's news.
I'm a futurists.
So, sticking with today...
what new brick walls
are the Democrats
throwing up in
front of Donald Trump?
I should ask Nancy Pelosi because
she is orchestrating everything, right?
She's on the phone everyday calling the CIA..."CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING
On Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:38:08 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-02-07 17:43:54 UTC
NEW - Former President of City Council of Atlantic City charged with
submitting fraudulent mail-in ballots.

A criminal complaint accuses Craig Callaway, 64, a political organizer,
of illegally obtaining and
casting ballots that were counted in the November 2022 election.

About a month before the election, Callaway and others allegedly paid
several individuals to carry
completed Vote-By-Mail applications to the county clerk's office.

Once these individuals received the fraudulent mail-in ballots, they
reportedly handed them over to Callaway and his associates.

Many of the mail-in ballots collected in this manner were allegedly cast
using the names of
individuals who have since confirmed that they did not vote in the
November 2022 election.

Moreover, these individuals have stated that they did not give
authorization for
Callaway, his associates, or anyone else to vote on their behalf.

The criminal complaint discloses that a significant number of these
fraudulent mail-in ballots were
officially counted in the November 2022 election.

Post by The Starmaker
Now, in today's DrudgeReport
you see a picture of dat judge...
is that judge what you call a ..."co-opting judge"????
I'm not sure exactly the meaning of a "co-opting judge"...
to me it means
that kind you buy..
the democrats owns his ass.
I'm still not sure what "co-opting judge" means..
it sounds to me like a judge you buy but
you have to buy other judges first to get
your ."co-opting judge" bought lock, stock and barrel.
Who can trust a judge who doesn't take money?
On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 22:36:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
I notice that I haven't heard *anywhere* that the Democrats are
planning to cancel the November election, why is that?
Am I delusional?
Am I imagining things?
Maybe the Media are afraid to mention anything that has to do with
election rigging unless somebody else in the media publishes it first.
They are too busy with ...today's news.
I'm a futurists.
So, sticking with today...
what new brick walls
are the Democrats
throwing up in
front of Donald Trump?
I should ask Nancy Pelosi because
she is orchestrating everything, right?
She's on the phone everyday calling the CIA..."CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING
On Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:38:08 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-02-07 20:46:17 UTC
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of New Jersey


Here is a step-by-step of the fraudulent mail-in ballot scheme:

Recruitment and Promise of Payment: Callaway and his associates approach individuals in Atlantic City approximately one month before the November 8, 2022, general election. T
hey promise to pay these individuals $30 to $50 to act as authorized messengers for voters who wish to vote by mail.

Collection of Vote-By-Mail Applications: Callaway or his subordinates provide these recruited messengers with completed Vote-By-Mail Applications.
The messengers then enter the Atlantic County clerk’s office, carrying anywhere from one to four completed applications.

Submission of Applications: The messengers, following instructions from Callaway or his subordinates, provide proof of
identification and sign the Vote-By-Mail Applications in the authorized messenger portion. These applications are then submitted to office personnel at the county clerk's office.

Receiving Mail-In Ballots: If the applications are approved, office personnel provide mail-in ballots for the
voters listed on the applications to the purported messengers.

Breach of Legal Requirements: Under New Jersey law, messengers are required to deliver any mail-in ballots they received directly to
the voters who requested them and certify that they will do so. However, instead of delivering the ballots to the voters, the messengers hand them over to Callaway or his subordinates.

Fraudulent Casting of Ballots: Callaway and his subordinates receive the mail-in ballots collected by the messengers. They proceed to cast
these ballots in the names of individuals who did not actually vote in the 2022 General Election and did not authorize anyone to cast ballots on their behalf.

Ballot Counting: Despite the fraudulent nature of these ballots, many of them are counted towards the election results.

This process involves a series of illegal actions, including bribery, forgery, and violation of election laws, aimed at manipulating
the electoral process and casting fraudulent votes.

"manipulating the electoral process"???? wat does dat mean?
Post by The Starmaker
NEW - Former President of City Council of Atlantic City charged with
submitting fraudulent mail-in ballots.
A criminal complaint accuses Craig Callaway, 64, a political organizer,
of illegally obtaining and
casting ballots that were counted in the November 2022 election.
About a month before the election, Callaway and others allegedly paid
several individuals to carry
completed Vote-By-Mail applications to the county clerk's office.
Once these individuals received the fraudulent mail-in ballots, they
reportedly handed them over to Callaway and his associates.
Many of the mail-in ballots collected in this manner were allegedly cast
using the names of
individuals who have since confirmed that they did not vote in the
November 2022 election.
Moreover, these individuals have stated that they did not give
authorization for
Callaway, his associates, or anyone else to vote on their behalf.
The criminal complaint discloses that a significant number of these
fraudulent mail-in ballots were
officially counted in the November 2022 election.
Post by The Starmaker
Now, in today's DrudgeReport
you see a picture of dat judge...
is that judge what you call a ..."co-opting judge"????
I'm not sure exactly the meaning of a "co-opting judge"...
to me it means
that kind you buy..
the democrats owns his ass.
I'm still not sure what "co-opting judge" means..
it sounds to me like a judge you buy but
you have to buy other judges first to get
your ."co-opting judge" bought lock, stock and barrel.
Who can trust a judge who doesn't take money?
On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 22:36:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
I notice that I haven't heard *anywhere* that the Democrats are
planning to cancel the November election, why is that?
Am I delusional?
Am I imagining things?
Maybe the Media are afraid to mention anything that has to do with
election rigging unless somebody else in the media publishes it first.
They are too busy with ...today's news.
I'm a futurists.
So, sticking with today...
what new brick walls
are the Democrats
throwing up in
front of Donald Trump?
I should ask Nancy Pelosi because
she is orchestrating everything, right?
She's on the phone everyday calling the CIA..."CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING
On Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:38:08 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-02-07 21:07:59 UTC
So, I look at this guy, Craig-Callaway the expert ballot stuffer, and I see he is a nigger.

I look at his picture, he's a Nigger! (you know, one of those black people)

Loading Image...

ok, where did he learn the ballot stuffing business??? Had to be Whitey!

Didn't anybody tell that nigger don't trust Whitey???

There he go with Whitey! (doing a whitey brace)
Loading Image...

Loading Image...

Post by The Starmaker
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of New Jersey
Recruitment and Promise of Payment: Callaway and his associates approach individuals in Atlantic City approximately one month before the November 8, 2022, general election. T
hey promise to pay these individuals $30 to $50 to act as authorized messengers for voters who wish to vote by mail.
Collection of Vote-By-Mail Applications: Callaway or his subordinates provide these recruited messengers with completed Vote-By-Mail Applications.
The messengers then enter the Atlantic County clerk’s office, carrying anywhere from one to four completed applications.
Submission of Applications: The messengers, following instructions from Callaway or his subordinates, provide proof of
identification and sign the Vote-By-Mail Applications in the authorized messenger portion. These applications are then submitted to office personnel at the county clerk's office.
Receiving Mail-In Ballots: If the applications are approved, office personnel provide mail-in ballots for the
voters listed on the applications to the purported messengers.
Breach of Legal Requirements: Under New Jersey law, messengers are required to deliver any mail-in ballots they received directly to
the voters who requested them and certify that they will do so. However, instead of delivering the ballots to the voters, the messengers hand them over to Callaway or his subordinates.
Fraudulent Casting of Ballots: Callaway and his subordinates receive the mail-in ballots collected by the messengers. They proceed to cast
these ballots in the names of individuals who did not actually vote in the 2022 General Election and did not authorize anyone to cast ballots on their behalf.
Ballot Counting: Despite the fraudulent nature of these ballots, many of them are counted towards the election results.
This process involves a series of illegal actions, including bribery, forgery, and violation of election laws, aimed at manipulating
the electoral process and casting fraudulent votes.
"manipulating the electoral process"???? wat does dat mean?
Post by The Starmaker
NEW - Former President of City Council of Atlantic City charged with
submitting fraudulent mail-in ballots.
A criminal complaint accuses Craig Callaway, 64, a political organizer,
of illegally obtaining and
casting ballots that were counted in the November 2022 election.
About a month before the election, Callaway and others allegedly paid
several individuals to carry
completed Vote-By-Mail applications to the county clerk's office.
Once these individuals received the fraudulent mail-in ballots, they
reportedly handed them over to Callaway and his associates.
Many of the mail-in ballots collected in this manner were allegedly cast
using the names of
individuals who have since confirmed that they did not vote in the
November 2022 election.
Moreover, these individuals have stated that they did not give
authorization for
Callaway, his associates, or anyone else to vote on their behalf.
The criminal complaint discloses that a significant number of these
fraudulent mail-in ballots were
officially counted in the November 2022 election.
Post by The Starmaker
Now, in today's DrudgeReport
you see a picture of dat judge...
is that judge what you call a ..."co-opting judge"????
I'm not sure exactly the meaning of a "co-opting judge"...
to me it means
that kind you buy..
the democrats owns his ass.
I'm still not sure what "co-opting judge" means..
it sounds to me like a judge you buy but
you have to buy other judges first to get
your ."co-opting judge" bought lock, stock and barrel.
Who can trust a judge who doesn't take money?
On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 22:36:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
I notice that I haven't heard *anywhere* that the Democrats are
planning to cancel the November election, why is that?
Am I delusional?
Am I imagining things?
Maybe the Media are afraid to mention anything that has to do with
election rigging unless somebody else in the media publishes it first.
They are too busy with ...today's news.
I'm a futurists.
So, sticking with today...
what new brick walls
are the Democrats
throwing up in
front of Donald Trump?
I should ask Nancy Pelosi because
she is orchestrating everything, right?
She's on the phone everyday calling the CIA..."CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING
On Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:38:08 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-02-08 00:38:24 UTC
To vote by messenger ballot, a voter must complete an application
designating a messenger and, if desired, an assistor.
The messenger then obtains the ballot from county election offices, and
delivers it to the voter.
The voter may mail the completed ballot or have the messenger or another
individual carry the ballot to county election offices.

The system was created for people who are unable to vote by mail due to
disability or old age,
Monmouth County Clerk M. Claire French said, although anyone is legally
able to vote by messenger ballot.

In signing the newly required affidavits, messengers certify that they
have met the voters they are assisting;
they are related to the voters or are themselves registered voters in
Monmouth County; they will not act as messenger for more than 10 voters;
they will deliver the ballots directly to the voters and not to any
other individuals; and they are not candidates in the election.

Messengers also certify that they are aware that violating the Voting by
Mail statute, which governs messenger ballots, is a crime in the third

---Craig-Callaway will pay you $30.00 messenger ballot, but, but, you
gotta make three trips to get the $30.00
Post by The Starmaker
So, I look at this guy, Craig-Callaway the expert ballot stuffer, and I see he is a nigger.
I look at his picture, he's a Nigger! (you know, one of those black people)
ok, where did he learn the ballot stuffing business??? Had to be Whitey!
Didn't anybody tell that nigger don't trust Whitey???
There he go with Whitey! (doing a whitey brace)
Post by The Starmaker
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of New Jersey
Recruitment and Promise of Payment: Callaway and his associates approach individuals in Atlantic City approximately one month before the November 8, 2022, general election. T
hey promise to pay these individuals $30 to $50 to act as authorized messengers for voters who wish to vote by mail.
Collection of Vote-By-Mail Applications: Callaway or his subordinates provide these recruited messengers with completed Vote-By-Mail Applications.
The messengers then enter the Atlantic County clerk’s office, carrying anywhere from one to four completed applications.
Submission of Applications: The messengers, following instructions from Callaway or his subordinates, provide proof of
identification and sign the Vote-By-Mail Applications in the authorized messenger portion. These applications are then submitted to office personnel at the county clerk's office.
Receiving Mail-In Ballots: If the applications are approved, office personnel provide mail-in ballots for the
voters listed on the applications to the purported messengers.
Breach of Legal Requirements: Under New Jersey law, messengers are required to deliver any mail-in ballots they received directly to
the voters who requested them and certify that they will do so. However, instead of delivering the ballots to the voters, the messengers hand them over to Callaway or his subordinates.
Fraudulent Casting of Ballots: Callaway and his subordinates receive the mail-in ballots collected by the messengers. They proceed to cast
these ballots in the names of individuals who did not actually vote in the 2022 General Election and did not authorize anyone to cast ballots on their behalf.
Ballot Counting: Despite the fraudulent nature of these ballots, many of them are counted towards the election results.
This process involves a series of illegal actions, including bribery, forgery, and violation of election laws, aimed at manipulating
the electoral process and casting fraudulent votes.
"manipulating the electoral process"???? wat does dat mean?
Post by The Starmaker
NEW - Former President of City Council of Atlantic City charged with
submitting fraudulent mail-in ballots.
A criminal complaint accuses Craig Callaway, 64, a political organizer,
of illegally obtaining and
casting ballots that were counted in the November 2022 election.
About a month before the election, Callaway and others allegedly paid
several individuals to carry
completed Vote-By-Mail applications to the county clerk's office.
Once these individuals received the fraudulent mail-in ballots, they
reportedly handed them over to Callaway and his associates.
Many of the mail-in ballots collected in this manner were allegedly cast
using the names of
individuals who have since confirmed that they did not vote in the
November 2022 election.
Moreover, these individuals have stated that they did not give
authorization for
Callaway, his associates, or anyone else to vote on their behalf.
The criminal complaint discloses that a significant number of these
fraudulent mail-in ballots were
officially counted in the November 2022 election.
Post by The Starmaker
Now, in today's DrudgeReport
you see a picture of dat judge...
is that judge what you call a ..."co-opting judge"????
I'm not sure exactly the meaning of a "co-opting judge"...
to me it means
that kind you buy..
the democrats owns his ass.
I'm still not sure what "co-opting judge" means..
it sounds to me like a judge you buy but
you have to buy other judges first to get
your ."co-opting judge" bought lock, stock and barrel.
Who can trust a judge who doesn't take money?
On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 22:36:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
I notice that I haven't heard *anywhere* that the Democrats are
planning to cancel the November election, why is that?
Am I delusional?
Am I imagining things?
Maybe the Media are afraid to mention anything that has to do with
election rigging unless somebody else in the media publishes it first.
They are too busy with ...today's news.
I'm a futurists.
So, sticking with today...
what new brick walls
are the Democrats
throwing up in
front of Donald Trump?
I should ask Nancy Pelosi because
she is orchestrating everything, right?
She's on the phone everyday calling the CIA..."CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING
On Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:38:08 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-02-08 00:59:22 UTC
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders.
Sanders camp wants messenger ballot limit raised from 3 to 10

Bernie Sanders’ New Jersey campaign wants Gov. Phil Murphy to raise the limit on authorized messenger ballots from three to ten for the July 7 primary election, which will be conducted almost entirely through vote-by-mail ballots.


So, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders likes a Rig election?

wat a scumbag!

"Where's my $30.00????"
Post by The Starmaker
To vote by messenger ballot, a voter must complete an application
designating a messenger and, if desired, an assistor.
The messenger then obtains the ballot from county election offices, and
delivers it to the voter.
The voter may mail the completed ballot or have the messenger or another
individual carry the ballot to county election offices.
The system was created for people who are unable to vote by mail due to
disability or old age,
Monmouth County Clerk M. Claire French said, although anyone is legally
able to vote by messenger ballot.
In signing the newly required affidavits, messengers certify that they
have met the voters they are assisting;
they are related to the voters or are themselves registered voters in
Monmouth County; they will not act as messenger for more than 10 voters;
they will deliver the ballots directly to the voters and not to any
other individuals; and they are not candidates in the election.
Messengers also certify that they are aware that violating the Voting by
Mail statute, which governs messenger ballots, is a crime in the third
---Craig-Callaway will pay you $30.00 messenger ballot, but, but, you
gotta make three trips to get the $30.00
Post by The Starmaker
So, I look at this guy, Craig-Callaway the expert ballot stuffer, and I see he is a nigger.
I look at his picture, he's a Nigger! (you know, one of those black people)
Post by The Starmaker
ok, where did he learn the ballot stuffing business??? Had to be Whitey!
Didn't anybody tell that nigger don't trust Whitey???
There he go with Whitey! (doing a whitey brace)
Loading Image...
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of New Jersey
Recruitment and Promise of Payment: Callaway and his associates approach individuals in Atlantic City approximately one month before the November 8, 2022, general election. T
hey promise to pay these individuals $30 to $50 to act as authorized messengers for voters who wish to vote by mail.
Collection of Vote-By-Mail Applications: Callaway or his subordinates provide these recruited messengers with completed Vote-By-Mail Applications.
The messengers then enter the Atlantic County clerk’s office, carrying anywhere from one to four completed applications.
Submission of Applications: The messengers, following instructions from Callaway or his subordinates, provide proof of
identification and sign the Vote-By-Mail Applications in the authorized messenger portion. These applications are then submitted to office personnel at the county clerk's office.
Receiving Mail-In Ballots: If the applications are approved, office personnel provide mail-in ballots for the
voters listed on the applications to the purported messengers.
Breach of Legal Requirements: Under New Jersey law, messengers are required to deliver any mail-in ballots they received directly to
the voters who requested them and certify that they will do so. However, instead of delivering the ballots to the voters, the messengers hand them over to Callaway or his subordinates.
Fraudulent Casting of Ballots: Callaway and his subordinates receive the mail-in ballots collected by the messengers. They proceed to cast
these ballots in the names of individuals who did not actually vote in the 2022 General Election and did not authorize anyone to cast ballots on their behalf.
Ballot Counting: Despite the fraudulent nature of these ballots, many of them are counted towards the election results.
This process involves a series of illegal actions, including bribery, forgery, and violation of election laws, aimed at manipulating
the electoral process and casting fraudulent votes.
"manipulating the electoral process"???? wat does dat mean?
Post by The Starmaker
NEW - Former President of City Council of Atlantic City charged with
submitting fraudulent mail-in ballots.
A criminal complaint accuses Craig Callaway, 64, a political organizer,
of illegally obtaining and
casting ballots that were counted in the November 2022 election.
About a month before the election, Callaway and others allegedly paid
several individuals to carry
completed Vote-By-Mail applications to the county clerk's office.
Once these individuals received the fraudulent mail-in ballots, they
reportedly handed them over to Callaway and his associates.
Many of the mail-in ballots collected in this manner were allegedly cast
using the names of
individuals who have since confirmed that they did not vote in the
November 2022 election.
Moreover, these individuals have stated that they did not give
authorization for
Callaway, his associates, or anyone else to vote on their behalf.
The criminal complaint discloses that a significant number of these
fraudulent mail-in ballots were
officially counted in the November 2022 election.
Post by The Starmaker
Now, in today's DrudgeReport
you see a picture of dat judge...
is that judge what you call a ..."co-opting judge"????
I'm not sure exactly the meaning of a "co-opting judge"...
to me it means
that kind you buy..
the democrats owns his ass.
I'm still not sure what "co-opting judge" means..
it sounds to me like a judge you buy but
you have to buy other judges first to get
your ."co-opting judge" bought lock, stock and barrel.
Who can trust a judge who doesn't take money?
On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 22:36:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
I notice that I haven't heard *anywhere* that the Democrats are
planning to cancel the November election, why is that?
Am I delusional?
Am I imagining things?
Maybe the Media are afraid to mention anything that has to do with
election rigging unless somebody else in the media publishes it first.
They are too busy with ...today's news.
I'm a futurists.
So, sticking with today...
what new brick walls
are the Democrats
throwing up in
front of Donald Trump?
I should ask Nancy Pelosi because
she is orchestrating everything, right?
She's on the phone everyday calling the CIA..."CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING
On Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:38:08 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-02-08 04:18:29 UTC
Now imagine, the majority of the united states, state, cities, counties has an expert messenger ballot stuffer near you.

Start your own Messenger Ballot Stuffer Today! Judges, politicians, congressmen, senators...presidents can use your messenger ballot stuffers services today.

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders wants messenger ballot limit raised from 3 to 10! Why not 100?

Contact your County Clerk for further information...
Post by The Starmaker
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders.
Sanders camp wants messenger ballot limit raised from 3 to 10
Bernie Sanders’ New Jersey campaign wants Gov. Phil Murphy to raise the limit on authorized messenger ballots from three to ten for the July 7 primary election, which will be conducted almost entirely through vote-by-mail ballots.
So, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders likes a Rig election?
wat a scumbag!
"Where's my $30.00????"
Post by The Starmaker
To vote by messenger ballot, a voter must complete an application
designating a messenger and, if desired, an assistor.
The messenger then obtains the ballot from county election offices, and
delivers it to the voter.
The voter may mail the completed ballot or have the messenger or another
individual carry the ballot to county election offices.
The system was created for people who are unable to vote by mail due to
disability or old age,
Monmouth County Clerk M. Claire French said, although anyone is legally
able to vote by messenger ballot.
In signing the newly required affidavits, messengers certify that they
have met the voters they are assisting;
they are related to the voters or are themselves registered voters in
Monmouth County; they will not act as messenger for more than 10 voters;
they will deliver the ballots directly to the voters and not to any
other individuals; and they are not candidates in the election.
Messengers also certify that they are aware that violating the Voting by
Mail statute, which governs messenger ballots, is a crime in the third
---Craig-Callaway will pay you $30.00 messenger ballot, but, but, you
gotta make three trips to get the $30.00
Post by The Starmaker
So, I look at this guy, Craig-Callaway the expert ballot stuffer, and I see he is a nigger.
I look at his picture, he's a Nigger! (you know, one of those black people)
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
ok, where did he learn the ballot stuffing business??? Had to be Whitey!
Didn't anybody tell that nigger don't trust Whitey???
There he go with Whitey! (doing a whitey brace)
Loading Image...
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of New Jersey
Recruitment and Promise of Payment: Callaway and his associates approach individuals in Atlantic City approximately one month before the November 8, 2022, general election. T
hey promise to pay these individuals $30 to $50 to act as authorized messengers for voters who wish to vote by mail.
Collection of Vote-By-Mail Applications: Callaway or his subordinates provide these recruited messengers with completed Vote-By-Mail Applications.
The messengers then enter the Atlantic County clerk’s office, carrying anywhere from one to four completed applications.
Submission of Applications: The messengers, following instructions from Callaway or his subordinates, provide proof of
identification and sign the Vote-By-Mail Applications in the authorized messenger portion. These applications are then submitted to office personnel at the county clerk's office.
Receiving Mail-In Ballots: If the applications are approved, office personnel provide mail-in ballots for the
voters listed on the applications to the purported messengers.
Breach of Legal Requirements: Under New Jersey law, messengers are required to deliver any mail-in ballots they received directly to
the voters who requested them and certify that they will do so. However, instead of delivering the ballots to the voters, the messengers hand them over to Callaway or his subordinates.
Fraudulent Casting of Ballots: Callaway and his subordinates receive the mail-in ballots collected by the messengers. They proceed to cast
these ballots in the names of individuals who did not actually vote in the 2022 General Election and did not authorize anyone to cast ballots on their behalf.
Ballot Counting: Despite the fraudulent nature of these ballots, many of them are counted towards the election results.
This process involves a series of illegal actions, including bribery, forgery, and violation of election laws, aimed at manipulating
the electoral process and casting fraudulent votes.
"manipulating the electoral process"???? wat does dat mean?
Post by The Starmaker
NEW - Former President of City Council of Atlantic City charged with
submitting fraudulent mail-in ballots.
A criminal complaint accuses Craig Callaway, 64, a political organizer,
of illegally obtaining and
casting ballots that were counted in the November 2022 election.
About a month before the election, Callaway and others allegedly paid
several individuals to carry
completed Vote-By-Mail applications to the county clerk's office.
Once these individuals received the fraudulent mail-in ballots, they
reportedly handed them over to Callaway and his associates.
Many of the mail-in ballots collected in this manner were allegedly cast
using the names of
individuals who have since confirmed that they did not vote in the
November 2022 election.
Moreover, these individuals have stated that they did not give
authorization for
Callaway, his associates, or anyone else to vote on their behalf.
The criminal complaint discloses that a significant number of these
fraudulent mail-in ballots were
officially counted in the November 2022 election.
Post by The Starmaker
Now, in today's DrudgeReport
you see a picture of dat judge...
is that judge what you call a ..."co-opting judge"????
I'm not sure exactly the meaning of a "co-opting judge"...
to me it means
that kind you buy..
the democrats owns his ass.
I'm still not sure what "co-opting judge" means..
it sounds to me like a judge you buy but
you have to buy other judges first to get
your ."co-opting judge" bought lock, stock and barrel.
Who can trust a judge who doesn't take money?
On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 22:36:17 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
I notice that I haven't heard *anywhere* that the Democrats are
planning to cancel the November election, why is that?
Am I delusional?
Am I imagining things?
Maybe the Media are afraid to mention anything that has to do with
election rigging unless somebody else in the media publishes it first.
They are too busy with ...today's news.
I'm a futurists.
So, sticking with today...
what new brick walls
are the Democrats
throwing up in
front of Donald Trump?
I should ask Nancy Pelosi because
she is orchestrating everything, right?
She's on the phone everyday calling the CIA..."CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING
On Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:38:08 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Does the polls say who are the dead people voting for?
I mean, dead people do vote, right? Just...who are they voting for?
I haven't seen the polls mentioned them.
I know the electoral roll hasn't been updated so that means
the same dead people who voted in the last election will
be voting again...just, i want to know who is their favorite candidate?
Do dead people vote by mail or do they
stuffing ballot boxes at night?
Just in case yous people don't know how many registered dead people
there are...
1.8 million.
How To Rig an Election, Again!
Voter Suppression: This involves efforts to reduce the number of
eligible voters or make it difficult for certain groups to vote. Tactics
may include restrictive voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, and limiting
polling place accessibility.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts
to favor one political party over another. This can lead to a
disproportionate representation of certain groups and undermine the
principle of equal representation.
Fraudulent Voter Registration: Illegitimate registration of voters
or manipulation of voter registration records to create fictitious
voters or exclude legitimate ones.
Intimidation and Violence: Coercive tactics, such as physical
violence or threats, to discourage voters from supporting a particular
candidate or party.
Media Manipulation: Controlling or influencing media coverage to
favor one candidate or party over others. This can include biased
reporting, censorship, or spreading misinformation.
Vote Buying: Offering material incentives or direct payments to
voters in exchange for their votes, undermining the principle of voting
based on informed choice.
Manipulation of Ballot Design: Designing ballots in a way that
confuses or misleads voters, potentially leading to unintentional errors
in voting.
Hacking and Cyber Interference: Tampering with electronic voting
systems, hacking political party databases, or spreading disinformation
online to influence public opinion.
Abuse of State Resources: Using government resources, such as public
funds or state-controlled media, to benefit a specific candidate or
Misuse of Proxy Voting: Allowing voters to cast ballots on behalf of
others without proper authorization, leading to potential abuse.
Voter Roll Manipulation: Purposely adding or removing voters from
the electoral roll to influence the demographic composition of the
Election Funding Irregularities: Improper use or manipulation of
campaign finances, including accepting illegal campaign contributions,
to gain an unfair advantage.
Suppression of Independent Monitoring: Restricting the activities of
independent election observers, both domestic and international, who
play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness.
Biased Election Administration: Appointing partisan officials to key
positions in electoral commissions, potentially leading to biased
decision-making and compromised election administration.
Dual Voting: Exploiting weaknesses in voter identification systems
to allow individuals to vote multiple times using different identities.
Infiltration of Political Parties: Infiltrating political parties or
campaigns to gather information or disrupt operations from within.
Misuse of Absentee Voting: Manipulating the process of absentee or
mail-in voting, including coercion or interception of ballots.
Ethnic and Religious Polarization: Exploiting existing tensions
between different ethnic or religious groups to sway votes along
identity lines.
Election Timing Manipulation: Choosing specific election dates to
strategically benefit one party or disadvantage another, such as
scheduling elections during a time of crisis for political gain.
Inadequate Electoral Laws: Designing or maintaining electoral laws
that lack clarity, making it easier to exploit legal loopholes and
engage in questionable practices.
Fake News and Disinformation Campaigns: Spreading false information
through traditional media, social media, or other channels to influence
public opinion and sway voters.
Strategic Candidate Withdrawal: Coordinating the withdrawal of
certain candidates to consolidate support behind a preferred candidate
and strategically alter the electoral landscape.
Election Day Irregularities: Deliberately creating chaos or
disruptions on election day to discourage voter turnout or cast doubt on
the legitimacy of the process.
Misuse of Postal Votes: Manipulating the handling of postal votes,
including tampering with mail-in ballots or coercing voters to submit
fraudulent postal votes.
Partisan Polling Stations: Placing polling stations in locations
favorable to a specific candidate or party, or intentionally creating
long wait times in areas that are less supportive.
Foreign Interference: Involvement by foreign entities in an attempt
to influence or manipulate election outcomes, including cyberattacks,
disinformation campaigns, or financial support.
Selective Law Enforcement: Using law enforcement selectively to
target opposition candidates or parties, creating an uneven playing
Disqualification of Opposition Candidates: Employing legal or
administrative mechanisms to disqualify opposition candidates on
questionable grounds.
Controlled Opposition: Supporting or creating pseudo-opposition
parties to divide the opposition vote and prevent a unified challenge.
Voter Apathy Promotion: Discrediting the electoral process to foster
a sense of disillusionment and apathy among potential voters.
Election Boycotts: Encouraging or orchestrating a boycott of the
election to undermine its legitimacy.
Co-option of Electoral Officials: Ensuring that election officials
are sympathetic to a particular candidate or party, compromising the
impartiality of the electoral process.
Influencing Candidate Nominations: Manipulating the candidate
nomination process to exclude strong competitors or ensure weaker
Selective Voter Education: Providing biased or incomplete
information to voters to manipulate their understanding of candidates,
issues, or the electoral process.
Manipulation of Election Results: Tampering with the counting and
reporting of votes to produce inaccurate or fraudulent results.
Election Infrastructure Sabotage: Physically damaging or disrupting
election infrastructure, such as polling stations or electronic voting
Use of Political Bots: Employing automated social media accounts or
bots to amplify certain narratives, drown out opposition voices, or
manipulate online discussions.
Identity Politics Exploitation: Manipulating identity-based issues
to create divisions among voters and consolidate support within specific
Selective Voter Mobilization: Targeting specific demographics for
voter mobilization efforts while neglecting others to manipulate turnout
in favor of a particular candidate or party.
Unfair Access to Media: Providing unequal access to media coverage,
debates, or advertising opportunities, giving an advantage to one
candidate or party.
Subtle Voter Intimidation: Rather than overt threats, using subtle
forms of intimidation, such as anonymous messages or veiled warnings, to
discourage voters from supporting a particular candidate.
Selective Provision of Public Goods: Leveraging control over public
resources to selectively provide benefits or services to areas that
support a specific candidate or party, influencing voter sentiment.
Strategic Timing of Government Announcements: Timing the release of
positive government news or policy announcements close to the election
to influence voter perceptions and sway opinions.
Social Pressure Tactics: Encouraging social norms that favor a
particular candidate or party, making voters feel pressured to conform
to the perceived majority opinion.
Cooptation of Civil Society: Infiltrating or co-opting independent
civil society organizations to manipulate public discourse and influence
voter attitudes.
Infiltration of Opposition Camps: Placing moles or agents within
opposition parties to gather information, sow discord, or disrupt their
Election Observation Manipulation: Faking or manipulating the
presence of international election observers to create a false
appearance of a transparent and fair electoral process.
Strategic Candidate Replacement: Substituting a candidate at a
critical point in the election process to exploit legal loopholes or
gain a tactical advantage.
Financial Market Manipulation: Creating or exploiting economic
uncertainties to influence voter behavior and perceptions, potentially
using financial markets as a tool.
Manufactured Issue Amplification: Creating or exaggerating specific
issues to divert attention from critical matters, manipulate public
discourse, and influence voter priorities.
i almost forgot...a USB stick.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-02-07 04:29:02 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
I notice that I haven't heard *anywhere* that the Democrats are
planning to cancel the November election, why is that?
Am I delusional?
Post by The Starmaker
Am I imagining things?
Post by The Starmaker
Maybe the Media are afraid to mention anything that has to do with
election rigging unless somebody else in the media publishes it first.
They are too busy with ...today's news.
I'm a futurists.
So, sticking with today...
what new brick walls
are the Democrats
throwing up in
front of Donald Trump?
1. bamboo ballots

2. magic thermostats

3. ballots from NoKo coming into a port in Maine


5. satellites controlled from Italy switch votes
The Starmaker
2024-02-07 06:07:15 UTC
I can imagine Nancy Pelosi confronting Donald Trump with this movie one famous line....

Post by Gronk
Post by The Starmaker
I notice that I haven't heard *anywhere* that the Democrats are
planning to cancel the November election, why is that?
Am I delusional?
Post by The Starmaker
Am I imagining things?
Post by The Starmaker
Maybe the Media are afraid to mention anything that has to do with
election rigging unless somebody else in the media publishes it first.
They are too busy with ...today's news.
I'm a futurists.
So, sticking with today...
what new brick walls
are the Democrats
throwing up in
front of Donald Trump?
1. bamboo ballots
2. magic thermostats
3. ballots from NoKo coming into a port in Maine
5. satellites controlled from Italy switch votes
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.