Ross Finlayson
2024-08-28 19:15:06 UTC
Article the other day suggests "Hubble tension" solved by
"ancient bigger than expected gravitational singularities
making wider old lensing" and it's like "where did they go"
and it's like "well obviously you can't see them".
And it's like, yeah, obviously. With the way things
are going though they'll be adding more and more of
those and, you know, just a few days before that there
was a an article along the lines of "there's only
luminous matter after all", so, it looks pretty clear
that at some point some of the aspects of inflation
and non-sense magic missing matter will fully give way.
And all this time all their hat-dance research just
year after year piled on the accolades, ....
"ancient bigger than expected gravitational singularities
making wider old lensing" and it's like "where did they go"
and it's like "well obviously you can't see them".
And it's like, yeah, obviously. With the way things
are going though they'll be adding more and more of
those and, you know, just a few days before that there
was a an article along the lines of "there's only
luminous matter after all", so, it looks pretty clear
that at some point some of the aspects of inflation
and non-sense magic missing matter will fully give way.
And all this time all their hat-dance research just
year after year piled on the accolades, ....