Le voyageur de Langevin (vision cosmique)
(too old to reply)
Richard Hachel
2023-01-03 23:53:26 UTC










"Mais ne nous y trompons pas.
Il n'y a pas de violence qu'avec des armes : il y a des situations de
Abbé Pierre"<http://news2.nemoweb.net/?DataID=Enm-***@jntp>
Richard Hachel
2023-04-04 18:03:37 UTC
Et ici, la clé du problème, l'abolition de la contradiction, et
l'explication du paraxe, par la covariance relativiste des longueurs et
des distances.
2023-04-04 23:22:47 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Et ici, la clé du problème, l'abolition de la contradiction, et
l'explication du paraxe, par la covariance relativiste des longueurs et
des distances.
Без бодки не разберёшь.

2023-04-05 06:19:46 UTC
Post by JanPB
Без бодки не разберёшь.
I think you mean водки, not бодки.
Athel Cornish-Bowden
2023-04-05 08:34:15 UTC
Post by Volney
Post by JanPB
Без бодки не разберёшь.
I think you mean водки, not бодки.
That's what GoogleTranslate thought. It makes better sense that way, so
probably you and GoogleTranslate are correct. Anyway, Да, тысячу раз да.
athel -- biochemist, not a physicist, but detector of crackpots
2023-04-05 21:02:01 UTC
Post by Volney
Post by JanPB
Без бодки не разберёшь.
I think you mean водки, not бодки.
Yes, a typo. I'm going to have a shot of Żubrówka then (a famous
Polish vodka which is, incidentally, illegal in the US, it's one one of
American idiocies).

2023-04-06 02:58:56 UTC
Post by JanPB
Post by Volney
Post by JanPB
Без бодки не разберёшь.
I think you mean водки, not бодки.
Yes, a typo. I'm going to have a shot of Żubrówka then (a famous
Polish vodka which is, incidentally, illegal in the US, it's one one of
American idiocies).
That got me curious enough to google that. It's illegal because it has a
blade of bison grass in it, and bison grass has coumarin in it. Coumarin
is or was used as a rat poison (warfarin), and is also a drug to thin
blood to reduce the odds of a heart attack or stroke. My father was
using that, which made my biochemist brother rather nervous. Coumarin
dosage is apparently tricky.

I suspect the alcohol in vodka is more of a hazard than a blade of
grass. We Americans can drown our sorrow about not being able to get
Żubrówka by drinking tequila with a worm (looks more like a maggot) in it.
2023-04-06 03:43:52 UTC
Post by Volney
Post by JanPB
Post by Volney
Post by JanPB
Без бодки не разберёшь.
I think you mean водки, not бодки.
Yes, a typo. I'm going to have a shot of Żubrówka then (a famous
Polish vodka which is, incidentally, illegal in the US, it's one one of
American idiocies).
That got me curious enough to google that. It's illegal because it has a
blade of bison grass in it, and bison grass has coumarin in it. Coumarin
is or was used as a rat poison (warfarin), and is also a drug to thin
blood to reduce the odds of a heart attack or stroke. My father was
using that, which made my biochemist brother rather nervous. Coumarin
dosage is apparently tricky.
I suspect the alcohol in vodka is more of a hazard than a blade of
grass. We Americans can drown our sorrow about not being able to get
Żubrówka by drinking tequila with a worm (looks more like a maggot) in it.
Yes, Żubrówka is available everywhere in the developed world except the US
AFAIK. Food supply in America is another long story.

2023-04-06 07:06:40 UTC
Post by JanPB
Post by Volney
Post by JanPB
Post by Volney
Post by JanPB
Без бодки не разберёшь.
I think you mean водки, not бодки.
Yes, a typo. I'm going to have a shot of Żubrówka then (a famous
Polish vodka which is, incidentally, illegal in the US, it's one one of
American idiocies).
That got me curious enough to google that. It's illegal because it has a
blade of bison grass in it, and bison grass has coumarin in it. Coumarin
is or was used as a rat poison (warfarin), and is also a drug to thin
blood to reduce the odds of a heart attack or stroke. My father was
using that, which made my biochemist brother rather nervous. Coumarin
dosage is apparently tricky.
I suspect the alcohol in vodka is more of a hazard than a blade of
grass. We Americans can drown our sorrow about not being able to get
Żubrówka by drinking tequila with a worm (looks more like a maggot) in it.
Yes, Żubrówka is available everywhere in the developed world except the US
AFAIK. Food supply in America is another long story.
Lots of funny food laws here. One my daughter was to do a cultural
project, doing a French cheese-based food dish. It turned out the cheese
it called for was not allowed to be imported to the US because it was a
soft cheese made from unpasteurized milk. Also I once bought an
interesting looking cheese from an upscale market, not knowing what it
was. It turned out to be Mimolette Cheese, which is (supposedly?) banned
from importation because one ingredient is...live mites. Yet somehow it
was available and I bought some in the US.
Richard Hachel
2024-07-10 16:33:14 UTC
Understand correctly the spatial zoom.
Richard Hachel
2024-07-15 13:36:41 UTC
Now Stella's vision and the key to reasoning.

Notice the logical spatial zoom effect that relativistic physicists never
talk about, lost as they are in their “Minkowskian block”.

Click the link in the address for a full view on one page.
Ce message a été posté avec Nemo : <http://news2.nemoweb.net/?DataID=***@jntp>
Maciej Wozniak
2024-07-15 14:04:15 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Now Stella's vision and the key to reasoning.
More precisely - it's key to YOUR reasoning.
Though, as a general rule - relativistic
idiots always base their delusions on their
delusional gedanken visions of their delusional
gedanken minions.
guido wugi
2024-07-15 15:50:13 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Now Stella's vision and the key to reasoning.
Notice the logical spatial zoom effect that relativistic physicists
never talk about, lost as they are in their “Minkowskian block”.
But I do. "Measuring ain't seeing". Amongst others here (and all within
the framework of SRT, no problem) :

MySRT and the Paradox Twins:

Wugi's interactive Relativity page:

A TP simulator, with 4 POV's:

Wugi's SRT world: Twin Paradox graphs as you haven't seen them yet (2) :

guido wugi
Richard Hachel
2024-07-15 17:27:36 UTC
Post by guido wugi
Vous parlez de "time gap", vous êtes obligé de parler de cette

Vous ne m'entendrez jamais parler de cette chose ridicule".

Je le répète, le problème n'est pas scientifique mais humain.

Si quelqu'un vient et dit : "Votre théorie est superbe, et elle est
basée sur de réelles propriétés de l'espace et du temps, mais il s'y
trouve quelques inexactitudes et incompréhensions", aussitôt on le
traite de crank ou de troll.

Le problème des scientifiques, c'est qu'ils sont aussi des êtres
humains, et que les êtres humains sont tous nés avec un nombril.

J'attache un petit gif que j'avais réalisé il y a bien des années
déjà, et qui montre que jamais, il n'est besoin de s'inventer quelque
chose aussi ridicule qu'un gap-time pour mettre la poussière des
incompréhensions sous le tapis.

Les lignes rouges sont les lignes de simultanéité, de "temps présent
commun mais NON RECIPROQUE".

Je vous supplie de faire l'effort monstrueux (car il s'agit d'un effort
monstrueux pour un humain)
de comprendre ces deux schémas (trois tasses de café conseillées et une
bonne nuit à réfléchir et peut être pourrez vous, demain matin revenir
poster ayant reçu la lumière divine.

There is no gap-time!


This is abstract physics.

GAP-TIME IS abstract relativistic physics, it doesn't exist.

I beg you understand that.




Only a simple relativistic space zoom when she turn.

Bosephis Voznitsin
2024-07-16 17:57:04 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
MySRT and the Paradox Twins: https://www.wugi.be/paratwin.htm
Vous parlez de "time gap", vous êtes obligé de parler de cette
stupidité. Vous ne m'entendrez jamais parler de cette chose ridicule".
Je le répète, le problème n'est pas scientifique mais humain.
indeed. The only problem I have is that I don't undrestand what you say.
But you are doing the right thing. The stinking english is a language of
𝙠𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙖𝙧_𝙜𝙤𝙮_𝙥𝙞𝙜𝙨. I should have been paying attention to french. I love the
sound of French, I know a little, but I'm not familiar.

Any serviceman who shoots down a US-made military aircraft will receive 15
million rubles ($170,000), a private company has said

Fores is obviously a great and patriotic company thinking of the People and
not just the profits. The People must be proud of Fores!

This should be also open to Ukrainian's who are tired of their men being
used as NATO cannon fodder! absolutely. The capitalist 𝙠𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙖𝙧_𝙜𝙤𝙮𝙢
𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚_𝙬𝙚𝙨𝙩 is going to learn a lesson, they didn't know it could be
possible in 2014. Thinking, they can just enter Russia and steal their
resources like they did in Syria, Iraq, Libya and so on.

it's all about stealing and making fake funny money in 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚_𝙬𝙚𝙨𝙩. Writen
in The Bible.

Oh, this bounty motivates everybody!!! Even those loving peace.
