Time AND Space is an Illusion
(too old to reply)
The Starmaker
2016-04-19 21:52:19 UTC
Time AND Space is an Illusion.

and that's that!

any questions?
2016-04-19 21:57:22 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
ok, but what about things ? are things an illusion ?
The Starmaker
2016-04-19 22:38:16 UTC
Post by Sergio
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
ok, but what about things ? are things an illusion ?
well of course! Name any ...thing.
2016-04-19 22:44:58 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sergio
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
ok, but what about things ? are things an illusion ?
well of course! Name any ...thing.
Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton

very illusive
The Starmaker
2016-04-20 02:20:36 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
Okay..lets put Time aside for the moment..

Hows space an illusion??
The Starmaker
2016-04-20 21:39:22 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
Okay..lets put Time aside for the moment..
Hows space an illusion??
First you need to understand
what space is made of.

The space a fish
swims around in is
no different from
the space earthlings
travel in...

they are both
made of something.

Space is made of
very little particles.

very little.

Do you know how "vey little" I'm talking about??
The Starmaker
2016-04-22 06:56:56 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
Okay..lets put Time aside for the moment..
Hows space an illusion??
First you need to understand
what space is made of.
The space a fish
swims around in is
no different from
the space earthlings
travel in...
they are both
made of something.
Space is made of
very little particles.
very little.
Do you know how "vey little" I'm talking about??
Let me put it a differently..

Remove time from the equation
(it's an illusion anyway)

Also remove Space from the equation..

(another illusion)

What are you left with? All the stars and planets..
and everything holding it together...which is what
you people call today..Gravity.

What does Gravity have to do with anything else????

How about...Electricity? Whats the connection?? There is none.
The Starmaker
2016-04-22 19:09:16 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
Okay..lets put Time aside for the moment..
Hows space an illusion??
First you need to understand
what space is made of.
The space a fish
swims around in is
no different from
the space earthlings
travel in...
they are both
made of something.
Space is made of
very little particles.
very little.
Do you know how "vey little" I'm talking about??
Let me put it a differently..
Remove time from the equation
(it's an illusion anyway)
Also remove Space from the equation..
(another illusion)
What are you left with? All the stars and planets..
and everything holding it together...which is what
you people call today..Gravity.
What does Gravity have to do with anything else????
How about...Electricity? Whats the connection?? There is none.
In other words...

yous science girls
have this space and time confused with Gravity.

Space and Time is just an illusion projected by Gravity.

What is Dark Matter? It's Gravity stupid!
The Starmaker
2016-04-24 22:58:58 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
Okay..lets put Time aside for the moment..
Hows space an illusion??
First you need to understand
what space is made of.
The space a fish
swims around in is
no different from
the space earthlings
travel in...
they are both
made of something.
Space is made of
very little particles.
very little.
Do you know how "vey little" I'm talking about??
Let me put it a differently..
Remove time from the equation
(it's an illusion anyway)
Also remove Space from the equation..
(another illusion)
What are you left with? All the stars and planets..
and everything holding it together...which is what
you people call today..Gravity.
What does Gravity have to do with anything else????
How about...Electricity? Whats the connection?? There is none.
In other words...
yous science girls
have this space and time confused with Gravity.
Space and Time is just an illusion projected by Gravity.
What is Dark Matter? It's Gravity stupid!
let me put it this way..

if you believe Time flows
then Space also flows.

That which you call
gravitional waves
is actually
time and space flowing...

but since
time and space
doesn't exist..
then it's
gravity flowing...

and the earth
is flowing
on the surface waves
of gravity.

you probabby have eight or nine
balls floating on the ocean.
Sylvia Else
2016-04-20 09:31:51 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?

The Starmaker
2016-04-20 18:48:05 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
Sylvia Else
2016-04-21 02:27:35 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.

So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.

2016-04-21 04:10:16 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.

Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.

How can this be? Well as you say it's all about "perception". Like the
people in Plato's cave let us suppose that your perception of events
(reality) is entirely due to your consciousness. You consciousness is
observing shadows on the cave wall that you take to be reality. Only
that doesn't fit well with our experience of "reality". So let's
"improve" Plato's idea and instead of sitting and observing life go by
on the cave wall, say all of the universe INCLUDING all possible
effects, events and things that COULD happen are cast into a huge...well
we knew Hollywood physics would enter in, right?...Matrix!

When you experience "time" in truth your consciousness is experiencing a
VELOCITY over the matrix. Your "past" is the path your consciousness
took, through the matrix up to now. The present is the location where
your consciousness is presently located and the future is innumerable
paths your consciousness COULD take from the present point. Note that
since the start of the future path must be the present point, MANY paths
are available but most are not. Jumps we presume are not allowed.

Thus, one can say, there is NO time, it is all ONE time and there is no
space, it is all ONE space! And it becomes obvious that the past is
fixed (it is the path you took!) And the future is not (many paths
available). However if we apply Newton's laws we see that any path from
the past will tend to move forward on a given trajectory unless acted
upon by a FORCE. And that force would be Mind or what is termed "will".
Hence ability to get outside of causality (coasting) is termed free will.

It's all so simple, Sylivia, I wonder why nobody "gets" it?
The Starmaker
2016-04-21 04:26:55 UTC
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
How can this be? Well as you say it's all about "perception". Like the
people in Plato's cave let us suppose that your perception of events
(reality) is entirely due to your consciousness. You consciousness is
observing shadows on the cave wall that you take to be reality. Only
that doesn't fit well with our experience of "reality". So let's
"improve" Plato's idea and instead of sitting and observing life go by
on the cave wall, say all of the universe INCLUDING all possible
effects, events and things that COULD happen are cast into a huge...well
we knew Hollywood physics would enter in, right?...Matrix!
When you experience "time" in truth your consciousness is experiencing a
VELOCITY over the matrix. Your "past" is the path your consciousness
took, through the matrix up to now. The present is the location where
your consciousness is presently located and the future is innumerable
paths your consciousness COULD take from the present point. Note that
since the start of the future path must be the present point, MANY paths
are available but most are not. Jumps we presume are not allowed.
Thus, one can say, there is NO time, it is all ONE time and there is no
space, it is all ONE space! And it becomes obvious that the past is
fixed (it is the path you took!) And the future is not (many paths
available). However if we apply Newton's laws we see that any path from
the past will tend to move forward on a given trajectory unless acted
upon by a FORCE. And that force would be Mind or what is termed "will".
Hence ability to get outside of causality (coasting) is termed free will.
It's all so simple, Sylivia, I wonder why nobody "gets" it?
the past is not fixed. if someone tells you your mother is not really
your real mother, your past changes. your real
mother no loger exist in your past...anyone can change your
past...events are always changing.

What doesn't change is that you seem to be Wrong consistently.
2016-04-21 04:44:48 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
How can this be? Well as you say it's all about "perception". Like the
people in Plato's cave let us suppose that your perception of events
(reality) is entirely due to your consciousness. You consciousness is
observing shadows on the cave wall that you take to be reality. Only
that doesn't fit well with our experience of "reality". So let's
"improve" Plato's idea and instead of sitting and observing life go by
on the cave wall, say all of the universe INCLUDING all possible
effects, events and things that COULD happen are cast into a huge...well
we knew Hollywood physics would enter in, right?...Matrix!
When you experience "time" in truth your consciousness is experiencing a
VELOCITY over the matrix. Your "past" is the path your consciousness
took, through the matrix up to now. The present is the location where
your consciousness is presently located and the future is innumerable
paths your consciousness COULD take from the present point. Note that
since the start of the future path must be the present point, MANY paths
are available but most are not. Jumps we presume are not allowed.
Thus, one can say, there is NO time, it is all ONE time and there is no
space, it is all ONE space! And it becomes obvious that the past is
fixed (it is the path you took!) And the future is not (many paths
available). However if we apply Newton's laws we see that any path from
the past will tend to move forward on a given trajectory unless acted
upon by a FORCE. And that force would be Mind or what is termed "will".
Hence ability to get outside of causality (coasting) is termed free will.
It's all so simple, Sylivia, I wonder why nobody "gets" it?
the past is not fixed. if someone tells you your mother is not really
your real mother, your past changes. your real
mother no loger exist in your past...anyone can change your
past...events are always changing.
What doesn't change is that you seem to be Wrong consistently.
Starfaker, you are a lib idiot like HVAC. Reality is not your fantasies.
HVAC has been invited to jump off a building to "prove" this theory that
gravity is not a force. And you are invited to perform similar
experiments to prove that reality is only what you imagine it to be. You
have been an idiot in the past and that can never be changed even if you
actually were to grow a brain at some point.

Why don't you go play trolling the atheists or something while we adults
are talking?
The Starmaker
2016-04-21 06:11:50 UTC
Post by benj
Post by The Starmaker
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
How can this be? Well as you say it's all about "perception". Like the
people in Plato's cave let us suppose that your perception of events
(reality) is entirely due to your consciousness. You consciousness is
observing shadows on the cave wall that you take to be reality. Only
that doesn't fit well with our experience of "reality". So let's
"improve" Plato's idea and instead of sitting and observing life go by
on the cave wall, say all of the universe INCLUDING all possible
effects, events and things that COULD happen are cast into a huge...well
we knew Hollywood physics would enter in, right?...Matrix!
When you experience "time" in truth your consciousness is experiencing a
VELOCITY over the matrix. Your "past" is the path your consciousness
took, through the matrix up to now. The present is the location where
your consciousness is presently located and the future is innumerable
paths your consciousness COULD take from the present point. Note that
since the start of the future path must be the present point, MANY paths
are available but most are not. Jumps we presume are not allowed.
Thus, one can say, there is NO time, it is all ONE time and there is no
space, it is all ONE space! And it becomes obvious that the past is
fixed (it is the path you took!) And the future is not (many paths
available). However if we apply Newton's laws we see that any path from
the past will tend to move forward on a given trajectory unless acted
upon by a FORCE. And that force would be Mind or what is termed "will".
Hence ability to get outside of causality (coasting) is termed free will.
It's all so simple, Sylivia, I wonder why nobody "gets" it?
the past is not fixed. if someone tells you your mother is not really
your real mother, your past changes. your real
mother no loger exist in your past...anyone can change your
past...events are always changing.
What doesn't change is that you seem to be Wrong consistently.
Starfaker, you are a lib idiot like HVAC. Reality is not your fantasies.
HVAC has been invited to jump off a building to "prove" this theory that
gravity is not a force. And you are invited to perform similar
experiments to prove that reality is only what you imagine it to be. You
have been an idiot in the past and that can never be changed even if you
actually were to grow a brain at some point.
Why don't you go play trolling the atheists or something while we adults
are talking?
Gravity is not a force. It is too weak to be a force. What Gravity is..
it's minus time, minus space. Gravity is the fabric of space...
Gary Harnagel
2016-04-21 16:32:10 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Gravity is not a force. It is too weak to be a force. What Gravity is..
it's minus time, minus space. Gravity is the fabric of space...
Baloney. Gravity is caused by gravitons, just like em is caused by photons.
The Starmaker
2016-04-22 06:47:58 UTC
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Gravity is not a force. It is too weak to be a force. What Gravity is..
it's minus time, minus space. Gravity is the fabric of space...
Baloney. Gravity is caused by gravitons, just like em is caused by photons.
I'm back to giving English lessons again...

plural noun: gravitons

a *hypothetical* quantum of gravitational energy, regarded as a particle.


not real : imagined as an example

I understand really...you science guys Love science class soo much you say "Fuck the rest of skool classes!"

You guys say to yourselves..."I'M A FUCKIN GENIUS, I DON'T NEED TO LEARN STUPID ENGLISH!!!!"

Yous forgot to learn how to read...

(science words are the easiest words to spell in the English language, have you noticed?)

(there's a reason why that is...yous science guys canot fucking spel!)

(yous cannot read english, yous cannot spell english, yous cannot even talk english correctly!)

(and i'm talking about yous born in the united states!!!)
Gary Harnagel
2016-04-22 12:39:44 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Gravity is not a force. It is too weak to be a force. What Gravity is..
it's minus time, minus space. Gravity is the fabric of space...
Baloney. Gravity is caused by gravitons, just like em is caused by photons.
I'm back to giving English lessons again...
plural noun: gravitons
a *hypothetical* quantum of gravitational energy, regarded as a particle.
not real : imagined as an example
I guess I'm going to have to give you some science lessons:


"Everyone who has ever taken a science class knows the word "hypothesis,"
which means an idea, or a guess, that you are going to test through an
experiment. A hypothetical is related to that. It means something based on
an informed guess."

And since you are uninformed, your opinions are worthless.

"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed
opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant." -- Harlan Ellison

[Stupid rant deleted for sanitary reasons]
The Starmaker
2016-04-22 18:57:34 UTC
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Gravity is not a force. It is too weak to be a force. What Gravity is..
it's minus time, minus space. Gravity is the fabric of space...
Baloney. Gravity is caused by gravitons, just like em is caused by photons.
I'm back to giving English lessons again...
plural noun: gravitons
a *hypothetical* quantum of gravitational energy, regarded as a particle.
not real : imagined as an example
"Everyone who has ever taken a science class knows the word "hypothesis,"
which means an idea, or a guess, that you are going to test through an
experiment. A hypothetical is related to that. It means something based on
an informed guess."
And since you are uninformed, your opinions are worthless.
The definitions of "graviton" and "hypothetical" are not my opinions,
they are in fact defintions by
merriam-webster and google defintions database.

And I did not post the word "hypothesis,", or gave it's definition, that
was you, a switcheroo...you cannot be trusted.

your opinions are worthless now, and forever!
Gary Harnagel
2016-04-22 21:20:19 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
"Everyone who has ever taken a science class knows the word "hypothesis,"
which means an idea, or a guess, that you are going to test through an
experiment. A hypothetical is related to that. It means something based on
an informed guess."
And since you are uninformed, your opinions are worthless.
The definitions of "graviton" and "hypothetical" are not my opinions,
they are in fact defintions by
merriam-webster and google defintions database.
Just goes to show that you're using the wrong definitions.
Post by The Starmaker
And I did not post the word "hypothesis,", or gave it's definition, that
was you, a switcheroo...you cannot be trusted.
Really? You believe that "hypothesis" and hypothetical" have two different
etymological roots?
Post by The Starmaker
your opinions are worthless now, and forever!
For someone like you who is anti-science, your scientific opinions are
indeed worthless.
The Starmaker
2016-04-25 05:55:38 UTC
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
"Everyone who has ever taken a science class knows the word "hypothesis,"
which means an idea, or a guess, that you are going to test through an
experiment. A hypothetical is related to that. It means something based on
an informed guess."
And since you are uninformed, your opinions are worthless.
The definitions of "graviton" and "hypothetical" are not my opinions,
they are in fact defintions by
merriam-webster and google defintions database.
Just goes to show that you're using the wrong definitions.
Post by The Starmaker
And I did not post the word "hypothesis,", or gave it's definition, that
was you, a switcheroo...you cannot be trusted.
Really? You believe that "hypothesis" and hypothetical" have two different
etymological roots?
"etymological roots"???? that's all Greek to me...cause it ain't English

No exact match found for “"etymological roots"” in US English


Saying "etymological roots" in the same sentence is... Redundant.


I don't allow redundancies in my threads..

it's Redundant.

"saying the same thing twice"

Learn English...or at least the use of the English language.
Gary Harnagel
2016-04-25 12:57:51 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
"Everyone who has ever taken a science class knows the word
"hypothesis," which means an idea, or a guess, that you are going
to test through an experiment. A hypothetical is related to that.
It means something based on an informed guess."
And since you are uninformed, your opinions are worthless.
The definitions of "graviton" and "hypothetical" are not my opinions,
they are in fact defintions by merriam-webster and google defintions
Just goes to show that you're using the wrong definitions.
Post by The Starmaker
And I did not post the word "hypothesis,", or gave it's definition, that
was you, a switcheroo...you cannot be trusted.
Really? You believe that "hypothesis" and hypothetical" have two different
etymological roots?
"etymological roots"???? that's all Greek to me...cause it ain't English
No exact match found for ""etymological roots"" in US English
Saying "etymological roots" in the same sentence is... Redundant.
I don't allow redundancies in my threads..
it's Redundant.
"saying the same thing twice"
Learn English...or at least the use of the English language.
Wow! You didn't even look up the ROOT word of "etymological"? You apparently
were able to find it anyway because you said "etymological root" was
redundant. I could have just wrote "etymology" but sometimes redundancy is
a good thing, like four atomic clocks in each GPS space vehicle.

Trust someone with ADHD to ignore the message and focus on irrelevant details.
The message was "hypothesis" and "hypothetical" have the same ETYMOLOGY, but
I used redundancy because I figured, from all of your previous posts, that
you were a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
The Starmaker
2016-04-26 06:29:02 UTC
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
"Everyone who has ever taken a science class knows the word
"hypothesis," which means an idea, or a guess, that you are going
to test through an experiment. A hypothetical is related to that.
It means something based on an informed guess."
And since you are uninformed, your opinions are worthless.
The definitions of "graviton" and "hypothetical" are not my opinions,
they are in fact defintions by merriam-webster and google defintions
Just goes to show that you're using the wrong definitions.
Post by The Starmaker
And I did not post the word "hypothesis,", or gave it's definition, that
was you, a switcheroo...you cannot be trusted.
Really? You believe that "hypothesis" and hypothetical" have two different
etymological roots?
"etymological roots"???? that's all Greek to me...cause it ain't English
No exact match found for ""etymological roots"" in US English
Saying "etymological roots" in the same sentence is... Redundant.
I don't allow redundancies in my threads..
it's Redundant.
"saying the same thing twice"
Learn English...or at least the use of the English language.
Wow! You didn't even look up the ROOT word of "etymological"? You apparently
were able to find it anyway because you said "etymological root" was
redundant. I could have just wrote "etymology" but sometimes redundancy is
a good thing, like four atomic clocks in each GPS space vehicle.
Since when is "redundancy" useful????

noun: redundancy

the state of being not or no longer needed or useful.

Since when is something that is no longer needed or useful...useful???

It's Redundant.
Gary Harnagel
2016-04-26 14:26:37 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
Wow! You didn't even look up the ROOT word of "etymological"? You
apparently were able to find it anyway because you said "etymological
root" was redundant. I could have just wrote "etymology" but sometimes
redundancy is a good thing, like four atomic clocks in each GPS space
Since when is "redundancy" useful????
So what is it about FAILURE mechanisms that you don't understand? In
the case of space vehicles it is VERY important, and in the case of
people communicating it is also important to prevent misunderstanding.
Post by The Starmaker
noun: redundancy
the state of being not or no longer needed or useful.
Since when is something that is no longer needed or useful...useful???
It's Redundant.
Once again you fail to use correct definitions. This is a science group.
People are expected to have some amount of scientific understanding. For
people like you who have none at all, learn some science:

The Starmaker
2016-04-26 18:58:20 UTC
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
Wow! You didn't even look up the ROOT word of "etymological"? You
apparently were able to find it anyway because you said "etymological
root" was redundant. I could have just wrote "etymology" but sometimes
redundancy is a good thing, like four atomic clocks in each GPS space
Since when is "redundancy" useful????
So what is it about FAILURE mechanisms that you don't understand?
I don't understand who was talking about..."FAILURE mechanisms"?

are you talking in your sleep? or is this another ...switcherooo??

Every one knows already you cannot be trusted...too much switcherooos.
Gary Harnagel
2016-04-26 20:35:30 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Since when is "redundancy" useful????
So what is it about FAILURE mechanisms that you don't understand?
I don't understand who was talking about..."FAILURE mechanisms"?
When a scientists talks about redundancy, it means something quite
different from the definition you posted. Redundancy is enshrined in
physics itself: any result must be repeated by a peer.
Post by The Starmaker
are you talking in your sleep? or is this another ...switcherooo??
I think you may not have awoke yet :-)
Post by The Starmaker
Every one knows already you cannot be trusted...too much switcherooos.
They're not switcheroos to those knowledgeable in the technical field.
In fact, one may say that YOU are the one who can't be trusted because
you (1) are not knowledgeable in the field and (2) balk when someone
points this out to you.

"Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn."
-- Benjamin Franklin
Sylvia Else
2016-04-21 05:17:44 UTC
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
Just because one doesn't see the entirety of something doesn't mean it's
an illusion. At the moment, I can only see the front side of my monitor,
and part of its supporting base. There's no illusion there either.

The Starmaker
2016-04-21 05:56:46 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
Just because one doesn't see the entirety of something doesn't mean it's
an illusion. At the moment, I can only see the front side of my monitor,
and part of its supporting base. There's no illusion there either.
If you don't see "the entirety"...it's not only an illusion you see,
it's also a lie you're seeing.
2016-04-21 06:00:57 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
Just because one doesn't see the entirety of something doesn't mean it's
an illusion. At the moment, I can only see the front side of my monitor,
and part of its supporting base. There's no illusion there either.
Are you sure the back side of your monitor doesn't disappear if you
aren't looking at it?

If you watch a movie on your monitor you only see the "now" of what
appears to you as the "present" in the story. But in fact the entire
story that takes 2 hours for you to watch unfold is already in existence
in a file on your disk. So in essence the "time" that exists while you
"experience" the action is an illusion. It's all ONE time as Rolf or
someone here pointed out some time ago. It's the difference between
parallel and series.

Has nothing to do with the front or base of your monitor.
Sylvia Else
2016-04-21 10:52:19 UTC
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
Just because one doesn't see the entirety of something doesn't mean it's
an illusion. At the moment, I can only see the front side of my monitor,
and part of its supporting base. There's no illusion there either.
Are you sure the back side of your monitor doesn't disappear if you
aren't looking at it?
I use a model of reality in which the back of the monitor continues to
exist. So far, the model hasn't let me down.
Post by benj
If you watch a movie on your monitor you only see the "now" of what
appears to you as the "present" in the story. But in fact the entire
story that takes 2 hours for you to watch unfold is already in existence
in a file on your disk. So in essence the "time" that exists while you
"experience" the action is an illusion.
It's registered by a clock.
Post by benj
It's all ONE time as Rolf or
someone here pointed out some time ago. It's the difference between
parallel and series.
I think you're redefining the word, which isn't helpful.

2016-04-21 15:23:56 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
Just because one doesn't see the entirety of something doesn't mean it's
an illusion. At the moment, I can only see the front side of my monitor,
and part of its supporting base. There's no illusion there either.
Are you sure the back side of your monitor doesn't disappear if you
aren't looking at it?
I use a model of reality in which the back of the monitor continues to
exist. So far, the model hasn't let me down.
Post by benj
If you watch a movie on your monitor you only see the "now" of what
appears to you as the "present" in the story. But in fact the entire
story that takes 2 hours for you to watch unfold is already in existence
in a file on your disk. So in essence the "time" that exists while you
"experience" the action is an illusion.
It's registered by a clock.
It's registered by how clocks appear to you. either the one on the wall
or the one linked to the movie.
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
It's all ONE time as Rolf or
someone here pointed out some time ago. It's the difference between
parallel and series.
I think you're redefining the word, which isn't helpful.
A key to science is imagination and analogs. Which word is the ONE I'm
redefining? Series or Parallel?
Sylvia Else
2016-04-23 03:25:41 UTC
Post by benj
A key to science is imagination and analogs. Which word is the ONE I'm
redefining? Series or Parallel?

2016-04-23 05:14:10 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by benj
A key to science is imagination and analogs. Which word is the ONE I'm
redefining? Series or Parallel?
All sensory experience is an illusion, Sylvia.

We'll wait right here while you explain why that is.
Sylvia Else
2016-04-23 05:32:46 UTC
Post by benj
Post by The Starmaker
Post by benj
A key to science is imagination and analogs. Which word is the ONE I'm
redefining? Series or Parallel?
All sensory experience is an illusion, Sylvia.
We'll wait right here while you explain why that is.
As I said, you're redefining the word. Doing so in a way that
encompasses all sensory experience renders the word useless.

2016-04-23 06:19:53 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
Post by The Starmaker
Post by benj
A key to science is imagination and analogs. Which word is the ONE I'm
redefining? Series or Parallel?
All sensory experience is an illusion, Sylvia.
We'll wait right here while you explain why that is.
As I said, you're redefining the word. Doing so in a way that
encompasses all sensory experience renders the word useless.
Since the word is now useless I guess this discussion is over.
The Starmaker
2016-04-24 22:52:45 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
Just because one doesn't see the entirety of something doesn't mean it's
an illusion. At the moment, I can only see the front side of my monitor,
and part of its supporting base. There's no illusion there either.
It's a blurred illusion.
The Starmaker
2016-04-25 05:35:46 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
Just because one doesn't see the entirety of something doesn't mean it's
an illusion. At the moment, I can only see the front side of my monitor,
and part of its supporting base. There's no illusion there either.
It's a blurred illusion.

so Time is an illusion.

Time doesn't exist.

The past

doesn't exist.

The future

doesn't exist.

That leaves us

with the Present.

Does the Present exist..now?

Here and now?

Right here?

I'm here right now...

where are you at?

You're not Here..

you're over there!

If you say you're here..

i say, No..you're over there..

you're not here..i'm here.

What time is it Now?
The Starmaker
2016-04-26 06:36:49 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
Just because one doesn't see the entirety of something doesn't mean it's
an illusion. At the moment, I can only see the front side of my monitor,
and part of its supporting base. There's no illusion there either.
It's a blurred illusion.
so Time is an illusion.
Time doesn't exist.
The past
doesn't exist.
The future
doesn't exist.
That leaves us
with the Present.
Does the Present exist..now?
Here and now?
Right here?
I'm here right now...
where are you at?
You're not Here..
you're over there!
If you say you're here..
i say, No..you're over there..
you're not here..i'm here.
What time is it Now?
The past doesn't exist
The future doesn't exist
The present doesn't exist.

The theory of relativity is not about Time
The theory of relativity is not about Space
The theory of relativity is about Gravity...

it's about the stuff that holds everything together.

time doesn't hold everything together and neither does space..cause
neither one exist.

So, if you put Gravity in a bottle
and you light a match to it...
what happens?

Does it turn red or does it turn blue??
Gary Harnagel
2016-04-26 14:29:01 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
The theory of relativity is not about Time
False. Special relativity IS about time:

The Starmaker
2016-04-26 18:53:05 UTC
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
The theory of relativity is not about Time
My mistake...i forgot, you need explanation because there are more than one theory of relativity, and you
have differculty figuring out which one it is. It's general one, not the special one.

If you do a google search (or in your case a world wide web search)
for the theory of relativity einstein

The first one that is on top is...The General Theory of Relativity.

The other one you brought up is called Special Relatvity, but that doesn't count because Time doesn't exist. And spacetime
doesn't exist. So, you need to diregard the first one and focus on the second one. The first one goes in the garbage.

So the question is...

If you put Gravity in a bottle
and you light a match to it...
what happens?

Does it turn red or does it turn blue??
Post by Gary Harnagel
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
It's difficult to attach any meaning to things Starfaker posts, but
nevertheless the question is a valid one.
Can you imagine a situation where time is an Illusion? What does that
mean. Well, it would mean that in your PERCEPTION events would progress
and develop to your perception from the past to the present to the
future. But since it's an illusion, it would mean that in truth nothing
is changing at all and all events and seeming actions are perpetually
fixed and immutable.
Just because one doesn't see the entirety of something doesn't mean it's
an illusion. At the moment, I can only see the front side of my monitor,
and part of its supporting base. There's no illusion there either.
It's a blurred illusion.
so Time is an illusion.
Time doesn't exist.
The past
doesn't exist.
The future
doesn't exist.
That leaves us
with the Present.
Does the Present exist..now?
Here and now?
Right here?
I'm here right now...
where are you at?
You're not Here..
you're over there!
If you say you're here..
i say, No..you're over there..
you're not here..i'm here.
What time is it Now?
The past doesn't exist
The future doesn't exist
The present doesn't exist.
The theory of relativity is not about Time
The theory of relativity is not about Space
The theory of relativity is about Gravity...
it's about the stuff that holds everything together.
time doesn't hold everything together and neither does space..cause
neither one exist.
So, if you put Gravity in a bottle
and you light a match to it...
what happens?
Does it turn red or does it turn blue??
The Starmaker
2016-04-26 21:49:05 UTC
what you people don't understand is...

Einstein made a mistake when he came out with the first
theory of relativity..
he corrected it with the second theory of relativity.

The first one is based on Philosophy..

The second one is based on Physics.

Answer this question...Which theory of relativity is Albert Einstein's greatest work, the first one, or the second one?
The Starmaker
2016-04-27 07:07:23 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
what you people don't understand is...
Einstein made a mistake when he came out with the first
theory of relativity..
he corrected it with the second theory of relativity.
The first one is based on Philosophy..
The second one is based on Physics.
Answer this question...Which theory of relativity is Albert Einstein's greatest work, the first one, or the second one?
tough question, eh?

How about
Which theory of relativity does einstein thoughts go with...the people (philosophy) one or the other one?

"twins paradox"

if a man falls freely, he does not feel his own weight.

“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”.

Even Einstein himself would admit Time is an illusion...that would make his first theory...an illusion.

It's possible..that Einstein didn't learn physics until *after* his first theory. He first learn Kant...then learn Newton, right?

Kant is the first theory
Newton is the second theory.

if a man falls freely, he does not *feel* his own weight.

Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it *seems* like a minute.

This is Philosophy, not Physics.

When are you ever going to learn?

The Starmaker

3rd person present: seems

give the impression or sensation of being something.

verb: feel; 3rd person present: feels; past tense: felt; past participle: felt; gerund or present participle: feeling

experience (an emotion or sensation).
The Starmaker
2016-04-28 18:08:39 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
what you people don't understand is...
Einstein made a mistake when he came out with the first
theory of relativity..
he corrected it with the second theory of relativity.
The first one is based on Philosophy..
The second one is based on Physics.
Answer this question...Which theory of relativity is Albert Einstein's greatest work, the first one, or the second one?
tough question, eh?
How about
Which theory of relativity does einstein thoughts go with...the people (philosophy) one or the other one?
"twins paradox"
if a man falls freely, he does not feel his own weight.
“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”.
Even Einstein himself would admit Time is an illusion...that would make his first theory...an illusion.
It's possible..that Einstein didn't learn physics until *after* his first theory. He first learn Kant...then learn Newton, right?
Kant is the first theory
Newton is the second theory.
if a man falls freely, he does not *feel* his own weight.
Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it *seems* like a minute.
This is Philosophy, not Physics.
When are you ever going to learn?
The Starmaker
3rd person present: seems
give the impression or sensation of being something.
verb: feel; 3rd person present: feels; past tense: felt; past participle: felt; gerund or present participle: feeling
experience (an emotion or sensation).
Now,after einstein came up with the first theory, it took him ten years
to come up with the second theory...

What was he doing in those ten yers? Probably tryin to learn
physics...and math....finally he came upon, Newton.

What is the connection between Newton and einstein's second theory?
The Starmaker
2016-04-21 04:28:42 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
The reality is...it's an illusion.
2016-04-21 04:45:36 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
The reality is...it's an illusion.
The reality, Starfaker, is your intelligence is an illusion.
The Starmaker
2016-04-21 06:18:56 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
What are you on?
Is time an illusion, Mrs. Else?
An illusion is perceptual process that causes something to have an
appearance that differs significantly from its reality.
So, your name Sylvia differs significantly from its reality...
Post by Sylvia Else
So it is difficult to attach any real meaning to your question.
If time is an illusion...spacetime is an illusion. You cannot seperate
space from time.

So, space and time don't exist.
2016-04-20 10:31:10 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
No, they're not. You can see an illusion, but
You've never seen time or space.
The Starmaker
2016-04-20 18:46:09 UTC
Post by m***@wp.pl
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
No, they're not. You can see an illusion, but
You've never seen time or space.
"You can see an illusion"????

noun: perception; plural noun: perceptions

the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.

noun: illusion; plural noun: illusions

a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.

I'm trying to give physics lessons, but I find myself having to constantly give English lessons...

you guys in the science class skip all the other courses in skool...probably gym too!
The Starmaker
2016-04-21 04:31:33 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by m***@wp.pl
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
No, they're not. You can see an illusion, but
You've never seen time or space.
"You can see an illusion"????
noun: perception; plural noun: perceptions
the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
noun: illusion; plural noun: illusions
a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.
What's the difference between "seeing" and "perceiving"?
"the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the

a blind person can perceiving.
2016-04-21 04:47:25 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by m***@wp.pl
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
No, they're not. You can see an illusion, but
You've never seen time or space.
"You can see an illusion"????
noun: perception; plural noun: perceptions
the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
noun: illusion; plural noun: illusions
a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.
What's the difference between "seeing" and "perceiving"?
"the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the
a blind person can perceiving.
Are you REALLY this stooopid? What are you doing trying to post in a
science newsgroup? The "journalist", "media" and "Trekie" groups are
over there.
The Starmaker
2016-04-21 07:27:56 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Time AND Space is an Illusion.
and that's that!
any questions?
time and space are not an illusion
the y Circlon revolutionary idea
instead !!
space has no properties whatsoever
except hosting mass
mass is the main 'hero ' of all physics
That which you call 'curved spacetime' is actually curved gravity, which is what
the properties of space is made of.

Space is made of little particles smaller than any particles seen on earth.

To say "space has no properties whatsoever" is just the...illusion.

Just as a fish believes the world it swims in (water) has no properties whatsoever...