LIGO, Einstein's Relativity and Possible Fraud
(too old to reply)
Pentcho Valev
2016-02-09 08:03:37 UTC
"Physicists have for months been buzzing about the possible detection of gravitational waves -- a finding that would confirm one of the key predictions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. (...) But the rumoured signal could also be the result of a deliberate drill. Three members of the LIGO team have access to systems that can secretly nudge the mirrors and simulate all the hallmarks of an astrophysical phenomenon -- a procedure called a 'blind injection'. Only when researchers are ready to reveal that they have spotted something will the blind-injection team announce whether it has created a deliberate signal."

This is a fraud-generating system - science does not need any such conspiracies. Without surveillance by all LIGO members the 'blind injection' will almost certainly be abused sooner or later. The three almighty members could be descendants of the three original fraudsters - Eddington, Adams and Moore:

"Consider the case of astronomer Walter Adams. In 1925 he tested Einstein's theory of relativity by measuring the red shift of the binary companion of Sirius, brightest star in the sky. Einstein's theory predicted a red shift of six parts in a hundred thousand; Adams found just such an effect. A triumph for relativity. However, in 1971, with updated estimates of the mass and radius of Sirius, it was found that the predicted red shift should have been much larger - 28 parts in a hundred thousand. Later observations of the red shift did indeed measure this amount, showing that Adams' observations were flawed. He "saw" what he had expected to see."

"In January 1924 Arthur Eddington wrote to Walter S. Adams at the Mt. Wilson Observatory suggesting a measurement of the "Einstein shift" in Sirius B and providing an estimate of its magnitude. Adams' 1925 published results agreed remarkably well with Eddington's estimate. Initially this achievement was hailed as the third empirical test of General Relativity (after Mercury's anomalous perihelion advance and the 1919 measurement of the deflection of starlight). It has been known for some time that both Eddington's estimate and Adams' measurement underestimated the true Sirius B gravitational redshift by a factor of four."

"...Eddington asked Adams to attempt the measurement. (...) ...Adams reported an average differential redshift of nineteen kilometers per second, very nearly the predicted gravitational redshift. Eddington was delighted with the result... (...) In 1928 Joseph Moore at the Lick Observatory measured differences between the redshifts of Sirius and Sirius B... (...) ...the average was nineteen kilometers per second, precisely what Adams had reported. (...) More seriously damaging to the reputation of Adams and Moore is the measurement in the 1960s at Mount Wilson by Jesse Greenstein, J.Oke, and H.Shipman. They found a differential redshift for Sirius B of roughly eighty kilometers per second."

Jean-Marc Bonnet-Bidaud: "Le monde entier a cru pendant plus de cinquante ans à une théorie non vérifiée. Car, nous le savons aujourd'hui, les premières preuves, issues notamment d'une célèbre éclipse de 1919, n'en étaient pas. Elles reposaient en partie sur des manipulations peu avouables visant à obtenir un résultat connu à l'avance, et sur des mesures entachées d'incertitudes, quand il ne s'agissait pas de fraudes caractérisées. (...) Autour de l'étoile brillante Sirius, on découvre une petite étoile, Sirius B, à la fois très chaude et très faiblement lumineuse. Pour expliquer ces deux particularités, il faut supposer que l'étoile est aussi massive que le Soleil et aussi petite qu'une planète comme la Terre. C'est Eddington lui-même qui aboutit à cette conclusion dont il voit vite l'intérêt : avec de telles caractéristiques, ces naines blanches sont extrêmement denses et leur gravité très puissante. Le décalage vers le rouge de la gravitation est donc 100 fois plus élevé que sur le Soleil. Une occasion inespérée pour mesurer enfin quelque chose d'appréciable. Eddington s'adresse aussitôt à Walter Adams, directeur de l'observatoire du mont Wilson, en Californie, afin que le télescope de 2,5 m de diamètre Hooker entreprenne les vérifications. Selon ses estimations, basées sur une température de 8 000 degrés de Sirius B, mesurée par Adams lui-même, le décalage vers le rouge prédit par la relativité, en s'élevant à 20 km/s, devrait être facilement mesurable. Adams mobilise d'urgence le grand télescope et expose 28 plaques photographiques pour réaliser la mesure. Son rapport, publié le 18 mai 1925, est très confus car il mesure des vitesses allant de 2 à 33 km/s. Mais, par le jeu de corrections arbitraires dont personne ne comprendra jamais la logique, le décalage passe finalement à 21 km/s, plus tard corrigé à 19 km/s, et Eddington de conclure : "Les résultats peuvent être considérés comme fournissant une preuve directe de la validité du troisième test de la théorie de la relativité générale." Adams et Eddington se congratulent, ils viennent encore de "prouver" Einstein. Ce résultat, pourtant faux, ne sera pas remis en cause avant 1971. Manque de chance effectivement, la première mesure de température de Sirius B était largement inexacte : au lieu des 8 000 degrés envisagés par Eddington, l'étoile fait en réalité près de 30 000 degrés. Elle est donc beaucoup plus petite, sa gravité est plus intense et le décalage vers le rouge mesurable est de 89 km/s. C'est ce qu'aurait dû trouver Adams sur ses plaques s'il n'avait pas été "influencé" par le calcul erroné d'Eddington. L'écart est tellement flagrant que la suspicion de fraude a bien été envisagée."

Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2016-02-09 17:37:56 UTC
"In 2010, before LIGO had been upgraded to its present sensitivity, a textbook chirp that looked like two black holes colliding came through. The team drafted a paper and sent maps of where the signal may have come from to astronomers, who searched for a counterpart with other telescopes. There was just one problem: the signal was a fake deliberately injected into the data stream to make sure the team would be able to spot a real one. The dramatic opening of a sealed envelope revealed that fact to 300 team members in the room, with 100 more watching via a video link."

So initially the world was deceived but the three LIGO conspirators may have found the reaction too dangerous and in the end the fake was declared to be a fake. This time things may be different - no serious danger and the fake becomes... yes, truth:

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Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2016-02-09 20:29:05 UTC
Luboš Motl: "It's much more likely that it's a fake injection that someone pumped into the LIGO computers and forgot it, or masked it. ;-)

Both Washington and Louisiana are said to have seen several cycles of the orbiting chirp, plus even the ringdown afterwards. This is lots of features, and if the 2 detectors saw it with a reasonable delay after each other, comparable to 0.01 second (the wave arrived to one detector before the other one), it's virtually impossible for these signals not to have the cosmic origin."

Motl's first paragraph seems to be a joke but it should be taken more seriously than the second one. It is highly improbable for the so far totally elusive gravitational waves to suddenly become such a powerful source of information. And note that this information is about the behavior of black holes - equally elusive objects. In my view, it is virtually impossible for these signals not to have human ("fake injection") origin. Again, the money-spinner (Einstein's relativity) will be saved in a fraudulent way.

Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2016-02-10 17:53:18 UTC
LIGO's incredible organization: Three persons are entitled to fabricate a false signal and if they decide not to tell the truth, nobody, not even LIGO members, will ever reveal the fraud:

"But the rumoured signal could also be the result of a deliberate drill. Three members of the LIGO team have access to systems that can secretly nudge the mirrors and simulate all the hallmarks of an astrophysical phenomenon -- a procedure called a 'blind injection'. Only when researchers are ready to reveal that they have spotted something will the blind-injection team announce whether it has created a deliberate signal."

"After all the rumours over the past few months I certainly expect them to announce a detection at this point," said Alberto Sesana, a researcher at the University of Birmingham's Gravitational Wave Group. "We have to bear in mind that LIGO is one experiment and the only one that can detect such sources. If they claim to have detected gravitational waves, it cannot be confirmed by another instrument, and that is always an issue."

Pentcho Valev
Muddy Shoes
2016-02-10 18:22:18 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
LIGO's incredible organization: Three persons are entitled to fabricate
a false signal and if they decide not to tell the truth, nobody, not
Post by Pentcho Valev
"But the rumoured signal could also be the result of a deliberate
drill. Three members of the LIGO team have access to systems that can
secretly nudge the mirrors and simulate all the hallmarks of an
astrophysical phenomenon -- a procedure called a 'blind injection'.
Only when researchers are ready to reveal that they have spotted
something will the blind-injection team announce whether it has created
a deliberate signal."
Funny Practice. They are new beginners in Funny Practice.
Tom Roberts
2016-02-15 14:49:58 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
LIGO's incredible organization: Three persons are entitled to fabricate a
false signal and if they decide not to tell the truth, nobody, not even LIGO
members, will ever reveal the fraud: [...]
Valev assumes everybody else is a stupid and dishonest as he is.

He is wrong.

Note to readers: Pentcho Valev is among the most persistent idiots
around here. He has been repeating this nonsense for many years,
without any attempt to learn the subject he tries to write about.
I reply to him only occasionally, as a service to readers who may
not recognize his mistakes. He has proven himself to be unable
and unwilling to learn anything.

Tom Roberts
Céline Desirée Hedwig
2016-02-15 15:50:57 UTC
Post by Tom Roberts
Post by Pentcho Valev
LIGO's incredible organization: Three persons are entitled to fabricate
a false signal and if they decide not to tell the truth, nobody, not
even LIGO members, will ever reveal the fraud: [...]
Valev assumes everybody else is a stupid and dishonest as he is.
He is wrong.
Note to readers: Pentcho Valev is among the most persistent idiots
We disagree vehemently. As far I can see, Pentcho is a valuable lovely man
of science, keeping the world update with the crimes they chose to do in
Paul B. Andersen
2016-02-17 10:06:04 UTC
It doesn't help to change your name,
the trolling idiot is recognized anyway.

One can but wonder what kind of mental disturbance make
a person constantly change his name and write nonsense only.


Monique de Brabant
2016-02-17 18:35:52 UTC
Post by Paul B. Andersen
It doesn't help to change your name,
the trolling idiot is recognized anyway.
One can but wonder what kind of mental disturbance make a person
constantly change his name and write nonsense only.
plonk -- Paul https://paulba.no/
You may rather wish wonder about your seemingly putrid brain and own
mental disturbance. As we can see, your only purpose is to "plonk" random
people, which is off-topic and nobody else's business on what you do.
Adrian Ferent
2016-02-10 22:08:21 UTC
Einstein Gravitation theory vs. Ferent Gravitation theory!!!
Columbia University in New York City is hosting a "major" event the morning of Thursday February 11, 2016!
Einstein Gravitation theory: the speed of the gravitons = 3 × 10^8 m/s
Ferent Gravitation theory: the speed of the gravitons = 1.001762 × 10^17 m/s
Einstein Gravitation theory: LIGO has two L-shaped detectors that are run and monitored by a collaboration of more than 1,000 researchers from 15 nations, budget: millions of dollars.
Ferent Gravitation theory: 1 independent researcher - Adrian Ferent, budget 0$.
Einstein Gravitation theory: Gravitation is a distortion of space-time.
Ferent Gravitation theory: Gravitation is a force mediated by gravitons.
What do you think, Gravitation is a distortion or a force?
Who do you think is right Einstein or Ferent?

Gary Harnagel
2016-02-10 22:23:16 UTC
Post by Adrian Ferent
Einstein Gravitation theory vs. Ferent Gravitation theory!!!
Columbia University in New York City is hosting a "major" event the
morning of Thursday February 11, 2016!
Einstein Gravitation theory: the speed of the gravitons = 3 × 10^8 m/s
Ferent Gravitation theory: the speed of the gravitons = 1.001762 × 10^17 m/s
Einstein Gravitation theory: LIGO has two L-shaped detectors that are run
and monitored by a collaboration of more than 1,000 researchers from 15
nations, budget: millions of dollars.
And zero confirmation, but that might change tomorrow :-)
Post by Adrian Ferent
Ferent Gravitation theory: 1 independent researcher - Adrian Ferent, budget 0$.
And zero confirmation ... period.
Post by Adrian Ferent
Einstein Gravitation theory: Gravitation is a distortion of space-time.
Ferent Gravitation theory: Gravitation is a force mediated by gravitons.
What do you think, Gravitation is a distortion or a force?
Quantum gravity assumes it's a force, but it can be approximated by a
distortion of some sort of mathematical space-time.
Post by Adrian Ferent
Who do you think is right Einstein or Ferent?
Einstein is righter than Ferent.