dat ryan routh guy SMELLS like a lee harvard oswald...
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The Starmaker
2024-09-20 18:31:48 UTC
Now everybody knows the C.I.A is in the 'assassination business',

(besides overthrowing governments and setting up friendly dictators)

The CIA replaces governments and plans ...assassinations.

So, what is the playbook on assassinations?

What are the steps?

If you look at Oswald

the cia sends him first

to russia and cuba

then comes back

and weeks later

Oswald shoots


Now, look at this

current assassination

attempt and you see

he first travels to

different foreign


later..he gunning

for Trump.

Thats da cia playbook.

Where is the cia Manual????

It should read

first send him

to different

foreign countries..

come back

and then

he takes a shot.

It's a pattern, isn't it?

They go by the book.

It works.

Nixon calls the cia..."spooks".

i looked up the word "spooks" in the dictionary and it sez...the CIA.


dat ryan routh guy SMELLS like a lee harvard oswald...

i guess some jewish gangster is going to rub him out soon!
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-09-21 00:38:06 UTC
Why are all these Oswald assassain types...skinny? Don't the CIA
hire...fat guys????

Afraid they fall through the roof? too fat to climb buildings??
Post by The Starmaker
Now everybody knows the C.I.A is in the 'assassination business',
(besides overthrowing governments and setting up friendly dictators)
The CIA replaces governments and plans ...assassinations.
So, what is the playbook on assassinations?
What are the steps?
If you look at Oswald
the cia sends him first
to russia and cuba
then comes back
and weeks later
Oswald shoots
Now, look at this
current assassination
attempt and you see
he first travels to
different foreign
later..he gunning
for Trump.
Thats da cia playbook.
Where is the cia Manual????
It should read
first send him
to different
foreign countries..
come back
and then
he takes a shot.
It's a pattern, isn't it?
They go by the book.
It works.
Nixon calls the cia..."spooks".
i looked up the word "spooks" in the dictionary and it sez...the CIA.
dat ryan routh guy SMELLS like a lee harvard oswald...
i guess some jewish gangster is going to rub him out soon!
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-09-21 05:27:49 UTC
I guess James Bond would look kind of funny if he was a fat guy...

he would eat all the doughnuts in the surveillance van.
Post by The Starmaker
Why are all these Oswald assassain types...skinny? Don't the CIA
hire...fat guys????
Afraid they fall through the roof? too fat to climb buildings??
Post by The Starmaker
Now everybody knows the C.I.A is in the 'assassination business',
(besides overthrowing governments and setting up friendly dictators)
The CIA replaces governments and plans ...assassinations.
So, what is the playbook on assassinations?
What are the steps?
If you look at Oswald
the cia sends him first
to russia and cuba
then comes back
and weeks later
Oswald shoots
Now, look at this
current assassination
attempt and you see
he first travels to
different foreign
later..he gunning
for Trump.
Thats da cia playbook.
Where is the cia Manual????
It should read
first send him
to different
foreign countries..
come back
and then
he takes a shot.
It's a pattern, isn't it?
They go by the book.
It works.
Nixon calls the cia..."spooks".
i looked up the word "spooks" in the dictionary and it sez...the CIA.
dat ryan routh guy SMELLS like a lee harvard oswald...
i guess some jewish gangster is going to rub him out soon!
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
Thomas Heger
2024-09-21 06:19:20 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Now everybody knows the C.I.A is in the 'assassination business',
(besides overthrowing governments and setting up friendly dictators)
The CIA replaces governments and plans ...assassinations.
So, what is the playbook on assassinations?
What are the steps?
If you look at Oswald
the cia sends him first
to russia and cuba
then comes back
and weeks later
Oswald shoots
If Oswald was actually a CIA asset, then the CIA was in 'the boat' already.

But how about other CIA assets, which were in that 'boat', too.

How about the CIA director of that era, which was imho G. Bush senior?

Governor Swill
2024-09-21 20:20:30 UTC
Post by Thomas Heger
Post by The Starmaker
Now everybody knows the C.I.A is in the 'assassination business',
(besides overthrowing governments and setting up friendly dictators)
The CIA replaces governments and plans ...assassinations.
So, what is the playbook on assassinations?
What are the steps?
If you look at Oswald
the cia sends him first
to russia and cuba
then comes back
and weeks later
Oswald shoots
If Oswald was actually a CIA asset, then the CIA was in 'the boat' already.
But how about other CIA assets, which were in that 'boat', too.
How about the CIA director of that era, which was imho G. Bush senior?
No, Bush Sr served as CIA director for 355 days in 1977-1978.

Why would you tell such a lie when the fact it so easily found?

They complain when interest goes up, they complain when it goes down
Look, I can understand why a lot of people want to block all
of this out of their memories, but we cannot afford to forget
just how terrible Trump’s time at the White House was for this
nation. And we sure as hell can’t afford to put him back there.
So, in no particular order:

03) Gun sales broke records under Trump.
04) Under Trump, America suffered over 1,700 mass shootings.
Thomas Heger
2024-09-22 07:54:27 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Thomas Heger
Post by The Starmaker
Now everybody knows the C.I.A is in the 'assassination business',
(besides overthrowing governments and setting up friendly dictators)
The CIA replaces governments and plans ...assassinations.
So, what is the playbook on assassinations?
What are the steps?
If you look at Oswald
the cia sends him first
to russia and cuba
then comes back
and weeks later
Oswald shoots
If Oswald was actually a CIA asset, then the CIA was in 'the boat' already.
But how about other CIA assets, which were in that 'boat', too.
How about the CIA director of that era, which was imho G. Bush senior?
No, Bush Sr served as CIA director for 355 days in 1977-1978.
Why would you tell such a lie when the fact it so easily found?
I have heard rumors, that Bush was actually the shootist and mixed that
up with his time as director of the CIA.

Sorry for that!

The alleged direction of the shots were from the railway bridge a little
down Elms Street.

So the shots came (accordings to these rumors) from the front and not
from the school book warehouse in the back of the motorcade.

Post by Governor Swill
They complain when interest goes up, they complain when it goes down
The Starmaker
2024-09-22 05:01:05 UTC
Take for example the movie documentary "The Fog of War"... Secretary of

most of yous have already seen it by now..

"I was present with the President when together we received information
of that coup. I've never seen him more upset.

He totally blanched. President Kennedy and I had tremendous problems
with Diem, but my God, he was the authority, he

was the head of state. And he was overthrown by a military coup. And
Kennedy knew and I knew, that to some degree, the U.S. government was
responsible for that.

{then the very next paragraph he says}

"I was in my office in the Pentagon, when the telephone rang and it was
Bobby. The President had been shot in Dallas."


Sounds to me like Secretary of Defense ROBERT S. McNAMARA is saying the
CIA killed John F. Kennedy! (with a little help from LBJ)


McNamara: We can say to the Congress and people that we do have a plan
for reducing the exposure of U.S. combat personnel.

Kennedy: My only reservation about it is if the war doesn't continue to
go well, it will look like we were overly optimistic.

McNamara: We need a way to get out of Vietnam, and this is a way of
doing it.

Kennedy announced we were going to pull out all of our military advisors
by the end of '65 and we were going to take 1000 out by the end of '63
and we did. But, there was a coup in South Vietnam. Diem was overthrown
and he and his brother were killed.

I was present with the President when together we received information
of that coup. I've never seen him more upset. He totally blanched.
President Kenndy and I had tremendous problems with Diem, but my God, he
was the authority, he was the head of state. And he was overthrown by a
military coup. And Kennedy knew and I knew, that to some degree, the
U.S. government was responsible for that.

I was in my office in the Pentagon, when the telephone rang and it was
Bobby. The President had been shot in Dallas. Perhaps 45 minutes later,
Bobby called again and said the President was dead. Jackie would like me
to come out to the hospital. We took the body to the White House at
whatever it was, 4 AM.

I called the superintendent of Arlington Cemetery. And he and I walked
over those grounds. They're hauntingly beautiful grounds ? white crosses
all in a row. And finally I thought I'd found the exact spot, the most
beautiful spot in the cemetery. I called Jackie at the White House and
asked her to come out there, and she immediately accepted. And that's
where the President is buried today.

A park service ranger came up to me and said that he had escorted
President Kennedy on a tour of those grounds a few weeks before. And
Kennedy said, "That was the most beautiful spot in Washington." That's
where he's buried.

Johnson: I will do my best. That is all I can do. I ask for your help
and God's.

February 25, 1964

Three months after JFK's death.

Johnson: Hello, Bob?

McNamara: Yes, Mr. President.

Johnson: I hate to modify your speech any because it's been a good one,
but I just wonder if we should find two minutes in there for Vietnam?

McNamara: Yeah, the problem is what to say about it.

Johnson: I'll tell you what I would say about it. I would say that we
have a commitment to Vietnamese freedom. We could pull out of there, the
dominoes would fall, and that part of the world would go to the
Communists. We could send our marines in there, and we could get tied
down in a Third World War or another Korean action. Nobody really
understands what it is out there. They're asking questions and saying
why don't we do more. Well, I think this: you can have more war or you
can have more appeasement. But we don't want more of either. Our purpose
is to train these people [the South Vietnamese] and our training's going

McNamara: All right, sir, I'll?

Johnson: I always thought it was foolish for you to make any statements
about withdrawing. I thought it was bad psychologically. But you and the
President thought otherwise, and I just sat silent.
Post by The Starmaker
Now everybody knows the C.I.A is in the 'assassination business',
(besides overthrowing governments and setting up friendly dictators)
The CIA replaces governments and plans ...assassinations.
So, what is the playbook on assassinations?
What are the steps?
If you look at Oswald
the cia sends him first
to russia and cuba
then comes back
and weeks later
Oswald shoots
Now, look at this
current assassination
attempt and you see
he first travels to
different foreign
later..he gunning
for Trump.
Thats da cia playbook.
Where is the cia Manual????
It should read
first send him
to different
foreign countries..
come back
and then
he takes a shot.
It's a pattern, isn't it?
They go by the book.
It works.
Nixon calls the cia..."spooks".
i looked up the word "spooks" in the dictionary and it sez...the CIA.
dat ryan routh guy SMELLS like a lee harvard oswald...
i guess some jewish gangster is going to rub him out soon!
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.