Post by Richard HachelPost by MikkoYour writings often are, if you mean not connected to reality,
It is strange that you tell me this, because I have always thought that
I was the most Cartesian of men.
But hey, one can be wrong.
It is strange, in terms of reality, I go much deeper than many idiots of
humans (see the major French criminal cases where I formed a very clear
opinion on the spot, see the theological decodings superior to the great
Judeo-Christian exegetes, see my theory of relativity much more logical
and Cartesian than that of Minkowski, ridiculous, abstract and false.
Yes, it is strange that you tell me this.
A bit like a whale saying to a leopard: "You are too fat".
Seriously, Lengrand, you should seek advice from a psychiatrist and have
them read the post above.
You suffer from a truly pathological egotism. You are completely
incapable of doubting an idea as long as it comes from you, even if it
concerns a field you barely know, in this case, physics, but the same
pattern repeats itself in all subjects.
The common point between the situations you describe is not the
blindness of others, but simply the fact that it involves a clash
between YOUR flashes of insight that come out of nowhere and what an
entire discipline, taught and studied from all angles for over a
century, demonstrates.
Moreover, this mental block renders you inaccessible to any rational
argument as soon as it contradicts your ideas and *proves* with
*certainty* that your ideas are WRONG. Your mental dysfunction places
you in direct opposition to all scientific thinking.
If it only concerned physics, it wouldn’t be very serious: one more
delusional person or less on the subject of Relativity, who cares.
But the fact that, with this profound mental disorder, this egocentrism,
this level of delusional mythomania, you are a practicing general
practitioner poses a real problem. The lives of others are at stake.