(too old to reply)
Pentcho Valev
2013-12-16 12:28:09 UTC
Albert Einstein: "In the second place our result shows that, according to the general theory of relativity, the law of the constancy of the velocity of light in vacuo, which constitutes one of the two fundamental assumptions in the special theory of relativity and to which we have already frequently referred, cannot claim any unlimited validity. A curvature of rays of light can only take place when the velocity of propagation of light varies with position. Now we might think that as a consequence of this, the special theory of relativity and with it the whole theory of relativity would be laid in the dust. But in reality this is not the case. We can only conclude that the special theory of relativity cannot claim an unlimited domain of validity; its result hold only so long as we are able to disregard the influences of gravitational fields on the phenomena (e.g. of light)."

Here Einstein deliberately confuses two meanings of "constancy of the velocity of light":

1. If the gravitational field is removed, the velocity of light stops varying with position and in this sense remains constant. But this constancy has nothing to do with "the constancy of the velocity of light in vacuo, which constitutes one of the two fundamental assumptions in the special theory of relativity".

2. "The constancy of the velocity of light in vacuo, which constitutes one of the two fundamental assumptions in the special theory of relativity" implies that the velocity ("speed" would be more exact) of light relative to the observer does not vary with (is independent of) the speed of the observer. Yet it is easy to show that, if in a gravitational field the velocity of light "varies with position", then, in gravitation-free space, it varies with the speed of the observer.

Conclusion: What "we might think" is true: As a consequence of the fact that, in a gravitational field, the velocity of light "varies with position", the special theory of relativity and with it the whole theory of relativity is laid in the dust.

Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2013-12-16 16:26:08 UTC
Today's Einsteinians "almost universally" teach that the Michelson-Morley experiment confirmed Einstein's 1905 constant-speed-of-light postulate (which implies that the experiment refuted the variable speed of light predicted by Newton's emission theory of light). John Norton and John Stachel rebuke brothers Einsteinians for lying so blatantly and teach that Divine Albert, unlike "later writers", was absolutely honest and never cited the experiment as evidence for the principle of constancy of the speed of light. Any time John Norton and John Stachel think of Divine Albert's absolute honesty, they sing "Divine Einstein" and "Yes we all believe in relativity, relativity, relativity", then tumble to the floor, start tearing their clothes and go into convulsions:

John Norton: "In addition to his work as editor of the Einstein papers in finding source material, Stachel assembled the many small clues that reveal Einstein's serious consideration of an emission theory of light; and he gave us the crucial insight that Einstein regarded the Michelson-Morley experiment as evidence for the principle of relativity, whereas later writers almost universally use it as support for the light postulate of special relativity. Even today, this point needs emphasis. The Michelson-Morley experiment is fully compatible with an emission theory of light that CONTRADICTS THE LIGHT POSTULATE."

Einstein from 'B' to 'Z', John Stachel, p. 179: "Are there any common features to Einstein's mentions of the Michelson-Morley experiment? Yes: Without exception, it is cited as evidence for the relativity principle, and is never cited as evidence for the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light."

John Norton and John Stachel are right. Divine Albert never taught the lie that the Michelson-Morley experiment confirmed the constancy of the speed of light. Never! He only taught it once, in 1921, but then repented and became absolutely honest:

The New York Times, April 19, 1921: "The special relativity arose from the question of whether light had an invariable velocity in free space, he [Einstein] said. The velocity of light could only be measured relative to a body or a co-ordinate system. He sketched a co-ordinate system K to which light had a velocity C. Whether the system was in motion or not was the fundamental principle. This has been developed through the researches of Maxwell and Lorentz, the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light having been based on many of their experiments. But did it hold for only one system? he asked. He gave the example of a street and a vehicle moving on that street. If the velocity of light was C for the street was it also C for the vehicle? If a second co-ordinate system K was introduced, moving with the velocity V, did light have the velocity of C here? When the light traveled the system moved with it, so it would appear that light moved slower and the principle apparently did not hold. Many famous experiments had been made on this point. Michelson showed that relative to the moving co-ordinate system K1, the light traveled with the same velocity as relative to K, which is contrary to the above observation. How could this be reconciled? Professor Einstein asked."

Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2013-12-16 20:38:19 UTC
According to Einstein's special relativity, time dilation is reciprocal - if two inertial observers move relative to one another, either sees the other's clock running SLOWER than his own. This is absurd but there is no formal way to prove the absurdity for the simple reason that, if both clocks are inertial, they are expected to meet only once.

In the rotating disc scenario one of the observers and his clocks are not inertial and this makes multiple meetings possible. Yet the absurdity of the reciprocal time dilation cannot be proved again because Einstein prudently abandoned the reciprocity in this particular case and convinced the gullible world that the inertial clock runs FASTER than the non-inertial clock:

Albert Einstein: "An observer who is sitting eccentrically on the disc K' is sensible of a force which acts outwards in a radial direction... (...) The observer performs experiments on his circular disc with clocks and measuring-rods. In doing so, it is his intention to arrive at exact definitions for the signification of time- and space-data with reference to the circular disc K', these definitions being based on his observations. What will be his experience in this enterprise? To start with, he places one of two identically constructed clocks at the centre of the circular disc, and the other on the edge of the disc, so that they are at rest relative to it. We now ask ourselves whether both clocks go at the same rate from the standpoint of the non-rotating Galileian reference-body K. As judged from this body, the clock at the centre of the disc has no velocity, whereas the clock at the edge of the disc is in motion relative to K in consequence of the rotation. According to a result obtained in Section XII, it follows that the latter clock goes at a rate permanently slower than that of the clock at the centre of the circular disc, i.e. as observed from K."

Einstein refers to Section XII but this Section does not contain any results explaining why the (inertial) clock at the centre of the rotating disc should run FASTER than the (non-inertial) clock placed on the edge of the disc. Rather, the results in Section XII are all based on the Lorentz transformation which predicts RECIPROCAL time dilation for two INTERTIAL clocks: either INERTIAL clock (more precisely, the observer in this clock's system) sees the other INERTIAL clock running SLOW by a factor of 1/gamma = sqrt(1-(v/c)^2). The Lorentz transformation does not predict anything about a system of two clocks one of which (in this case the one on the edge of the disc) is not inertial. Yet in the above text Einstein claims (more precisely, lies) that, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION, the inertial K-clock (at the center of the disc) is running FASTER than the non-inertial K'-clock (on the edge of the disc) by a factor of gamma = 1/sqrt(1-(v/c)^2). A similar unjustified claim (lie) can be found in Einstein's 1905 paper:

Herbert Dingle, SCIENCE AT THE CROSSROADS, p.27: "According to the special relativity theory, as expounded by Einstein in his original paper, two similar, regularly-running clocks, A and B, in uniform relative motion, must work at different rates.....How is the slower-working clock distinguished? The supposition that the theory merely requires each clock to APPEAR to work more slowly from the point of view of the other is ruled out not only by its many applications and by the fact that the theory would then be useless in practice, but also by Einstein's own examples, of which it is sufficient to cite the one best known and most often claimed to have been indirectly established by experiment, viz. 'Thence' [i.e. from the theory he had just expounded, which takes no account of possible effects of accleration, gravitation, or any difference at all between the clocks except their state of uniform motion] 'we conclude that a balance-clock at the equator must go more slowly, by a very small amount, than a precisely similar clock situated at one of the poles under otherwise identical conditions.' Applied to this example, the question is: what entitled Einstein to conclude FROM HIS THEORY that the equatorial, and not the polar, clock worked more slowly?"

It is easy to see that the rotating disc scenario actually refutes special relativity. By increasing the perimeter of the disc while keeping the linear speed of the periphery constant, one can convert clocks fixed on the periphery into VIRTUALLY INERTIAL clocks (the "gravitational field" they experience is reduced to zero). Now, in accordance with the Lorentz transformation, the (virtually inertial) observer "sitting eccentrically" on the edge of the disc (the K'-observer) sees the clock at the center of the disc (the K-clock) run SLOWER than clocks fixed on the periphery (K'-clocks).

The absurdity is proved now - the clock at the center runs both FASTER than clocks on the periphery (as observed from K) and SLOWER than clocks on the periphery (as observed from K'). We just have REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM: the consequent (reciprocal time dilation) is absurd, therefore the antecedent (Einstein's 1905 constant-speed-of-light postulate) is false.

Pentcho Valev
Don Stockbauer
2013-12-16 21:36:08 UTC
wavelength and frequency = variable
speed of light = constant
Pentcho Valev
2013-12-17 01:08:33 UTC
"That tiny glitch in the motion of Mercury is what Einstein turned into the general theory of relativity," said Strominger.

But that was not easy. The hoaxer had to change and fudge the equations countless times in order to predict the known-in-advance "tiny glitch":

Michel Janssen: "But - as we know from a letter to his friend Conrad Habicht of December 24, 1907 - one of the goals that Einstein set himself early on, was to use his new theory of gravity, whatever it might turn out to be, to explain the discrepancy between the observed motion of the perihelion of the planet Mercury and the motion predicted on the basis of Newtonian gravitational theory. (...) The Einstein-Grossmann theory - also known as the "Entwurf" ("outline") theory after the title of Einstein and Grossmann's paper - is, in fact, already very close to the version of general relativity published in November 1915 and constitutes an enormous advance over Einstein's first attempt at a generalized theory of relativity and theory of gravitation published in 1912. The crucial breakthrough had been that Einstein had recognized that the gravitational field - or, as we would now say, the inertio-gravitational field - should not be described by a variable speed of light as he had attempted in 1912, but by the so-called metric tensor field. The metric tensor is a mathematical object of 16 components, 10 of which independent, that characterizes the geometry of space and time. In this way, gravity is no longer a force in space and time, but part of the fabric of space and time itself: gravity is part of the inertio-gravitational field. Einstein had turned to Grossmann for help with the difficult and unfamiliar mathematics needed to formulate a theory along these lines. (...) Einstein did not give up the Einstein-Grossmann theory once he had established that it could not fully explain the Mercury anomaly. He continued to work on the theory and never even mentioned the disappointing result of his work with Besso in print. So Einstein did not do what the influential philosopher Sir Karl Popper claimed all good scientists do: once they have found an empirical refutation of their theory, they abandon that theory and go back to the drawing board. (...) On November 4, 1915, he presented a paper to the Berlin Academy officially retracting the Einstein-Grossmann équations and replacing them with new ones. On November 11, a short addendum to this paper followed, once again changing his field equations. A week later, on November 18, Einstein presented the paper containing his celebrated explanation of the perihelion motion of Mercury on the basis of this new theory. Another week later he changed the field equations once more. These are the equations still used today. This last change did not affect the result for the perihelion of Mercury. Besso is not acknowledged in Einstein's paper on the perihelion problem. Apparently, Besso's help with this technical problem had not been as valuable to Einstein as his role as sounding board that had earned Besso the famous acknowledgment in the special relativity paper of 1905. Still, an acknowledgment would have been appropriate. After all, what Einstein had done that week in November, was simply to redo the calculation he had done with Besso in June 1913, using his new field equations instead of the Einstein-Grossmann equations. It is not hard to imagine Einstein's excitement when he inserted the numbers for Mercury into the new expression he found and the result was 43", in excellent agreement with observation."

"D'abord il [Einstein] fait une hypothèse fausse (facile à dire aujourd'hui !) dans son équation de départ qui décrit les relations étroites entre géométrie de l'espace et contenu de matière de cet espace. Avec cette hypothèse il tente de calculer l'avance du périhélie de Mercure. Cette petite anomalie (à l'époque) du mouvement de la planète était un mystère. Einstein et Besso aboutissent finalement sur un nombre aberrant et s'aperçoivent qu'en fait le résultat est cent fois trop grand à cause d'une erreur dans la masse du soleil... Mais, même corrigé, le résultat reste loin des observations. Pourtant le physicien ne rejeta pas son idée. "Nous voyons là que si les critères de Popper étaient toujours respectés, la théorie aurait dû être abandonnée", constate, ironique, Etienne Klein. Un coup de main d'un autre ami, Grossmann, sortira Einstein de la difficulté et sa nouvelle équation s'avéra bonne. En quelques jours, il trouve la bonne réponse pour l'avance du périhélie de Mercure..."

"C'est à ce moment de l'histoire que commence celle, méconnue, du manuscrit Einstein-Besso. Le physicien convoque son ami et confident suisse pour l'aider à mener les calculs et tester son ébauche de relativité générale sur un problème bien connu des astronomes : l'anomalie de l'orbite de Mercure. "Depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, on sait de manière de plus en plus précise que le périhélie de cette planète (le point de son orbite le plus proche du Soleil) avance un peu plus que le prévoient les équations de Newton : l'excédent est de 43 secondes d'arc par siècle, c'est-à-dire l'angle sous lequel on voit un cheveu à une distance d'un mètre, explique Etienne Klein. Einstein se dit simplement que sa théorie sera validée si elle prédit correctement cette "anomalie" de l'avance du périhélie de Mercure." Une part du manuscrit Einstein-Besso est consacrée à ce test crucial. Aux pages d'Einstein, des lignes d'équations, sans ratures, presque vierges de tout texte, succèdent celles de Besso, un peu plus hésitantes et annotées de nombreuses explications. Le résultat est calamiteux. Au lieu d'expliquer le petit décalage de 43 secondes d'arc par siècle, la nouvelle théorie propose une avance de plus de 1 800 secondes d'arc par siècle. Très loin de la réalité des observations astronomiques ! "Mais, un peu plus loin dans le manuscrit, les deux hommes se rendent compte qu'ils se sont trompés sur la masse du Soleil", dit Etienne Klein. Une erreur d'un facteur 10, qu'ils corrigent finalement, pour parvenir à un résultat moins absurde, mais toujours décevant : 18 secondes d'arc par siècle... Echec complet ? Un peu plus loin, en conclusion d'un tout autre calcul, Einstein écrit : "Stimmt" ("Correct"). "En dépit de l'échec de sa théorie à expliquer l'avance du périhélie de Mercure, Einstein croit avoir démontré autre chose, au détour d'une équation, décrypte Etienne Klein. En mai 1907, il avait eu l'intuition qu'une chute libre peut "annuler" un champ de gravitation. Ici, il pense avoir démontré qu'un mouvement de rotation peut, lui aussi, être considéré comme équivalent à un champ de gravitation. Il croit avoir généralisé son principe d'équivalence." Mais, plus de deux ans plus tard, Einstein comprend que son calcul était faux : il n'a rien généralisé du tout. C'est alors qu'il accepte d'utiliser dans sa théorie le premier tenseur, jugé trop complexe, que lui avait proposé Grossmann. Et en 1915, il teste ce nouveau tenseur sur l'avance du périhélie de Mercure. Cette fois, le résultat est le bon !"

Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2013-12-17 08:55:54 UTC
Divine Albert: "Experience has led to the conviction that, on the one hand, the principle of relativity holds true, and that on the other hand the velocity of transmission of light in vacuo has to be considered equal to a constant c. By uniting these two postulates we obtained the law of transformation for the rectangular co-ordinates x, y, z and the time t of the events which constitute the processes of nature. In this connection we did not obtain the Galilei transformation, but, differing from classical mechanics, the Lorentz transformation."

Divine Albert: "In one of the most notable of these attempts Michelson devised a method which appears as though it must be decisive. Imagine two mirrors so arranged on a rigid body that the reflecting surfaces face each other. A ray of light requires a perfectly definite time T to pass from one mirror to the other and back again, if the whole system be at rest with respect to the aether. It is found by calculation, however, that a slightly different time T' is required for this process, if the body, together with the mirrors, be moving relatively to the aether. (...) ...the experiment gave a negative result - a fact very perplexing to physicists. Lorentz and FitzGerald rescued the theory from this difficulty by assuming that the motion of the body relative to the aether produces a contraction of the body in the direction of motion, the amount of contraction being just sufficient to compensate for the difference in time mentioned above."

An imaginary creature called "Honest Albert" would have written:

Honest Albert: "Experience should have led to the conviction that, on the one hand, the principle of relativity holds true, and that on the other hand the velocity of transmission of light in vacuo has to be considered equal to c+v, where v is the speed of the emitter relative to the observer. By uniting these two postulates we obtain the law of transformation for the rectangular co-ordinates x, y, z and the time t of the events which constitute the processes of nature. In this connection we obtain the Galilei transformation, but, differing from classical mechanics, Divine Albert, that hoaxer, found it profitable to impose the Lorentz transformation."

Honest Albert: "In one of the most notable of these attempts Michelson devised a method which appears as though it must be decisive. Imagine two mirrors so arranged on a rigid body that the reflecting surfaces face each other. A ray of light requires a perfectly definite time T to pass from one mirror to the other and back again, if the whole system be at rest with respect to the aether. It is found by calculation based on Newton's emission theory of light that the same time T'=T is required for this process, if the body, together with the mirrors, be moving relatively to the aether. (...) ...the experiment gave a negative result (T'=T) as predicted by Newton's emission theory of light - a fact very perplexing to physicists because they had forgotten or did not wish to remember the emission theory. Lorentz and FitzGerald rescued their false theory from this difficulty by assuming that the motion of the body relative to the aether produces a contraction of the body in the direction of motion, the amount of contraction being just sufficient to compensate for the difference in time predicted by the false theory."

Pentcho Valev

2013-12-16 23:07:21 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
According to Einstein's special relativity, time dilation is reciprocal -
if two inertial observers move relative to one another, either sees the
other's clock running SLOWER than his own. This is absurd but there is no
formal way to prove the absurdity for the simple reason that, if both
clocks are inertial, they are expected to meet only once.
Come now, Pentcho, in light (ooh, I made a pun) of the GPS technology, it is
certainly possible to check this scenario. Put cesium clocks with counters
that continuously register the total number of counts and transmit the total
count on each of two space craft and fire them off at two different speeds.
The probes also must have the ability to receive the total count signal from
the other probe and send the comparison to earth. The results will agree
with SR if both probes report fewer counts for the other craft.

Of course, care must be taken that gravitational effects be minimized to get
as pure a result as possible. This means that the comparisons must be done
over times short enough so the gravitational potential difference remains
Post by Pentcho Valev
In the rotating disc scenario one of the observers and his clocks are not
inertial and this makes multiple meetings possible. Yet the absurdity of
the reciprocal time dilation cannot be proved again because Einstein
prudently abandoned the reciprocity in this particular case and convinced
the gullible world that the inertial clock runs FASTER than the non-inertial
Einstein refers to Section XII but this Section does not contain any results
explaining why the (inertial) clock at the centre of the rotating disc should
run FASTER than the (non-inertial) clock placed on the edge of the disc.
Of COURSE he does. That clock is INERTIAL and its velocity difference wrt
the K observer is ZERO. OTOH, The other clock is NOT inertial nor is its
relative velocity zero. So the clock at the center of the disc is not
"going faster" but rather, the noninertial clock is going SLOWER than the
"stationary" clocks.
Post by Pentcho Valev
Rather, the results in Section XII are all based on the Lorentz
transformation which predicts RECIPROCAL time dilation for two INTERTIAL
clocks: either INERTIAL clock (more precisely, the observer in this clock's
system) sees the other INERTIAL clock running SLOW by a factor of
1/gamma = sqrt(1-(v/c)^2). The Lorentz transformation does not predict
anything about a system of two clocks one of which (in this case the one on
the edge of the disc) is not inertial.
Actually, the LT can predict unequivacally what both observers will see.
Post by Pentcho Valev
Yet in the above text Einstein claims (more precisely, lies)
Pentcho, YOU are the one getting a Pinocchio here.
Post by Pentcho Valev
(at the center of the disc) is running FASTER than the non-inertial K'-clock
(on the edge of the disc) by a factor of gamma = 1/sqrt(1-(v/c)^2).
Hmmm, I didn't notice Saint Albert saying what the amount of the dilation
was. I haven't calculated it, but it would seem that the acceleration would
cause the peripheral clock to run slower wrt the inertial clock irrespective
of the velocity difference. The velocity effect would just make the edge
clock to appear to run even slower. OTOH, the peripheral clock would see the
central clock running slower because of velocity but the accelerated condition
would make the central clock appear to run faster.

So you see, Pentcho, the acceleration effect is NOT mutual. It introduces
a nonsymmetrical component.
Post by Pentcho Valev
http://blog.hasslberger.com/Dingle_SCIENCE_at_the_Crossroads.pdf Herbert
Dingle, SCIENCE AT THE CROSSROADS, p.27: "According to the special relativity
theory, as expounded by Einstein in his original paper, two similar,
regularly-running clocks, A and B, in uniform relative motion, must work at
different rates....."
Quoting Herbert Dingle? My, how you have sunk to new lows. He was the
original Dingleberry. From just that part of the quote it is clear that
Dingle NEVER understood relativity. Even when he was a relativity groupie
(I have his 1922 little book called "Relativity for All), it was clear to me
that he didn't understand what he was promoting. He was almost as bad as
that other Dingleberry you like to quote, Peter Whatshisname.
Post by Pentcho Valev
It is easy to see that the rotating disc scenario actually refutes special
relativity. By increasing the perimeter of the disc while keeping the linear
speed of the periphery constant, one can convert clocks fixed on the
periphery into VIRTUALLY INERTIAL clocks (the "gravitational field" they
experience is reduced to zero). Now, in accordance with the Lorentz
transformation, the (virtually inertial) observer "sitting eccentrically"
on the edge of the disc (the K'-observer) sees the clock at the center of
the disc (the K-clock) run SLOWER than clocks fixed on the periphery (K'-
clocks). The absurdity is proved now - the clock at the center runs both
FASTER than clocks on the periphery (as observed from K) and SLOWER than
clocks on the periphery (as observed from K').
Nope. The only thing that allowed the peripheral clock to run absolutely
slower than the central clock was the acceleration. You have removed that,
leaving only the mutual slowing part. I hope you can understand that I have
explained this in a previous paragraph.
Post by Pentcho Valev
We just have REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM: the consequent (reciprocal time dilation)
is absurd,
Only in your fevered fantasies, Pentcho. Your reasoning faculties are faulty.
Post by Pentcho Valev
therefore the antecedent (Einstein's 1905 constant-speed-of-light postulate)
is false. Pentcho Valev
Nope. Better luck next time, Pentcho. Have a Merry Christmas.

Sylvia Else
2013-12-16 23:11:35 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
Conclusion: What "we might think" is true: As a consequence of the
fact that, in a gravitational field, the velocity of light "varies
with position", the special theory of relativity and with it the
whole theory of relativity is laid in the dust.
Conclusion: Special relativity doesn't apply in the presence of gravity.
That's not exactly news.

2013-12-17 00:36:49 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
Albert Einstein: "In the second place our result shows that, according to the general theory of relativity, the law of the constancy of the velocity of light in vacuo, which constitutes one of the two fundamental assumptions in the special theory of relativity and to which we have already frequently referred, cannot claim any unlimited validity. A curvature of rays of light can only take place when the velocity of propagation of light varies with position. Now we might think that as a consequence of this, the special theory of relativity and with it the whole theory of relativity would be laid in the dust. But in reality this is not the case. We can only conclude that the special theory of relativity cannot claim an unlimited domain of validity; its result hold only so long as we are able to disregard the influences of gravitational fields on the phenomena (e.g. of light)."
You are confusing (deliberately? Is it dishonesty or ignorance on you
part? Don't know. I would say both) the two meanings, he is not.

Still no shame in lying, lying and lying again, ô délirant et
dégoûtant Pentchiure de mouche?