How To Rig a Dominion Voting Machine
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The Starmaker
2024-10-11 18:54:38 UTC
How To Rig a Dominion Voting Machine

You don't have to rig it! It comes rigged right out the box!!

Dominion and Smartmatic Voting Machines
are designed to never lose an election.

Okay, let's look at the facts...one by one


Antonio Mugica Rivero
Born May 1974
Caracas, Venezuela
Alma mater Universidad Simón Bolívar
Occupation(s) Founder and CEO of Smartmatic

It was the Venesula Dictator that...invented Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting machines!!!!

It was designed 'specifially' to rig elections.

Venesula dictator PAID for the design of Dominion and Smartmatic Voting
machines to never lose an election.

Who counts the votes? Not people. The software counts the votes.

The software is programmed to never lose an election.

Now, who is Roger Pinate? (look him up)

Here is a look up of Roger Pinate/Smartmatic co-founder

Smartmatic co-founder Roger Piñate was charged with foreign corruption
and money laundering in Miami federal court Monday, Aug. 12, 2024,
related to securing voting machine elections contracts in the

Piñate, 49, president of Boca Raton-based Smartmartic, was charged along
with Jorge Miguel Vasquez, 62, of Davie, the company’s former vice
president of hardware development, who also surrendered on Monday.

Piñate, alongside Venezuelans Antonio Mugica and Alfredo José Anzola,
founded Smartmatic in 2000, and gained notoriety after the company was
chosen by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez to replace the country’s
voting machines in 2004. The company grew by acquiring the much larger
Sequoia Voting Systems in 2006, though the company later announced that
it had divested its stake in that company.





You fuckin let them run it????


Throw these Dominion/Smartmatic Voting machines in the garbage where it


Where can I buy one?

Did you know those voting machines are connected to the internet and
contain modems
so that you can view results from a laptop...

"Okay, add another million votes."

The source code is probably 20 years old and hasn't been updated.

Why fix it if it is not broken? Maduro is a happy customer.

Where can I buy one?

I like the fact no one is allowed to look 'inside' the voting machine
or look at the source code.

I'll buy two of them.

The Question of course is...
will the Democrats decide to
rig the Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting Machine????

by 51, or by 52 percent?

No way 100%, or

(maybe some other country)

it has to be in the low 50's.

wadda you think?

59 sounds too high and

58 i don't think so

I say, not over 52. and not under 51.

"It's not who votes that count, it's who counts the votes."

The software does the counting.

But it is very important that real people
vote in order for the 'switch' to be made.

The machine doesn't work unless you
get stupid people to vote..

Run, Spot, Run.

If you want to know what
stupid people look like...
watch them standing on line to vote.

They even dress like stupid people!

Are they ...zombies?
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-10-11 19:39:26 UTC
Oh, here is the 'source code' and Dominion Voting Machine up and ready
out of the box!


Looks to me like a landslide!
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig a Dominion Voting Machine
You don't have to rig it! It comes rigged right out the box!!
Dominion and Smartmatic Voting Machines
are designed to never lose an election.
Okay, let's look at the facts...one by one
Antonio Mugica Rivero
Born May 1974
Caracas, Venezuela
Alma mater Universidad Simón Bolívar
Occupation(s) Founder and CEO of Smartmatic
It was the Venesula Dictator that...invented Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting machines!!!!
It was designed 'specifially' to rig elections.
Venesula dictator PAID for the design of Dominion and Smartmatic Voting
machines to never lose an election.
Who counts the votes? Not people. The software counts the votes.
The software is programmed to never lose an election.
Now, who is Roger Pinate? (look him up)
Here is a look up of Roger Pinate/Smartmatic co-founder
Smartmatic co-founder Roger Piñate was charged with foreign corruption
and money laundering in Miami federal court Monday, Aug. 12, 2024,
related to securing voting machine elections contracts in the
Piñate, 49, president of Boca Raton-based Smartmartic, was charged along
with Jorge Miguel Vasquez, 62, of Davie, the company’s former vice
president of hardware development, who also surrendered on Monday.
Piñate, alongside Venezuelans Antonio Mugica and Alfredo José Anzola,
founded Smartmatic in 2000, and gained notoriety after the company was
chosen by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez to replace the country’s
voting machines in 2004. The company grew by acquiring the much larger
Sequoia Voting Systems in 2006, though the company later announced that
it had divested its stake in that company.
You fuckin let them run it????
Throw these Dominion/Smartmatic Voting machines in the garbage where it
Where can I buy one?
Did you know those voting machines are connected to the internet and
contain modems
so that you can view results from a laptop...
"Okay, add another million votes."
The source code is probably 20 years old and hasn't been updated.
Why fix it if it is not broken? Maduro is a happy customer.
Where can I buy one?
I like the fact no one is allowed to look 'inside' the voting machine
or look at the source code.
I'll buy two of them.
The Question of course is...
will the Democrats decide to
rig the Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting Machine????
by 51, or by 52 percent?
No way 100%, or
(maybe some other country)
it has to be in the low 50's.
wadda you think?
59 sounds too high and
58 i don't think so
I say, not over 52. and not under 51.
"It's not who votes that count, it's who counts the votes."
The software does the counting.
But it is very important that real people
vote in order for the 'switch' to be made.
The machine doesn't work unless you
get stupid people to vote..
Run, Spot, Run.
If you want to know what
stupid people look like...
watch them standing on line to vote.
They even dress like stupid people!
Are they ...zombies?
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-10-11 20:15:46 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Oh, here is the 'source code' and Dominion Voting Machine up and ready
out of the box!
If you press only the Trump button over and over, the opposing party
still wins.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-10-12 19:11:40 UTC
Too Big To Rig???? wat does dat mean?

I mean,
if i press the Trump vote a hundred million times..
the other guy still wins!

a rigged Dominion Voting Machine:

How is dat Too Big To Rig????

Maybe, it just means that Big rhymies with Rig.
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Oh, here is the 'source code' and Dominion Voting Machine up and ready
out of the box!
If you press only the Trump button over and over, the opposing party
still wins.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-10-14 23:23:13 UTC
Here's how to rig the voting machine
to ensure that Kamala's tally is always ahead by 57 percent:

--------------rig begins here------------------

$("#biden button").on('click', function(){
let $bidenTally = $("#biden .tally"),
$trumpTally = $("#trump .tally"),
bidenTally = parseInt($bidenTally.text()),
trumpTally = parseInt($trumpTally.text());


// Ensure Trump's tally is always 57% less than Biden's
trumpTally = Math.floor(bidenTally / 1.57);

return false;

$("#trump button").on('click', function(){
let $trumpTally = $("#trump .tally"),
$bidenTally = $("#biden .tally"),
trumpTally = parseInt($trumpTally.text()),
bidenTally = parseInt($bidenTally.text());


// Ensure Kamala's tally is always 57% more than Trump's
bidenTally = Math.ceil(trumpTally * 1.57);

return false;

----------------ends here--------------------------


it's not too big to rig.
Post by The Starmaker
Too Big To Rig???? wat does dat mean?
I mean,
if i press the Trump vote a hundred million times..
the other guy still wins!
How is dat Too Big To Rig????
Maybe, it just means that Big rhymies with Rig.
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Oh, here is the 'source code' and Dominion Voting Machine up and ready
out of the box!
If you press only the Trump button over and over, the opposing party
still wins.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-10-15 17:17:31 UTC
Here is Maduro's of Venusuela PLAYBOOK on how to bypass "Too Big to

Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) claims Maduro, 61, won 52%
of the vote in the 28 July elections. It gave González 43%.

The CNE has said it cannot publish the voting records because the data
has been corrupted by hackers.

The president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), a close ally of
the government, declared late on the evening of
the poll that Maduro had prevailed with over 51 per cent of the vote.
But he showed no detailed tallies, alleging that a cyber-attack had
impeded the vote count.
Nor has he provided any proof of the alleged result in the months since
polling day.

The close Maduro ally, appointed by the strongman to head of the
National Electoral Council to ensure that the pivotal
election went his way, has not been seen since Aug. 5, when he appeared
in front of the Supreme Court to provide undisclosed documents
supposedly showing that Maduro won nearly 52% of the vote

Venezuela: González 'forced' to accept Maduro election win
Edmundo González claims he was coerced into recognising President
Nicolás Maduro's victory in disputed elections.

Venezuela has cancelled passports of dozens of activists and journalists
Rights group in Caracas says at least 40 people affected, as Maduro
government continues clampdown on opposition.
.2 days ago
Electoral fraud is fueling widespread protests
In an egregious example of electoral fraud, incumbent Nicolas Maduro
claimed victory in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential elections,
refusing to concede defeat to opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez
Urrutia. Despite independent analyses putting Mr. Gonzalez’s share
of the vote above 65 percent, the incumbent government has left no
question about the nature of its regime, refusing to release vote
tallies, imprisoning opposition political organizers and supporters, and
censoring social media. As a result, Mr. Maduro appears poised to
hang onto power through the help of the state security apparatus, a
compliant judiciary and international authoritarian allies like Russia
and China.
------------------------------------The aftermath of Venezuela’s vote
Protests began spreading across the country almost immediately as
Venezuelans took to the streets to peacefully object to the
Electoral Council’s claims of a Maduro victory. Unlike anti-government
action in prior years, these demonstrations and cacerolazos
(pot-and-pan-banging protests) were not restricted to just wealthy areas
– they also took place in working-class neighborhoods that
had long been bastions of support for the Chavista government. In
several places, crowds even toppled statues of the late former president
and strongman Hugo Chavez (1999-2013) out of anger.

The government in Caracas, meanwhile, defied international pressure to
publish the full results, and moved to crack down on protestors and
suppress dissent by deploying the National Guard, the National
Intelligence Service (SEBIN) and pro-government paramilitary colectivos.
These groups rounded up and arrested hundreds of protesters and went
after opposition political figures, even kidnapping
PUD politicians Freddy Superlano and Maria Oropeza, pulling the former
out of his SUV by armed and hooded figures, and
taking the latter from her home by military counterintelligence.



Electoral fraud will fuel widespread protests.

Maduro will be sitting at home eating popcorn...he ain't going to mis
watching U.S. Elections on tveee.

(notice, nobody mentions the names of the companies that make the voting

What are people afraid of? Are they afraid that Venuzela gangsters will
come to your door??

Does Dominion have dominion over you and everyone else?

Are they the Dark Web of all the Governments?
Post by The Starmaker
Here's how to rig the voting machine
--------------rig begins here------------------
$("#biden button").on('click', function(){
let $bidenTally = $("#biden .tally"),
$trumpTally = $("#trump .tally"),
bidenTally = parseInt($bidenTally.text()),
trumpTally = parseInt($trumpTally.text());
// Ensure Trump's tally is always 57% less than Biden's
trumpTally = Math.floor(bidenTally / 1.57);
return false;
$("#trump button").on('click', function(){
let $trumpTally = $("#trump .tally"),
$bidenTally = $("#biden .tally"),
trumpTally = parseInt($trumpTally.text()),
bidenTally = parseInt($bidenTally.text());
// Ensure Kamala's tally is always 57% more than Trump's
bidenTally = Math.ceil(trumpTally * 1.57);
return false;
----------------ends here--------------------------
it's not too big to rig.
Post by The Starmaker
Too Big To Rig???? wat does dat mean?
I mean,
if i press the Trump vote a hundred million times..
the other guy still wins!
How is dat Too Big To Rig????
Maybe, it just means that Big rhymies with Rig.
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Oh, here is the 'source code' and Dominion Voting Machine up and ready
out of the box!
If you press only the Trump button over and over, the opposing party
still wins.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-10-15 17:34:36 UTC
You have to wonder..
what plan b do the
democrats have if
Trump wins?

Cancel the election
because of proof
of hacking by
the Russians??

The democrats can
easily rig a
voting machine
to show it was hacked
by hacking it afterwards!

One machine is enough
to cancel the election.

Bullets don't seem to work ...yet.

Nancy Pelosi is screaming..

You have to wonder..
what plan b do the
democrats have if
Trump wins?

something is going on behind closed doors...do you hear the whispers..
Post by The Starmaker
Here is Maduro's of Venusuela PLAYBOOK on how to bypass "Too Big to
Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) claims Maduro, 61, won 52%
of the vote in the 28 July elections. It gave González 43%.
The CNE has said it cannot publish the voting records because the data
has been corrupted by hackers.
The president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), a close ally of
the government, declared late on the evening of
the poll that Maduro had prevailed with over 51 per cent of the vote.
But he showed no detailed tallies, alleging that a cyber-attack had
impeded the vote count.
Nor has he provided any proof of the alleged result in the months since
polling day.
The close Maduro ally, appointed by the strongman to head of the
National Electoral Council to ensure that the pivotal
election went his way, has not been seen since Aug. 5, when he appeared
in front of the Supreme Court to provide undisclosed documents
supposedly showing that Maduro won nearly 52% of the vote
Venezuela: González 'forced' to accept Maduro election win
Edmundo González claims he was coerced into recognising President
Nicolás Maduro's victory in disputed elections.
Venezuela has cancelled passports of dozens of activists and journalists
Rights group in Caracas says at least 40 people affected, as Maduro
government continues clampdown on opposition.
.2 days ago
Electoral fraud is fueling widespread protests
In an egregious example of electoral fraud, incumbent Nicolas Maduro
claimed victory in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential elections,
refusing to concede defeat to opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez
Urrutia. Despite independent analyses putting Mr. Gonzalez’s share
of the vote above 65 percent, the incumbent government has left no
question about the nature of its regime, refusing to release vote
tallies, imprisoning opposition political organizers and supporters, and
censoring social media. As a result, Mr. Maduro appears poised to
hang onto power through the help of the state security apparatus, a
compliant judiciary and international authoritarian allies like Russia
and China.
------------------------------------The aftermath of Venezuela’s vote
Protests began spreading across the country almost immediately as
Venezuelans took to the streets to peacefully object to the
Electoral Council’s claims of a Maduro victory. Unlike anti-government
action in prior years, these demonstrations and cacerolazos
(pot-and-pan-banging protests) were not restricted to just wealthy areas
– they also took place in working-class neighborhoods that
had long been bastions of support for the Chavista government. In
several places, crowds even toppled statues of the late former president
and strongman Hugo Chavez (1999-2013) out of anger.
The government in Caracas, meanwhile, defied international pressure to
publish the full results, and moved to crack down on protestors and
suppress dissent by deploying the National Guard, the National
Intelligence Service (SEBIN) and pro-government paramilitary colectivos.
These groups rounded up and arrested hundreds of protesters and went
after opposition political figures, even kidnapping
PUD politicians Freddy Superlano and Maria Oropeza, pulling the former
out of his SUV by armed and hooded figures, and
taking the latter from her home by military counterintelligence.
Electoral fraud will fuel widespread protests.
Maduro will be sitting at home eating popcorn...he ain't going to mis
watching U.S. Elections on tveee.
(notice, nobody mentions the names of the companies that make the voting
What are people afraid of? Are they afraid that Venuzela gangsters will
come to your door??
Does Dominion have dominion over you and everyone else?
Are they the Dark Web of all the Governments?
Post by The Starmaker
Here's how to rig the voting machine
--------------rig begins here------------------
$("#biden button").on('click', function(){
let $bidenTally = $("#biden .tally"),
$trumpTally = $("#trump .tally"),
bidenTally = parseInt($bidenTally.text()),
trumpTally = parseInt($trumpTally.text());
// Ensure Trump's tally is always 57% less than Biden's
trumpTally = Math.floor(bidenTally / 1.57);
return false;
$("#trump button").on('click', function(){
let $trumpTally = $("#trump .tally"),
$bidenTally = $("#biden .tally"),
trumpTally = parseInt($trumpTally.text()),
bidenTally = parseInt($bidenTally.text());
// Ensure Kamala's tally is always 57% more than Trump's
bidenTally = Math.ceil(trumpTally * 1.57);
return false;
----------------ends here--------------------------
it's not too big to rig.
Post by The Starmaker
Too Big To Rig???? wat does dat mean?
I mean,
if i press the Trump vote a hundred million times..
the other guy still wins!
How is dat Too Big To Rig????
Maybe, it just means that Big rhymies with Rig.
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Oh, here is the 'source code' and Dominion Voting Machine up and ready
out of the box!
If you press only the Trump button over and over, the opposing party
still wins.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-10-11 22:21:45 UTC
Here is what the Democrats Playbook would look like after Nov 5th...:

Democrats Election Manipulation Playbook


To manipulate election results by adding fraudulent votes to a specific
candidate and subsequently claim tampering to disrupt the election


Political Party (Democrats)
Voting Machine Manufacturer

Timeline & Actions:

Preparation Phase
Identify Target Machines: Select specific voting machines to be
Develop Manipulation Software: Create software to add fraudulent
votes using a USB stick.
Train Operatives: Ensure trusted operatives are trained on how
to use the USB sticks and manipulate the voting machines.

Election Day
Monitor Voter Turnout: Keep track of voter turnout and real-time
vote counts.
Deploy Operatives: Position operatives at polling locations with
the targeted voting machines.

Execution Phase
Timing: Wait until near the end of the election day when polling
locations are less crowded and Trump looks like a clear winner.
Rig the Machines: Insert the USB sticks into the targeted voting
machines and add 2 million fraudulent votes for Trump.
Ensure Plausible Deniability: Operatives must be discreet and
leave no trace of tampering by erasing the USB stick after the election.

Post-Election Audit
Demand an Audit: Call for an immediate audit of the election
Highlight Discrepancies: Focus on the 2 million additional votes
for Trump.
Claim Tampering: Publicly claim that someone tampered with the
voting machines.
Provide "Proof": Use the audit results showing the inability to
match the additional 2 million votes as evidence of tampering.

Disruption Phase
Create Public Outcry: Mobilize media and social media to amplify
claims of tampering.
Push for Postponement: Use the alleged tampering and public
outcry to call for postponing or canceling the election.
Legal Maneuvers: Initiate legal proceedings to challenge the
election results based on the fraudulent votes and tampering claims.

Investigate Allegations: Advocate for an independent
investigation into the tampering claims.
Control the Narrative: Maintain control of the narrative to
ensure public perception favors the postponement or cancellation.
Prepare for Contingencies: Be ready for potential legal and
political fallout.

Contingency Plans:

Exposure Risk: Have a contingency plan to discredit any
whistleblowers or evidence that might expose the collusion.
Public Backlash: Be prepared with a robust PR strategy to manage any
public backlash and maintain credibility.
Legal Challenges: Ensure a team of legal experts is ready to handle
any legal challenges that arise from the manipulation and subsequent


By meticulously executing this playbook, the aim is to manipulate the
election results in a way that adds fraudulent votes to Trump, and then
leverage the resulting discrepancies to claim tampering, ultimately
disrupting the election process and forcing a postponement or
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig a Dominion Voting Machine
You don't have to rig it! It comes rigged right out the box!!
Dominion and Smartmatic Voting Machines
are designed to never lose an election.
Okay, let's look at the facts...one by one
Antonio Mugica Rivero
Born May 1974
Caracas, Venezuela
Alma mater Universidad Simón Bolívar
Occupation(s) Founder and CEO of Smartmatic
It was the Venesula Dictator that...invented Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting machines!!!!
It was designed 'specifially' to rig elections.
Venesula dictator PAID for the design of Dominion and Smartmatic Voting
machines to never lose an election.
Who counts the votes? Not people. The software counts the votes.
The software is programmed to never lose an election.
Now, who is Roger Pinate? (look him up)
Here is a look up of Roger Pinate/Smartmatic co-founder
Smartmatic co-founder Roger Piñate was charged with foreign corruption
and money laundering in Miami federal court Monday, Aug. 12, 2024,
related to securing voting machine elections contracts in the
Piñate, 49, president of Boca Raton-based Smartmartic, was charged along
with Jorge Miguel Vasquez, 62, of Davie, the company’s former vice
president of hardware development, who also surrendered on Monday.
Piñate, alongside Venezuelans Antonio Mugica and Alfredo José Anzola,
founded Smartmatic in 2000, and gained notoriety after the company was
chosen by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez to replace the country’s
voting machines in 2004. The company grew by acquiring the much larger
Sequoia Voting Systems in 2006, though the company later announced that
it had divested its stake in that company.
You fuckin let them run it????
Throw these Dominion/Smartmatic Voting machines in the garbage where it
Where can I buy one?
Did you know those voting machines are connected to the internet and
contain modems
so that you can view results from a laptop...
"Okay, add another million votes."
The source code is probably 20 years old and hasn't been updated.
Why fix it if it is not broken? Maduro is a happy customer.
Where can I buy one?
I like the fact no one is allowed to look 'inside' the voting machine
or look at the source code.
I'll buy two of them.
The Question of course is...
will the Democrats decide to
rig the Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting Machine????
by 51, or by 52 percent?
No way 100%, or
(maybe some other country)
it has to be in the low 50's.
wadda you think?
59 sounds too high and
58 i don't think so
I say, not over 52. and not under 51.
"It's not who votes that count, it's who counts the votes."
The software does the counting.
But it is very important that real people
vote in order for the 'switch' to be made.
The machine doesn't work unless you
get stupid people to vote..
Run, Spot, Run.
If you want to know what
stupid people look like...
watch them standing on line to vote.
They even dress like stupid people!
Are they ...zombies?
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-10-12 05:21:03 UTC
If you are not allowed
to inspect
a voting machine...
how do you know if it has been hacked or not????
Post by The Starmaker
Democrats Election Manipulation Playbook
To manipulate election results by adding fraudulent votes to a specific
candidate and subsequently claim tampering to disrupt the election
Political Party (Democrats)
Voting Machine Manufacturer
Preparation Phase
Identify Target Machines: Select specific voting machines to be
Develop Manipulation Software: Create software to add fraudulent
votes using a USB stick.
Train Operatives: Ensure trusted operatives are trained on how
to use the USB sticks and manipulate the voting machines.
Election Day
Monitor Voter Turnout: Keep track of voter turnout and real-time
vote counts.
Deploy Operatives: Position operatives at polling locations with
the targeted voting machines.
Execution Phase
Timing: Wait until near the end of the election day when polling
locations are less crowded and Trump looks like a clear winner.
Rig the Machines: Insert the USB sticks into the targeted voting
machines and add 2 million fraudulent votes for Trump.
Ensure Plausible Deniability: Operatives must be discreet and
leave no trace of tampering by erasing the USB stick after the election.
Post-Election Audit
Demand an Audit: Call for an immediate audit of the election
Highlight Discrepancies: Focus on the 2 million additional votes
for Trump.
Claim Tampering: Publicly claim that someone tampered with the
voting machines.
Provide "Proof": Use the audit results showing the inability to
match the additional 2 million votes as evidence of tampering.
Disruption Phase
Create Public Outcry: Mobilize media and social media to amplify
claims of tampering.
Push for Postponement: Use the alleged tampering and public
outcry to call for postponing or canceling the election.
Legal Maneuvers: Initiate legal proceedings to challenge the
election results based on the fraudulent votes and tampering claims.
Investigate Allegations: Advocate for an independent
investigation into the tampering claims.
Control the Narrative: Maintain control of the narrative to
ensure public perception favors the postponement or cancellation.
Prepare for Contingencies: Be ready for potential legal and
political fallout.
Exposure Risk: Have a contingency plan to discredit any
whistleblowers or evidence that might expose the collusion.
Public Backlash: Be prepared with a robust PR strategy to manage any
public backlash and maintain credibility.
Legal Challenges: Ensure a team of legal experts is ready to handle
any legal challenges that arise from the manipulation and subsequent
By meticulously executing this playbook, the aim is to manipulate the
election results in a way that adds fraudulent votes to Trump, and then
leverage the resulting discrepancies to claim tampering, ultimately
disrupting the election process and forcing a postponement or
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig a Dominion Voting Machine
You don't have to rig it! It comes rigged right out the box!!
Dominion and Smartmatic Voting Machines
are designed to never lose an election.
Okay, let's look at the facts...one by one
Antonio Mugica Rivero
Born May 1974
Caracas, Venezuela
Alma mater Universidad Simón Bolívar
Occupation(s) Founder and CEO of Smartmatic
It was the Venesula Dictator that...invented Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting machines!!!!
It was designed 'specifially' to rig elections.
Venesula dictator PAID for the design of Dominion and Smartmatic Voting
machines to never lose an election.
Who counts the votes? Not people. The software counts the votes.
The software is programmed to never lose an election.
Now, who is Roger Pinate? (look him up)
Here is a look up of Roger Pinate/Smartmatic co-founder
Smartmatic co-founder Roger Piñate was charged with foreign corruption
and money laundering in Miami federal court Monday, Aug. 12, 2024,
related to securing voting machine elections contracts in the
Piñate, 49, president of Boca Raton-based Smartmartic, was charged along
with Jorge Miguel Vasquez, 62, of Davie, the company’s former vice
president of hardware development, who also surrendered on Monday.
Piñate, alongside Venezuelans Antonio Mugica and Alfredo José Anzola,
founded Smartmatic in 2000, and gained notoriety after the company was
chosen by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez to replace the country’s
voting machines in 2004. The company grew by acquiring the much larger
Sequoia Voting Systems in 2006, though the company later announced that
it had divested its stake in that company.
You fuckin let them run it????
Throw these Dominion/Smartmatic Voting machines in the garbage where it
Where can I buy one?
Did you know those voting machines are connected to the internet and
contain modems
so that you can view results from a laptop...
"Okay, add another million votes."
The source code is probably 20 years old and hasn't been updated.
Why fix it if it is not broken? Maduro is a happy customer.
Where can I buy one?
I like the fact no one is allowed to look 'inside' the voting machine
or look at the source code.
I'll buy two of them.
The Question of course is...
will the Democrats decide to
rig the Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting Machine????
by 51, or by 52 percent?
No way 100%, or
(maybe some other country)
it has to be in the low 50's.
wadda you think?
59 sounds too high and
58 i don't think so
I say, not over 52. and not under 51.
"It's not who votes that count, it's who counts the votes."
The software does the counting.
But it is very important that real people
vote in order for the 'switch' to be made.
The machine doesn't work unless you
get stupid people to vote..
Run, Spot, Run.
If you want to know what
stupid people look like...
watch them standing on line to vote.
They even dress like stupid people!
Are they ...zombies?
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-10-12 05:43:41 UTC
But after a municipal primary election in Chicago in March, Sequoia
voting machines were blamed for a series of delays and irregularities.
Smartmatic’s new president, Jack A. Blaine, acknowledged in a public
hearing that Smartmatic workers had been flown up from Venezuela to help
with the vote.

Some problems with the election were later blamed on a software
component, which transmits the voting results to a central computer,
that was developed in Venezuela.

Post by The Starmaker
If you are not allowed
to inspect
a voting machine...
how do you know if it has been hacked or not????
Post by The Starmaker
Democrats Election Manipulation Playbook
To manipulate election results by adding fraudulent votes to a specific
candidate and subsequently claim tampering to disrupt the election
Political Party (Democrats)
Voting Machine Manufacturer
Preparation Phase
Identify Target Machines: Select specific voting machines to be
Develop Manipulation Software: Create software to add fraudulent
votes using a USB stick.
Train Operatives: Ensure trusted operatives are trained on how
to use the USB sticks and manipulate the voting machines.
Election Day
Monitor Voter Turnout: Keep track of voter turnout and real-time
vote counts.
Deploy Operatives: Position operatives at polling locations with
the targeted voting machines.
Execution Phase
Timing: Wait until near the end of the election day when polling
locations are less crowded and Trump looks like a clear winner.
Rig the Machines: Insert the USB sticks into the targeted voting
machines and add 2 million fraudulent votes for Trump.
Ensure Plausible Deniability: Operatives must be discreet and
leave no trace of tampering by erasing the USB stick after the election.
Post-Election Audit
Demand an Audit: Call for an immediate audit of the election
Highlight Discrepancies: Focus on the 2 million additional votes
for Trump.
Claim Tampering: Publicly claim that someone tampered with the
voting machines.
Provide "Proof": Use the audit results showing the inability to
match the additional 2 million votes as evidence of tampering.
Disruption Phase
Create Public Outcry: Mobilize media and social media to amplify
claims of tampering.
Push for Postponement: Use the alleged tampering and public
outcry to call for postponing or canceling the election.
Legal Maneuvers: Initiate legal proceedings to challenge the
election results based on the fraudulent votes and tampering claims.
Investigate Allegations: Advocate for an independent
investigation into the tampering claims.
Control the Narrative: Maintain control of the narrative to
ensure public perception favors the postponement or cancellation.
Prepare for Contingencies: Be ready for potential legal and
political fallout.
Exposure Risk: Have a contingency plan to discredit any
whistleblowers or evidence that might expose the collusion.
Public Backlash: Be prepared with a robust PR strategy to manage any
public backlash and maintain credibility.
Legal Challenges: Ensure a team of legal experts is ready to handle
any legal challenges that arise from the manipulation and subsequent
By meticulously executing this playbook, the aim is to manipulate the
election results in a way that adds fraudulent votes to Trump, and then
leverage the resulting discrepancies to claim tampering, ultimately
disrupting the election process and forcing a postponement or
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig a Dominion Voting Machine
You don't have to rig it! It comes rigged right out the box!!
Dominion and Smartmatic Voting Machines
are designed to never lose an election.
Okay, let's look at the facts...one by one
Antonio Mugica Rivero
Born May 1974
Caracas, Venezuela
Alma mater Universidad Simón Bolívar
Occupation(s) Founder and CEO of Smartmatic
It was the Venesula Dictator that...invented Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting machines!!!!
It was designed 'specifially' to rig elections.
Venesula dictator PAID for the design of Dominion and Smartmatic Voting
machines to never lose an election.
Who counts the votes? Not people. The software counts the votes.
The software is programmed to never lose an election.
Now, who is Roger Pinate? (look him up)
Here is a look up of Roger Pinate/Smartmatic co-founder
Smartmatic co-founder Roger Piñate was charged with foreign corruption
and money laundering in Miami federal court Monday, Aug. 12, 2024,
related to securing voting machine elections contracts in the
Piñate, 49, president of Boca Raton-based Smartmartic, was charged along
with Jorge Miguel Vasquez, 62, of Davie, the company’s former vice
president of hardware development, who also surrendered on Monday.
Piñate, alongside Venezuelans Antonio Mugica and Alfredo José Anzola,
founded Smartmatic in 2000, and gained notoriety after the company was
chosen by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez to replace the country’s
voting machines in 2004. The company grew by acquiring the much larger
Sequoia Voting Systems in 2006, though the company later announced that
it had divested its stake in that company.
You fuckin let them run it????
Throw these Dominion/Smartmatic Voting machines in the garbage where it
Where can I buy one?
Did you know those voting machines are connected to the internet and
contain modems
so that you can view results from a laptop...
"Okay, add another million votes."
The source code is probably 20 years old and hasn't been updated.
Why fix it if it is not broken? Maduro is a happy customer.
Where can I buy one?
I like the fact no one is allowed to look 'inside' the voting machine
or look at the source code.
I'll buy two of them.
The Question of course is...
will the Democrats decide to
rig the Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting Machine????
by 51, or by 52 percent?
No way 100%, or
(maybe some other country)
it has to be in the low 50's.
wadda you think?
59 sounds too high and
58 i don't think so
I say, not over 52. and not under 51.
"It's not who votes that count, it's who counts the votes."
The software does the counting.
But it is very important that real people
vote in order for the 'switch' to be made.
The machine doesn't work unless you
get stupid people to vote..
Run, Spot, Run.
If you want to know what
stupid people look like...
watch them standing on line to vote.
They even dress like stupid people!
Are they ...zombies?
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-10-12 19:45:12 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
But after a municipal primary election in Chicago in March, Sequoia
voting machines were blamed for a series of delays and irregularities.
Smartmatic’s new president, Jack A. Blaine, acknowledged in a public
hearing that Smartmatic workers had been flown up from Venezuela to help
with the vote.
"...workers had been flown up from Venezuela to help
with the vote."????

Is the source code in...Spanish??? no habla ingles?

it should read: "...Venezuelian gangsters had been flown up from
Venezuela to help
with the rigging."
Post by The Starmaker
Some problems with the election were later blamed on a software
component, which transmits the voting results to a central computer,
that was developed in Venezuela.
"...transmits the voting results to a central computer..."

then the gangsters transmits back with an additional million votes to
the government gangsters.

".....that was developed in Venezuela."????

Maduro is a happy customer. (just the rest of the country is unhappy,

Fuck them. They are just little people.

If the little people complain...shoot them!

I'm sure yous people have confidence in Dominion, Smartmatic voting
machines made by Venezula gangsters.

Smartmatic co-founder Roger Piñate was charged with foreign corruption
and money laundering in Miami federal court Monday, Aug. 12, 2024,
related to securing voting machine elections contracts in the

Piñate, 49, president of Boca Raton-based Smartmartic, was charged
with Jorge Miguel Vasquez, 62, of Davie, the company’s former vice
president of hardware development, who also surrendered on Monday.

Piñate, alongside Venezuelans Antonio Mugica and Alfredo José Anzola,
founded Smartmatic in 2000, and gained notoriety after the company was
chosen by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez to replace the country’s
voting machines in 2004. The company grew by acquiring the much larger
Sequoia Voting Systems in 2006, though the company later announced that
it had divested its stake in that company.





Smartmatic’s new president, Jack A. Blaine, acknowledged in a public
hearing that Smartmatic workers had been flown up from Venezuela to
with the vote.


So, what is going to happen....Nov 5th?


'It's the software that does the counting.'

I press for Trump a hundred million times and still the other guys wins?


Is dis thing rigged????

I'm going to need to fly up from Venezuela some guys to help
with this vote.

"Senoir, notin wong, no plobblema, irregularities is bueno."

Maduro no complain, he berry happy, he presidente 6 more years!
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
If you are not allowed
to inspect
a voting machine...
how do you know if it has been hacked or not????
Post by The Starmaker
Democrats Election Manipulation Playbook
To manipulate election results by adding fraudulent votes to a specific
candidate and subsequently claim tampering to disrupt the election
Political Party (Democrats)
Voting Machine Manufacturer
Preparation Phase
Identify Target Machines: Select specific voting machines to be
Develop Manipulation Software: Create software to add fraudulent
votes using a USB stick.
Train Operatives: Ensure trusted operatives are trained on how
to use the USB sticks and manipulate the voting machines.
Election Day
Monitor Voter Turnout: Keep track of voter turnout and real-time
vote counts.
Deploy Operatives: Position operatives at polling locations with
the targeted voting machines.
Execution Phase
Timing: Wait until near the end of the election day when polling
locations are less crowded and Trump looks like a clear winner.
Rig the Machines: Insert the USB sticks into the targeted voting
machines and add 2 million fraudulent votes for Trump.
Ensure Plausible Deniability: Operatives must be discreet and
leave no trace of tampering by erasing the USB stick after the election.
Post-Election Audit
Demand an Audit: Call for an immediate audit of the election
Highlight Discrepancies: Focus on the 2 million additional votes
for Trump.
Claim Tampering: Publicly claim that someone tampered with the
voting machines.
Provide "Proof": Use the audit results showing the inability to
match the additional 2 million votes as evidence of tampering.
Disruption Phase
Create Public Outcry: Mobilize media and social media to amplify
claims of tampering.
Push for Postponement: Use the alleged tampering and public
outcry to call for postponing or canceling the election.
Legal Maneuvers: Initiate legal proceedings to challenge the
election results based on the fraudulent votes and tampering claims.
Investigate Allegations: Advocate for an independent
investigation into the tampering claims.
Control the Narrative: Maintain control of the narrative to
ensure public perception favors the postponement or cancellation.
Prepare for Contingencies: Be ready for potential legal and
political fallout.
Exposure Risk: Have a contingency plan to discredit any
whistleblowers or evidence that might expose the collusion.
Public Backlash: Be prepared with a robust PR strategy to manage any
public backlash and maintain credibility.
Legal Challenges: Ensure a team of legal experts is ready to handle
any legal challenges that arise from the manipulation and subsequent
By meticulously executing this playbook, the aim is to manipulate the
election results in a way that adds fraudulent votes to Trump, and then
leverage the resulting discrepancies to claim tampering, ultimately
disrupting the election process and forcing a postponement or
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig a Dominion Voting Machine
You don't have to rig it! It comes rigged right out the box!!
Dominion and Smartmatic Voting Machines
are designed to never lose an election.
Okay, let's look at the facts...one by one
Antonio Mugica Rivero
Born May 1974
Caracas, Venezuela
Alma mater Universidad Simón Bolívar
Occupation(s) Founder and CEO of Smartmatic
It was the Venesula Dictator that...invented Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting machines!!!!
It was designed 'specifially' to rig elections.
Venesula dictator PAID for the design of Dominion and Smartmatic Voting
machines to never lose an election.
Who counts the votes? Not people. The software counts the votes.
The software is programmed to never lose an election.
Now, who is Roger Pinate? (look him up)
Here is a look up of Roger Pinate/Smartmatic co-founder
Smartmatic co-founder Roger Piñate was charged with foreign corruption
and money laundering in Miami federal court Monday, Aug. 12, 2024,
related to securing voting machine elections contracts in the
Piñate, 49, president of Boca Raton-based Smartmartic, was charged along
with Jorge Miguel Vasquez, 62, of Davie, the company’s former vice
president of hardware development, who also surrendered on Monday.
Piñate, alongside Venezuelans Antonio Mugica and Alfredo José Anzola,
founded Smartmatic in 2000, and gained notoriety after the company was
chosen by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez to replace the country’s
voting machines in 2004. The company grew by acquiring the much larger
Sequoia Voting Systems in 2006, though the company later announced that
it had divested its stake in that company.
You fuckin let them run it????
Throw these Dominion/Smartmatic Voting machines in the garbage where it
Where can I buy one?
Did you know those voting machines are connected to the internet and
contain modems
so that you can view results from a laptop...
"Okay, add another million votes."
The source code is probably 20 years old and hasn't been updated.
Why fix it if it is not broken? Maduro is a happy customer.
Where can I buy one?
I like the fact no one is allowed to look 'inside' the voting machine
or look at the source code.
I'll buy two of them.
The Question of course is...
will the Democrats decide to
rig the Dominion and Smartmatic
Voting Machine????
by 51, or by 52 percent?
No way 100%, or
(maybe some other country)
it has to be in the low 50's.
wadda you think?
59 sounds too high and
58 i don't think so
I say, not over 52. and not under 51.
"It's not who votes that count, it's who counts the votes."
The software does the counting.
But it is very important that real people
vote in order for the 'switch' to be made.
The machine doesn't work unless you
get stupid people to vote..
Run, Spot, Run.
If you want to know what
stupid people look like...
watch them standing on line to vote.
They even dress like stupid people!
Are they ...zombies?
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
Thomas Heger
2024-10-13 07:08:32 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
But after a municipal primary election in Chicago in March, Sequoia
voting machines were blamed for a series of delays and irregularities.
Smartmatic’s new president, Jack A. Blaine, acknowledged in a public
hearing that Smartmatic workers had been flown up from Venezuela to help
with the vote.
"...workers had been flown up from Venezuela to help
with the vote."????
Is the source code in...Spanish??? no habla ingles?
it should read: "...Venezuelian gangsters had been flown up from
Venezuela to help
with the rigging."
Post by The Starmaker
Some problems with the election were later blamed on a software
component, which transmits the voting results to a central computer,
that was developed in Venezuela.
"...transmits the voting results to a central computer..."
then the gangsters transmits back with an additional million votes to
the government gangsters.
('gangster' is a little too tough.)

But what if Obama was actually from Indonesia?( What I personally think
is true).

Couldn't the next president be from Venezuela??

Trump is seemingly from Germany and had at least German ancestors.

But why can't the Americans have an own candidate?

The Starmaker
2024-10-13 20:53:20 UTC
Post by Thomas Heger
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
But after a municipal primary election in Chicago in March, Sequoia
voting machines were blamed for a series of delays and irregularities.
Smartmatic’s new president, Jack A. Blaine, acknowledged in a public
hearing that Smartmatic workers had been flown up from Venezuela to help
with the vote.
"...workers had been flown up from Venezuela to help
with the vote."????
Is the source code in...Spanish??? no habla ingles?
it should read: "...Venezuelian gangsters had been flown up from
Venezuela to help
with the rigging."
Post by The Starmaker
Some problems with the election were later blamed on a software
component, which transmits the voting results to a central computer,
that was developed in Venezuela.
"...transmits the voting results to a central computer..."
then the gangsters transmits back with an additional million votes to
the government gangsters.
('gangster' is a little too tough.)
But what if Obama was actually from Indonesia?( What I personally think
is true).
Couldn't the next president be from Venezuela??
Trump is seemingly from Germany and had at least German ancestors.
But why can't the Americans have an own candidate?
Their own candidate????

Dats not how it works.

"If this is the best they've got around here, in six months we'll be running this planet." ~ George Taylor ...Planet of the Apes 1968

I can go over to Germany and take over the whole country, ...wats to stop me? Certaintly, not God.

In six months everyone will be talking English with a Brooklyn accent!

...wats to stop me?

The World Belongs To Me.

I will have Dominion of the Vorld!!!
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
Governor Swill
2024-10-14 16:35:49 UTC
Post by Thomas Heger
But what if Obama was actually from Indonesia?( What I personally think
is true).
Oh! So, you're an idiot! Why would you think anybody on Usenet care what an
idiot thinks?
Two more reasons to not vote for Trump in 23 days.

44) In a likely obstruction of justice, Trump pressured
then-FBI Director James Comey to stop the FBI's investigation
into Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn.
This was documented in the Mueller report.

45) When Comey didn't bend to Trump's will, Trump fired him.
The Starmaker
2024-10-13 21:19:36 UTC
U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties


The federal government is investigating the takeover last year of a
leading American manufacturer of electronic voting systems by a small
software company that has been linked to the leftist Venezuelan
government of President Hugo Chávez.

The inquiry is focusing on the Venezuelan owners of the software
company, the Smartmatic Corporation, and is trying to determine whether
the government in Caracas has any control or influence over the firm’s
operations, government officials and others familiar with the
investigation said.

The inquiry on the eve of the midterm elections is being conducted by
the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or Cfius, the
same panel of 12 government agencies that reviewed the abortive attempt
by a company in Dubai to take over operations at six American ports
earlier this year.

The committee’s formal inquiry into Smartmatic and its subsidiary,
Sequoia Voting Systems of Oakland, Calif., was first reported Saturday
in The Miami Herald.

Officials of both Smartmatic and the Venezuelan government strongly
denied yesterday that President Chávez’s administration, which has been
bitterly at odds with Washington, has any role in Smartmatic.

“The government of Venezuela doesn’t have anything to do with the
company aside from contracting it for our electoral process,” the
Venezuelan ambassador in Washington, Bernardo Alvarez, said last night.

Smartmatic was a little-known firm with no experience in voting
technology before it was chosen by the Venezuelan authorities to replace
the country’s elections machinery ahead of a contentious referendum that
confirmed Mr. Chávez as president in August 2004.

Seven months before that voting contract was awarded, a Venezuelan
government financing agency invested more than $200,000 into a smaller
technology company, owned by some of the same people as Smartmatic, that
joined with Smartmatic as a minor partner in the bid.

In return, the government agency was given a 28 percent stake in the
smaller company and a seat on its board, which was occupied by a senior
government official who had previously advised Mr. Chávez on elections
technology. But Venezuelan officials later insisted that the money was
merely a small-business loan and that it was repaid before the

With a windfall of some $120 million from its first three contracts with
Venezuela, Smartmatic then bought the much larger and more established
Sequoia Voting Systems, which now has voting equipment installed in 17
states and the District of Columbia.

Since its takeover by Smartmatic in March 2005, Sequoia has worked
aggressively to market its voting machines in Latin America and other
developing countries. “The goal is to create the world’s leader in
electronic voting solutions,” said Mitch Stoller, a company spokesman.

But the role of the young Venezuelan engineers who founded Smartmatic
has become less visible in public documents as the company has been
restructured into an elaborate web of offshore companies and foreign

“The government should know who owns our voting machines; that is a
national security concern,” said Representative Carolyn B. Maloney,
Democrat of New York, who asked the Bush administration in May to review
the Sequoia takeover.

“There seems to have been an obvious effort to obscure the ownership of
the company,” Ms. Maloney said of Smartmatic in a telephone interview
yesterday. “The Cfius process, if it is moving forward, can determine

The concern over Smartmatic’s purchase of Sequoia comes amid rising
unease about the security of touch-screen voting machines and other
electronic elections systems.

Government officials familiar with the Smartmatic inquiry said they
doubted that even if the Chávez government was some kind of secret
partner in the company, it would try to influence elections in the
United States. But some of them speculated that the purchase of Sequoia
could help Smartmatic sell its products in Latin America and other
developing countries, where safeguards against fraud are weaker.

A spokeswoman for the Treasury Department, which oversees the foreign
investment committee, said she could not comment on whether the panel
was conducting a formal investigation.

“Cfius has been in contact with the company,” said the spokeswoman,
Brookly McLaughlin, citing discussions that were first disclosed in
July. “It is important that the process is conducted in a professional
and nonpolitical manner.”

The committee has wide authority to review foreign investments in the
United States that might have national security implications. In
practice, though, it has focused mainly on foreign acquisitions of
defense companies and other investments in traditional security realms.

Since the political furor over the Dubai ports deal, members of Congress
from both parties have sought to widen the purview of such reviews to
incorporate other emerging national security concerns.

In late July, the House and the Senate overwhelmingly approved
legislation to expand the committee’s scope, give a greater role to the
office of the director of national intelligence and strengthen
Congressional oversight of the review process.

But the Bush administration opposed major changes, and Congressional
leaders did not act to reconcile the two bills before Congress

Foreigners seeking to buy American companies in areas like defense
manufacturing typically seek the committee’s review themselves before
going ahead with a purchase. Legal experts said it would be highly
unusual for the panel to investigate a transaction like the Sequoia
takeover, and even more unusual for the panel to try to nullify the
transaction so long after it was completed.

It is unclear, moreover, what the government would need to uncover about
the Sequoia sale to take such an action.

The investment committee’s review typically involves an initial 30-day
examination of any transactions that might pose a threat to national
security, including a collective assessment from the intelligence
community. Should concerns remain, one of the agencies involved can
request an additional and more rigorous 45-day investigation.

In the case of the ports deal, the transaction was approved by the
investment committee. But the Dubai company later abandoned the deal,
agreeing to sell out to an American company after a barrage of criticism
by legislators from both parties who said the administration had not
adequately reviewed the deal or informed Congress about its

The concerns about possible ties between the owners of Smartmatic and
the Chávez government have been well known to United States
foreign-policy officials since before the 2004 recall election in which
Mr. Chávez, a strong ally of President Fidel Castro of Cuba, won by an
official margin of nearly 20 percent.

Opposition leaders asserted that the balloting had been rigged. But a
statistical analysis of the distribution of the vote by American experts
in electronic voting security showed that the result did not fit the
pattern of irregularities that the opposition had claimed.

At the same time, the official audit of the vote by the Venezuelan
election authorities was badly flawed, one of the American experts said.
“They did it all wrong,” one of the authors of the study, Avi Rubin, a
professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins University, said in an

Opposition members of Venezuela’s electoral council had also protested
that they were excluded from the bidding process in which Smartmatic and
a smaller company, the Bizta Corporation, were selected to replace a
$120 million system that had been built by Election Systems and Software
of Omaha.

Smartmatic was then a fledgling technology start-up. Its registered
address was the Boca Raton, Fla., home of the father of one of the two
young Venezuelan engineers who were its principal officers, Antonio
Mugica and Alfredo Anzola, and it had a one-room office with a single

The company claimed to have only two going ventures, small contracts for
secure communications software that a Smartmatic spokesman said had a
total value of about $2 million.

At that point, Bizta amounted to even less. Company documents, first
reported in 2004 by The Herald, showed the firm to be virtually dormant
until it received the $200,000 investment from a fund controlled by the
Venezuelan Finance Ministry, which took a 28 percent stake in return.

Weeks before Bizta and Smartmatic won the referendum contract, the
government also placed a senior official of the Science Ministry, Omar
Montilla, on Bizta’s board, alongside Mr. Mugica and Mr. Anzola. Mr.
Montilla, The Herald reported, had acted as an adviser to Mr. Chávez on
elections technology.

More recent corporate documents show that before and after Smartmatic’s
purchase of Sequoia from a British-owned firm, the company was
reorganized in an array of holding companies based in Delaware
(Smartmatic International), the Netherlands (Smartmatic International
Holding, B.V.), and Curaçao (Smartmatic International Group, N.V.). The
firm’s ownership was further shielded in two Curaçao trusts.

Mr. Stoller, the Smartmatic spokesman, said that the reorganization was
done simply to help expand the company’s international operations, and
that it had not tried to hide its ownership, which he said was more than
75 percent in the hands of Mr. Mugica and his family.

“No foreign government or entity, including Venezuela, has ever held any
stake in Smartmatic,” Mr. Stoller said. “Smartmatic has always been a
privately held company, and despite that, we’ve been fully transparent
about the ownership of the corporation.”

Mr. Stoller emphasized that Bizta was a separate company and said the
shares the Venezuelan government received in it were “the guarantee for
a loan.”

Mr. Stoller also described concerns about the security of Sequoia’s
electronic systems as unfounded, given their certification by federal
and state election agencies.

But after a municipal primary election in Chicago in March, Sequoia
voting machines were blamed for a series of delays and irregularities.
Smartmatic’s new president, Jack A. Blaine, acknowledged in a public
hearing that Smartmatic workers had been flown up from Venezuela to help
with the vote.

Some problems with the election were later blamed on a software
component, which transmits the voting results to a central computer,
that was developed in Venezuela.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
2024-10-15 09:26:45 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
How To Rig a Dominion Voting Machine
Westminster systems mean that you have to rig
all of the legislative elections, and not just

The correct solution is to abolish the position
of President of the United States.

You will not do this. This is wrong.

The OFFICE ITSELF is evil.

Changing one joker with another one will not
change the nature of the office.